Summary: Being a Maou isn't easy especially when Yuuri has a problem with staring (stalking?) at a certain someone. [Gwendal/Yuuri]

Disclaimers: Me own nothing, me poor.

Author's note: It's been too long~ I forgot about this story and decided to maybe continue on a bit, this is pretty fun to write XD;; By the gods! I write very strangely in the past! All those grammar problems are popping up here and there that I never noticed those years ago! :x But I am quite happy about it, this only means that my English skills have leveled up~! *insert Zelda found treasure sound* Although that doesn't necessarily mean I am better at writing right now, I just notice my mistakes more easily ^^;

Chapter 7:

I tried to pinch myself on the cheek hoping to dear god that this is all just a weird dream of mine, but of course the pain of my own pinch snapped me back into reality.

With her death grip, Anissina held me up to the mirror as I stare uncomfortably back at myself….

YES, I am wearing a god damn school girl uniform. With sailor suit and all, blue and white combo, and a super short skirt. I even have those loose school girl socks. Oh yes, and I also have 2 little pigtails on my head with lavishly pink ribbons to top it off.

My only saving grace were my boxers, I REFUSE to wear god damn girl undies.

"Your Majesty~~~! You look absolutely lavish….. adorable! This is going to be SUPER EFFECTIVE 333" Speechless, I don't know what else to say… Gotta catch em' all? Gwendal and Conrad I guess?

"Although… You need to wear this instead or it won't work properly." She held a pink frilly panty and stripped stockings at my face.

"These are special panties, an artifact even! Same with these stockings. Although I think only one of these is needed… It is said that these were once weapons of an angel." Why the hell would I want that!? This is the extent of my participation thank you very much!

But before I could even squeak a protest, she yank down my boxers without hesitation.

"? +#$&!"

"Now now, I am a woman of great wisdom, it's not like I have never seen this before."

I was too shocked to struggle, the boxer slipped off and in goes the panty like spaghetti is to meatball. Let's just pretend it didn't actually fit nicely and I didn't feel too discomforted wearing it.

"This is perfect! Now that the ugly boxer is gone, you look just like any regular school girl sister!" I don't know whether I should feel flattered or not. Anissina literally have sparkles coming out of her eyes. She then put the stockings away. "I don't think we will need these, the panty should do fine."

"Now! To test it!" Anissina clapped her hands.

"Wait… This hasn't been tested before?" I exclaimed.

"Of course not! Everyone refuses to do this for some reason, but you just happen to come by so you are the perfect candidate."

"So basically, this could pretty much be a regular school uniform that you forced me on and so if it doesn't work, I'm basically just wearing this for no reason!?"

"Don't be so negative, this is all for research! We don't know until we try!"

Why am I doing this again? Oh yes, to prevent the impending death caused by Conrad… Ah screw it! This better work!

"We'll have to try this on someone first!" Anissina grabbed my arms happily (the death grip shows no mercy!) and dragged me out of the lab.

We didn't wander too far until we came to a stop. The last person I want to see me in this right now stood before me, backs facing us, and I have nowhere to hide.

There stood Gunter von Christ in his finest, flowy hair that would be suit perfectly for a L'oreal shampoo commercial. Are those sparkles I see?

"Gunter! Perfect timing!" Anissina's sparkles seem to have crushed Gunter's.

He flapped his cape dramatically around to greet us, "Have you seen….", and that's when it happened. Due to seeing me in this state, Gunter turned into stone, maybe instead of a little sister, I have become a Medusa...

Anissina knocked on Gunter's stone face, then frowned disappointedly. "Hmmm, no reaction? I don't think it worked."

"Aha… I think it did in a way…" I muttered, but she ignored me.

"Maybe it needs to be in a different situation… Maybe I should…Hm…" Note the 'I', not 'we', this is all her ploy and I am her plaything. I also felt a bit sorry for Gunter, we spoke as if he was a decorative statue… Is this stone thing permanent?

These was a slight gust of breeze blowing through, that's when I realize I still have my super short skirts on as I tried to hold it down. This is sooooooooo embarrassing!

"Can we go to um, a more secluded place so no one else sees me in this?"

