The Teahouse
[Post-"Tales of Ba Sing Se"
Rating T (PG-13)
Chapter 3

Zuko had left her some time ago. Yes, left her. Got up and walked out of the apartment, and when she had questioned him, all she got was a muffled growl before he shut the door behind him.

Oh, he was so responsible. Leave it to the Prince of the Fire Nation to leave an injured girl and an infant alone in an apartment in a slum house; not to mention that the secret police of the city were searching high and low for that aforementioned girl.

Katara hadn't really thought far ahead...what if the Dai Li found her inside the apartment while he was gone? She would stand no chance, there wasn't enough water in the small bucket at her side to fight of several top notch Earthbenders.

Not only would she be out of luck, but what would happen to the child?

The child that was currently following the mass of water float around her, amazed and thoroughly enjoying herself. Katara was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she did not even need to concentrate on the water mass and its movement, her hand directing the water in figure eights around the little girl on the carpet, after every few circles daring to touch the girl's face, causing high pitched giggles as the cold water kissed her nose.

"Lady Waterbender?"

Katara shot up, scooping the infant up in one arm, and holding out her other hand, fashioned the water into a whip, threatening to lash out at whoever intruded.

The source of the voice chuckled lightly, a smile gracing his features. Golden eyes and a bald head, a grey beard framed his chin, falling over his chest. His figure was round, quite round actually. It was the old man who always accompanied Zuko.

Katara became less wary, the water returning to the bucket as she shifted the child to her hip. "I apologize...General I..."

She stopped mid-sentence, noting the grimace on the older man's face.

"Actually, sir, I don't believe we've met. I am under the impression that you are Li's uncle." Katara restarted.

The introduction was understood by both parties.

The man chuckled, "I am Mushi, and Lady Waterbender, you are correct. I am Li's Uncle. May I ask the name of the beauty that graces my presence?"

"Katara, of the Southern Water Tribe."

"It is my pleasure, Lady Katara."

Mushi...that was quite the name compared to Iroh. But the Dragon of The West was known by name all over the world, especially here in Ba Sing Se.

Shifting the child to her other hip, Katara replied, "I never did get a chance to thank you in the Spirit Oasis."

Iroh nodded. "The balance had to be kept, an evil stopped. It was my duty." Turning toward the child, he stepped forward, patting the girl softly on the head, "I see you've met the other beautiful lady that often graces my presence, Lady Shihong."

"I did, and she is quite the lady, I might add." Katara laughed, touching Shihong lightly on the nose. Shihong giggled, latching onto Katara's sleeve.

"I do enjoy your company greatly, but you must forgive an old man for being curious as to the circumstances of your visit." Iroh said, turning to pick up a teapot.

Katara placed Shihong on the floor, looking back up at Iroh. "I wanted to explore the city...I had never been out of the Upper Ring. I guess I did a little too much exploring, because the Dai Li chased me up and down this ring, where I only found refuge in a storeroom, when its owner decided to come in."

Iroh nodded, filling the pot with water. "I'm guessing you found yourself in the storeroom of the Teahouse we work at...but I am surprised that my nephew did not end up fighting with you."

"I threatened to throw him out to the Dai Li...And he threatened the same, so we made a truce." Katara replied, somewhat curtly to get her point across.

Iroh placed the teapot on the stove, reaching for an igniting stone. "So I am sure that you are aware of our excommunication from the Fire Nation."

She nodded. It was an unspoken knowledge, but the fight with Azula made it clear what was happening.

"You are welcome to our residence anytime, Lady Katara, however meager it is."

Katara nodded her thanks, though somewhat curious as to why he did not firebend to light the stove. Yet as she thought of it, she was sure that it was dangerous. That would explain why Zuko didn't get animated in his actions, as he usually did, with flaming fists most often.

A pout came from the child on the carpet behind Iroh and Katara, upset at the fact she was no longer the center of attention. Iroh turned away from the tea he was making, reaching into his robes. He pulled a sweet from his pocket as he stooped down in front of Shihong. The child grabbed it quickly, bringing it to her mouth with a cry of elation.

Iroh smiled, patting the girl on the head. "Yes, this old man brings the best sweets for his little lady, doesn't he?" Nodding, he chuckled as Shihong copied him, nodding as well.

Katara couldn't help but to laugh. But behind Iroh, the water in the teapot began to spill over, causing him to jump up and reach for the pot quickly. Luckily, Katara had noticed in time and bent the excess water into the bucket next to the stove.

"See, you're quite useful, Katara. An old man can't do as much as he used to anymore."

Iroh placed the teapot onto a metal holder next to the stove.



"I'd like to go to this Teahouse that you work at."

Iroh blinked. "Why, of course. There isn't that much to do here anyway," he picked up Shihong, "would you like to go out?"

Shihong giggled, the answer an obvious yes. Katara stood up, and then looked down on her outfit. " you...?"

Her blue robes would stand out in a sea of browns and greens. Even though Water Tribesmen were more than welcome in Ba Sing Se, the Dai Li was looking for her.

