The sexual escapades of Draco Malfoy

Author: Silver7772

Translator: James Black

Beta Reader: AsphyxiatedMuse (Thank you very very much!)


The morning after

As Harry awoke the next day around lunchtime, he needed a moment to realize where he was. Slowly, the memories of yesterday's events came back to him...

He remembered the fight with Malfoy, how he changed inwards until he realized that Malfoy wasn't so wrong afterall... Then the thing with Justin in the prefects' bathroom… Harry grinned as he thought about it. And then his discussion with Seamus in the Great Hall, the turmoil he arranged... and...finally... Malfoy...

Damn, MALFOY! Suddenly, all memories of last night ran through his head. His very unusual "talk" with Malfoy, the provocation...

And then that sentence...

"I dream about the expression on your face, as you cum with my cock deep inside you and you screaming my name and begging me not to stop shagging you insane!"

That sentence had turned off Harry's brain. It made him unable to think and against all resolutions, he'd wanted one thing: Malfoy!

Carefully, Harry felt around the bed, just to find out that Malfoy was already gone. Well, it was better this way. It would be a very awkwarded situation to wake up next to Malfoy after what happened last night.

Grinning, Harry stood up and began to pack his clothes. Today he would leave the hospital wing, which meant he had to go to classes after lunch. But even the thought of double potions with Snape couldn't change his mood. After a glance at his watch he noticed that he had just 15 minutes to get ready. Damn, why didn't anyone wake him up? Quickly, he threw his books into his bag, wrapped his cloak around his shoulders and ran down to the dungeons.

He got lucky and was just in time. Ron and Hermione tried to pump him for information about yesterday's events. Harry didn't feel like telling them all the details, so he just smiled meaningfully and told them, "Seamus has to look after his boyfriend a lot better."

"Then it's true? About you and Justin?!" Ron's eyes widened. "And I thought it was just another stupid rumor!"

Harry just smiled at him while he glanced carefully at Malfoy who sat three seats infront of him. He wore his usual bored expression as Blaise whispered something into his ear.

The rest of the lesson continued more peacefully then ever. Ron and Hermione gave up asking him about Justin, Seamus ignored him completely, as well as Malfoy who, aware or unaware of what he was doing, avoided looking in his direction the whole time.

Moreover, Snape took not even fifty points from Gryffindor...

All in all, it was an ideal potions lesson.

Later that afternoon, he sat in the library with Ron and Hermione, but after a short time he got bored. He excused himself and went out to walk a few times around the lake...

He grinned, amused, as he saw Malfoy leaning against Blaise's shoulder, holding hands, sitting in the grass. Blaise intimately kissed Draco's neck, as the blonde closed his eyes and smiled.

"Merlin, how cute! Blaise, don't you want to introduce me to your girlfriend?"

Harry threw a fiery, provocative look at Draco as he came nearer.

"Jealous, Potter?" Also in Malfoy's eyes appeared a provocative glint as he slowly stood up.

"And what are you dreaming about at night?" Harry laughed.

Both couldn't hide a grin at these words. The last time Harry asked this question Malfoy's answer would have been "consequences of another type" that neither of them would forget soon. They noticed at the expression of the others' face, that they were thinking the same thing. They found it amusing.

"Don't bother me and go die, Potter" Malfoy found his voice at first and pulled Harry out of his thoughts.

"Fuck you, you little ferret!"

Part angry and part amused, they insulted each other for a few more moments with senseless vulgarities.

Suddenly, Harry had to laugh. "Wonderful; the same as ever, Malfoy!"

On Malfoy's face, too, appeared a little, friendly grin. "I nearly missed you, Potter!"

"So, everything will remain unaffected?" Harry looked at him interrogatively, even though he knew the answer.

"Everything remains unaffected!" Draco said and gave him the trademark Malfoy smile, before he stepped forward to Harry and whispered:

"Slytherin changing room, next Friday, seven p.m."

Malfoy grinned inscrutably, before he turned around and let himself fall into the grass next to Blaise, on whose shoulder he laid his head again.

Harry blinked barely at Draco and went away in direction of the Quidditch pitch to search for Justin...

All is changing and all is remaining the same!


End of the Sexual Excapades of Draco Malfoy!

Well, I want to thank all my readers, especially the ones who reviewed. I luv ya!

Then I want to thank my dictionary! XDD It really was a wonderful help laughs

And the biggest THANK YOU's to my Beta readers Mindy (Chapter1-8) and AsphyxiatedMuse (Chapter9-11)!


There is a sequel of this fanfiction. But i'm sorry to tell you that I don't translate it.

You can find the German orginal here:

www. fanfiktion. de/s/4534d4b000003ac5067007d0