"Of course! I know just the place!" I don't think she was talking to me but herself.

She dragged me yet to another unknown. I avoided looking up hoping no one would recognize me, especially like this. I didn't care where we were going, as long as I don't make any eye contact, I would be safe (in my logic). The panties were uncomfortable too, I have a really bad wedgie right now.

As my mind was focused on my wedgie, I started to notice that the area was getting dark and musty. I finally dared to take a peek as soon as we came to a halt. Suddenly, I was pushed roughly inside a room. Only to notice that with a clank, I am now locked behind bars.

I grabbed onto the bars and yelled angrily. "What the hell!?"

"This is for your own good," She stated as a matter of fact, "in this state, your little sister-kun will be twice as effective since the 'help mode' will be turned on."

"What do you mean? Why did you even have to lock me up in here?!" I yelled frantically back.

"Right now you are in distress, which is perfect, it may take a while for this to take effect, so I will come back later…."

"You let me out this instant!" I demanded and pointed at her accusingly. I've had it, I wore this stupid uniform, pretty much got molested by her, and now she's locked me up in a cell. I reeeeeally want to strangle her right now.

"Now now, be reasonable here…"

The floor started to rumble. "What the…" We both paused as the ground continued to shake harder and harder.


The walls inside the cell came crashing down with a sinister air flowing in.

Within the debris, I can see a pair of eyes glowing brightly. And a ghostly growl exclaims.

"WHO DARES TO BULLY MY IMOUTO-KUN!" I fell to the ground in fear.

As the dust settles down, the figure clears out showing a very insane looking Conrad. He looked like a mad wolf waiting to lash out at any second! I have never seen him like that, EVER.

"Conrad…?" He acknowledged my voice by staring at me intently, but this was not the Conrad that I know, Conrad would never look so frightening, and his eye certainly does not glow.

"What the hell is wrong with him!?"

"Oh ho ho! The little sister-kun must be suuuuuuper effective! I think Conrad is berserk right now!" Why oh why does Anissina say that in a happy tone?

"Oh yeah, I forgot! To activate it, you're supposed to say ONII-CHAN! HELP ME!" Anissina yelled from the other side (the safe side) of the bars.

I didn't even question and yelled after her. "ONIICHAN! HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

Hearing my plea, Conrad made eye contact with me, yet the insane look did not go away. Although this time, he looked more angry than insane. As if something CLICKED.

"GRRRAAAAHHHHH!" What is this energy aura he is pushing out? Did he go super saiyan on me?

"Oh oops, that made it worse! But this is quite interesting…" She nods as she took out a notebook to start taking notes.

"Arg! What was the point of that! He looks like he's about to murder someone now!"

Conrad started to take a step towards me, I frantically scattered backwards until my back felt the cold cell bars.

"Anissina, let me out, NOW!"

I try to picture the nice happy Conrad face but it dosn't work. In front of me right now is this scary ass looking dude with glowing eyes and oh god I think he just turned blonde while shooting some evil energy aura shit out.

He reaches closer and closer, this does not seem like it will bode well for me. Arms out to shield myself, I shut my eyes waiting for the worse to come…

…Only to be met with a light pat on the head.

Curious, I looked up and saw Conrad patting me, ruffling my hair like he normally does.

Only thing is… his face is still in super saiyan mode, creeps the hell out of me. Is that drool coming down the corner of his mouth?

I did not dare to move an inch, what kind of effect did this uniform make him into! And yet, I am not too surprised that it could do this.

"Oh ho! What a good big brother you are~3" Anissina commented while taking notes, she seem to have unlocked the cell door by then. But as if on cue, his attention turned towards her as if he only just noticed her. His aggressive mood came back in an instant and he roared. I got out of the way instantly when he began to charge at her.

CLASH! BANG! Another smoke cloud formed.

As the air cleared, Anissina stood behind him without a scratch.

"Oh, so you want to play huh~3"

I should grab popcorn or something….. cause it seems like it's Anissina Versus Conrad time!

[END of chapter 7]

Author's note: wtf, my brain is weird, how do I come up with these things! Right, most of you probably already know this, but imouto = little sister, and onii-chan = big bro. Just for those who don't know.