Growing up Together
Hello, well this is a little fic that I thought of after being bored stiff like a log and reading something on . The idea came to me and now just so I can start another fic in my array of unfinished stories I decided to start it.
Disclaimer: I need to finish up some stories…
Summary: Throughout the years, relationships progress. It's not any different for Uesugi "Yuki" Eiri and Shindo Shuichi. Bit of Yaoi in some chapters. Rated just to be safe. Little chapter fic.
Edit: August 11th 2008
Chapter 1: 21 Things to Celebrate
It was that day once again. Eiri Uesugi had been planning this thing since the year before. Well at the time it wasn't anything concrete. Just little ideas here and there. He had made sure that everything would be perfect for this special day. It wasn't Christmas, it wasn't New Years, it was Shuichi's twenty-first birthday. The author found it hard to believe that they had been together for two years already. It sometimes felt as though it had all been a dream. So much had happened in so little time.
In the two years that they had been together, a lot had happened. Both of them had grown up considerably and they had learnt from their past mistakes. Now Eiri was more tolerant and Shuichi didn't cry as much. They weren't perfect but they were at a point where their faults were seen over.
Anyways, the author was checking the list one last time making sure that everything was done. The party was being held at Tohma's and Mika's house since his house was going under a major painting job. The cake had been brought to his sister's house earlier that morning by Hiro. K and Suguru had brought the decorations and had decorated the place. Mika and Tohma were taking care of the food and Ryuichi was in charge of entertainment. Eiri checked that everything was crossed off his list before heading to his brother in law's house. He was sure that he had everything. But the most important part had been forgotten.
Shuichi was at the studio waiting for Eiri to pick him up. Hiro couldn't drop him off since he had received an emergency call and had to leave ASAP. The others were already gone by that point and Hiro had told him that he had called up Eiri and told him to come and pick him up instead.
He was actually happy that Eiri was coming to pick him up. It was his birthday after all. He could just start imagining all the things Eiri might have planned for him this evening. He glanced at the clock and frowned, he should have been here by now.
Eiri made his way to his sister's house and parked his car in the parking lot. He exited his car and then he rung the doorbell twice. They had made a code so they would know when to hide and when to continue to do their normal chores. Twice was for a guest and once was for when Shuichi would be there. Tohma was the one who answered the door for him. Instead of getting the usual greeting from him he looked perplexed.
"I thought you were bringing Shuichi with you." The older man said. Eiri frowned.
"I thought Hiro was bringing him here." He said as calmly as possible. Of all the things he could forget for the party he had forgotten the one the party was for. He really was stupid at times.
"I told you to bring him here." Hiro said coming out of the kitchen.
"But the brat told me that you were picking him up." Eiri said. He was starting to lose his patience.
"That was the decoy! I was going to tell him that I was picking him up but then at the last minute I couldn't so you were going to pick him up. That way when you would bring him here it would look less suspicious if you were going to your sister's than if I was going to my friend's boyfriend's sister's house." Eiri smacked himself in the head. He picked up his keys and left to go and pick up Shuichi who was probably upset that he had been forgotten and the day of his birthday none the less.
He got to NG studios in a record five minutes and ran upstairs. No one was there. The only people left were the security guards. He ran passed them and he went to the fifth floor. He entered the recording studio and he found Shuichi sitting on the floor his back to the wall. Eiri skidded to a halt and sat next to him. When Shuichi felt a presence next to him he turned around and his eyes went wide with joy.
"YUKI! YOU CAME!" The younger man nearly choked his lover by hugging him so tightly. Eiri simply returned the hug.
"Of course I came, what kind of a stupid statement is that?" Shuichi looked at him and he could see a faint smile on his face and he smiled back.
"So, are you ready to go home?" Shuichi nodded eagerly and the two of them left. But before they left, Eiri wanted to spend a bit of time alone with Shuichi. After all, they wouldn't have any before late tonight.
"Happy birthday Shuichi." He whispered in his ear before kissing him tenderly. The singer was shocked by the bold gesture but he responded none the less. Sometimes he wished his birthday would come more often just to have Eiri act this way to him. He would take advantage of today as much as possible…
The drive back home was comfortable. Nothing was really said but there was no tension in the car. Just as they were about to take the exit to go to their house, the novelist went straight and headed in a different direction. This made Shuichi a bit suspicious.
"In case you're wondering, I have to pick something up at Mika's house. She called me while I was on my way to pick you up." He said matter of factly. He just hoped that Shuichi was still as naïve as he was two years ago.
"Alright, hey Yuki, why were you late anyways?" Eiri tightened the staring wheel a bit more. What was he supposed to say now? That he was attacked by giant Kumagoro's and that his brother was having fun tormenting him with his voodoo dolls? He knew that the singer was gullible but not that much.
"Well, I was busy working on my latest chapter and just as I was about to pick you up I got really inspired and wanted to make sure that I had written the idea down before I forgot it." Shuichi nodded. For now he would let it be. They finally made it to Mika and Tohma's house and they exited the car once it was parked.
