Disclaimer: Do we look like Stephanie Meyer? No.

A/N: "The Attic" is an equal collaboration between BroadwayHope and FangedLeaf, who will have an account shortly.

Edward's POV

"Hello, Bella. What are you doing in your- you have an attic? I could've sworn I knew every room in your house…"

"Eeeek! You're going to give me heart attack! Ha- then you'll have to change me!"

"Bella…not now."

"Fine. Then I'll just keep cleaning the attic like you're not here."

"You do that." I decided to give her my "dazzling eyes."

She turned around, visibly trying to resist. And then she sighed. "You win. But I am cleaning this attic, Edward Anthony Mason Cullen."

"Mmm." I murmured. "And what deep, dark secret are you hiding in this attic of yours?" I took a step closer to Bella. Her scent was absolutely intoxicating.

Suddenly, she broke away. "Edward! No fair! You know I can't think straight when you do that…"

"Every attic has some secret. Why are you cleaning the attic, anyway? Besides a little dust, it looks perfectly clean to me."

"Um, yeah, it is. Perfectly clean. I was getting Charlie his old fishing pole.. That's it. Fishing pole."

"Spit it out, Bella."

She crossed her arms over her chest. Suddenly, my eyes fell upon a large sheet- covered object discreetly tucked away in the corner.

"And what, may I ask, is that?" Much to Bella's chagrin, I darted past her and whipped off the sheet to reveal…


It was shiny, and red, and rather intimidating looking, if I do say so myself.

"Bella!" I was shocked. "Do you play?"



"But-" She slapped a precious hand over her mouth. Intrigued, I opened the trunk next to my newest source of amusement. "BELLA!"

Bella sank to floor in despair. Her angelic tones, muffled, cried out, "Edward! I told you, no!"

"But Bella…" I said, peering into the trunk. I could feel my amused smile breaking out onto my face. The label taped to the heavy, dark, plastic case read, 'Isabella Swan. Grade 5. Tenor Saxophone.'