"I do not think my robes would fit your figure." Iroh said, causing Katara to smile, "You could always take something of Zuko's."

Oh, grand.

Ten minutes later, Iroh was happily humming as he strode down the lane. Katara, on the other hand, was busy with Shihong on her hip, and wearing Zuko's clothes.

Too many things today were awkward.

Katara stole a green shirt from Zuko's drawer. The hem went down to her hips. She stole a brown tunic as well, it also was big on her. Cinching the back together with a pin, she was able to steal a wide green sash from Iroh, making it a belt. She left her blue pants on underneath, and the ends of the tunic covered her legs like her skirt did before.

Katara also undid her braid, which she was finding out now was not a smart choice. As she followed Iroh through the crowded street, Shihong had hopelessly tangled her fingers in the teen's chocolate colored hair.

"Not now please." Katara whined, trying to pull the child's hands from her hair.

To her surprise, the child complied, latching her tiny hands onto the fabric of Katara's tunic.

"Milady, here we go." Iroh opened a small door to what Katara realized to be the teashop. Holding the door open for her, Iroh gave a smile as the doting teenager and the infant on her hip went inside.

The small shop was somewhat dark, and filled with people. Noise drifted throughout the stone room, and Katara shifted Shihong on her hip somewhat protectively.

"Mushi! Right on time. Customers have been asking for you again!"

A man threw Iroh an apron, which he caught and quickly tied on. He motioned for Katara to go sit at a table toward the corner of the room. Nodding, the waterbender quickly maneuvered herself and the baby on her hip through the crowd of people to the low table, where she sat on her knees, Shihong on her lap.

"My my, isn't this just a cozy little shop?" Katara asked as she looked around. Shihong giggled in her lap.

"Can I help…"

She looked up, he looked down.


Silence. A good thirty seconds passed between the two. A baby's laughter was the only sound the two could hear.

"Why are you wearing my clothes?"

The man at the next table stared. Katara's face reddened. Zuko seemed oblivious.

"C-can you get some milk for her, please?" She pleaded, hoping not to draw more attention to herself. She didn't want to imagine what was going through the rough-looking man's head. Probably something unmentionable.

Zuko rolled his eyes, tapping the empty serving tray against his thigh angrily. "Uncle brought you, didn't he?"

Katara nodded. Shifting Shihong in her lap, the infant giddily reached up toward Zuko, a small pout on her face forming.

Zuko scowled slightly, and then uncharacteristically tousled the young girl's hair as he went off to work again. Shihong cooed, obviously pleased.

"He's not so bad sometimes, right?" Katara asked the girl, not expecting a response.

A few minutes later he brought back a small cup of cold milk and a steaming cup of tea. "Uncle wants you to try his jasmine tea. It's on the house."

"Thank you."

He nodded, heading back to work. Katara held the cup of milk to Shihong's hands, and guided it to her mouth. The child slurped happily.

It had been a long time since she had a child around her. Yes, she delivered the baby at Serpent's Pass, but it hadn't been since she was home that she was tending to children. And even the youngest was four, much older than Shihong, and old enough to answer her back.

Over the next half hour, Katara sipped her tea, people watched, and rocked the child to sleep.

"C'mon, we're leaving."

Katara grimaced. What didn't he get about keeping the volume down? "We are, are we?"

"Yes, I say so."

"Of course, your majesty."

Zuko chose to ignore that obvious jab. Katara stood up, adjusting Shihong the slightest bit. He held the door open for Katara, and she exited with the sleeping baby laying on her chest.

Twilight was falling upon them, and the lower ring was bustling with people and activity.

Just three blocks, just three blocks, please, just three…


She had said his name; or his new name, three times without getting his attention. She scrounged her face and grabbed at his robe with her free hand. "Zuko!" She harshly whispered.

He whirled around, suspicious. "What?!"

Katara's eyes screamed fear as she clutched the child protectively. Zuko's golden eyes shot over her shoulder, quickly sighting the Dai Li agent walking down the street.

"C'mon." Zuko yanked Katara into a side alley quickly.

"We can't let them take us, we can't! We have to keep her safe!" Katara's hushed voice whispered, her breathing fast as she held the baby closer.

"Quiet." Zuko retorted, clenching Katara's shoulders tightly. She buried herself into his chest, clutching Shihong as if the child was the only thing worth anything to her.

He quickly encircled her shaking body in his arms, his own quickly enveloping in a cold sweat.

Damn her, damn her for the Dai Li, damn her for taking the kid, damn her for being so damn scared.

Damn it, why did he care so much?

His breath caught in his throat as he sensed the agent around the corner, he instinctively tightened his hold on Katara, who also held her breath.

Zuko knew that when the agent passed, that Dai Li bastard knew they were there. The bastard knew who they were, he knew everything. He was just toying with them.

"He's gone."

"I know."

"Then stop shaking."

"I can't."

And Zuko didn't know what to say.


Sorry for the super long hiatus! Please forgive me, but senior year doesn't leave much time for fanfiction.

Reviews are much appreciated.

November 18, 2007