Shuichi happened to glance down the street and he noticed a motorcycle that looked a lot like Hiro's. He figured it was probably just a coincidence. Eiri rung the doorbell and they both waited in silence. The door was opened by Tohma and he led them inside.
"Hello there Eiri, Shuichi, please come in. Mika's upstairs taking care of Akemi. She should be down in a few minutes. Please, make yourself at home. Would you like anything to drink?" Eiri was amazed by his brother in law's acting skills. Had he been the one in the younger man's shoes he would have been very suspicious by now. But Shuichi still thought that nothing was wrong.
"I'll take a glass of water." Eiri responded. That way they would have to go in the kitchen and then everyone could surprise Shuichi. That was the plan after all. They went in the kitchen and just as Tohma turned on the lights, everyone came out of their hiding places yelling "SURPRISE!" Shuichi nearly had a heart attack and hid behind the novelist.
"Happy birthday Shuichi." His lover told him wrapping an arm around his waist. The man looked up at him with perplexed eyes. He couldn't believe that the famous Yuki Eiri had organized him a surprise birthday party.
"You did this? For me?" Eiri nodded.
"Of course baka, who else would I do this for?" Shuichi's smile widened and he kissed him there in front of everyone. That wasn't what the author was expecting and he blushed greatly. Someone who had a camera with them snapped a picture and it caused the older man to blush even more.
"Yuki loves me yay!" Shuichi said doing a little happy dance. Eiri groaned and it made the others laugh. Everyone came to congratulate the singer and wish him a happy birthday. Then Mika directed them to the dinning room where they all sat down and started eating. At some point during the meal, Akemi managed to free herself from her father's grasp and made her way to her uncle.
"Shu!" She said. The singer looked down and saw his niece wearing a bright red party dress. He picked her up and placed her on his lap.
"What is it Akemi?" The girl pointed at her father and giggled. She then ducked her head in Shuichi's shirt.
"Did you run away from daddy?" The girl giggled again. He got up and went to see Tohma who was whipping bits and pieces of food from his daughter's booster seat.
"Did you lose this by any chance?" He asked his "boss" with a smile. Akemi laughed and shrieked as the singer tickled her.
"Why yes I did as a matter of fact." Shuichi handed him his daughter and Akemi simply laughed.
"Now what did daddy tell you before?" Akemi looked at him with her big round green eyes and the man sighed. There really wasn't anything he could do about it. Shuichi smiled and left the tired father with his child. He returned to his seat and started a conversation with Hiro and Ryuichi. Eiri was talking to K about New York and other things that didn't really interest him.
Once the meal was done, they had cake and Shuichi opened his presents. Once the presents were opened, it was late into the night. Slowly everyone started leaving until it was only Shuichi, Eiri, Tohma and Mika left. Akemi had fallen asleep earlier on. The couple had stayed to help Mika and Tohma clean up.
Once that was done, they said their goodbyes and went to their own home. Eiri still had to give his present to the birthday boy. But it wasn't something that he could give in public. Eiri helped Shuichi put his presents away and at some point he disappeared. When the singer entered the bedroom, the author came behind him and covered his eyes with his hands.
"Yuki, what are you doing?" He asked his lover. It wasn't like him to be this mischievous.
"I still didn't give you your birthday present."
"But I thought you were the one who organized the party."
"I was but that isn't your birthday present." Shuichi had a fair idea of what his present could be since he was in the bedroom with Eiri but when the author removed his hands from his eyes he was shocked by what he saw on the bed. It was a book with a pink ribbon around it. The singer went to the bed and took the book in his hands. He looked at the title and almost cried tears of joy. The title was: 21 Things to Celebrate. He opened it and read the dedication.
"There are twenty-one things that you can celebrate, but the most important one is you.
Happy birthday Shuichi,
Shuichi ran to the author and jumped on him. Eiri took this opportunity to offer him another gift. He quickly found his lover's lips and kissed them. They spent the rest of the night making love and spending some quality time together. It was the best birthday sex the singer had ever had and he was looking forward to his twenty-second birthday.
Once they were both exhausted, Shuichi was resting his head on Eiri's shoulder while the author had his arm wrapped around his lover's shoulders loosely.
"I love you, Yuki." He whispered to him.
"I love you too brat." The declaration made the singer smile warmly. He didn't hear it often and the times he did hear it made their lovemaking even more special.
"You can't call me brat anymore, Yuki. I'm twenty-one now, a real adult."
"You're still my brat, brat. Now get some sleep." Shuichi simply smiled and snuggled further into his shoulder.
Of fic one
To be continued…
Well, OMG I FINISHED SOMETHING! Sorry, I had to say that. See, I have about nine fics started right now and none I can seem to finish. So I'm glad I was able to finish this first chapter. Please r n r. Tell me what you think. There's a second chapter to this and there'll be a third… Oh and I prefer calling Eiri, Eiri and not Yuki. But I still let Shuichi call him that way. It's a psychological thing. Anyways, that's all for now!
Chapter 2:
30 Ways to Celebrate
Cookie to the ones who can guess what's gonna happen in the next chapter!