Sara: Merry Christmas, fellow readers! How are you this fine day?

Readers: (Exactly like obedient, mind-numbed children) Good.

Sara: Are you excited about the story?

Readers: (Screaming) Yeah!

Rane: Dude, did you brainwash them or something?

Sara: (Whispers) (Talks to self) He knows my secret… (To Readers) Attack!

Readers: (Lethargically gets up and chase after Rane in a zombie like fashion)

Rane: (Reading Dialogue) By "Zombie like Fashion" you mean slow.

Readers: (Barely have moved a couple feet in the last minute)

Sara: Damn it! (Growls) Just do the disclaimer, Rane!

Rane: Sara owns all of Xiaolin Showdown because she got a hit man to murder Christy Hui!

Lawyers: (Come out of no where and slam suitcases on a random table, dramatically taking out papers to file a murder trial)

Sara: What the…? (Flails arms) Rane! I own nothing! Tell them readers!

Readers: (To preoccupied with chasing Rane)

Lawyers: (Finish with the papers and pack up) We'll see you in court, Miss!

Sara: (Stares after lawyers with wide eyes) Look what you did you idiot!

Rane: So? What are you gunna do about it?

Sara: (Pulls lever)

Rane: (Cage falls down on him) No!!

Sara: Merry Christmas all! Enjoy the story and don't forget to Review!


Kiss Among Reindeer:

Blitzen's Kiss

"Come on Kimi!" Keiko succeeded to get her message across the room of screaming drunks. She waved her hand above the crowd while hopping incessantly. "I found one!" Kimiko dragged her feet towards her friend grumpily, her glaring never been ceased.

"What?" Kimiko asked, annoyed. Keiko jumped around excitedly and pointed in a certain direction.

"Look Kimi! Isn't he the cutest boy you've ever laid eyes on?" she cooed. Kimiko followed Keiko's finger towards a slim teenager with blonde hair that's sheen bounced off the Christmas lights.

She sighed. "Keiko, what's wrong with you? I'm not searching for a boyfriend, so stop wasting your time with your stupid hopes that we're ever going to double-date." Keiko's eyes grew large as they began to water.

"But he's so cute!" she argued. "You and him are practically destined to be together!"

"How's that?"

"Because I say so!" Keiko relied triumphantly. She lightly placed her hands on Kimiko's back and shoved her gently towards the boy. "Now go!" she yelled. "Before somebody else gets there before you!"

Kimiko looked back at her friend nervously, who just stood there giving her a thumbs-up. She rolled are eyes and strolled over to the attractive boy, who appeared to be the one of the most interesting conversationalists by just staring at him; easily being mystified by an undecorated Christmas Tree symbolized he must be extremely interesting.

"Hi!" she started, sounding confident. The boy stared at the tree for a couple more seconds before turning to her. Kimiko took her hand and placed it in front of the blonde. "I'm Kimiko."

The boy shook her hand in return. "Stephan. It's a pleasure, Kimiko." He simply gave her a warm smile before turning back to the tree.

"Eh… so, who invited you?" Stephan turned around once again, realizing that their conversation wasn't over.

"Clay invited me. And you?"

"Oh, I live here, at the temple." Stephan blinked. He looked around at his surroundings.

"You live here. Here? Are you positive? Why would you want to live here?"

"To make it simple, I'm training." She explained.

"Training?" he laughed. "What for?" Kimiko frowned at his comment. She balled her fist and looked at him straight on.

"What for, you ask? I'll tell you what…"

"That's enough Kimiko!" Keiko suddenly appeared and stopped her friend. "I think you two have chatted enough for tonight." Stephan shrugged and walked away while Keiko turned her full attention towards her friend. "What is your problem girl? He asks what you're training for and you go punch him?" Kimiko looked away. Keiko grabbed her chin so she was facing her.

"This is why you need your own beau, Kimiko. You need a boy to teach you to be obedient, a boy who understands you. Do you get it?" Kimiko swatted Keiko's hand away from her face.

"Yeah, I get it Keiko. I need to control my temper."


"Get together everybody, I have something fun we can do!" A woman called everyone together in the middle of the living space. She grabbed a large cardboard box and placed it on a table. "These are all masks of Santa's reindeer! You see, one has an electronic nose where it can light up at the push of this button!" she held up a controller with a large red button placed upon it. "Whoever picks the mask will get a prize! Won't that be fun?" Bored murmuring traveled across the large crowd.

The woman tapped her foot impatiently. "Okay everybody, before you pick your mask, to participate, you must keep your mask on the rest of the night! Is that clear to everyone?" she asked the swarm of teenagers as if they were no more than the age of six. Everybody grumbled again and swiftly took turns grabbing a mask.

The mask covered your whole head except your eyes and mouth. It was brown with a black nose attached to the center, along with a pair of antlers. Actually, it was a brown ski mask with antlers and a nose. Wonderful.

After everybody had adjusted their masks to be comfortably settled on their noggin, the woman promptly pressed the button without warning. Suddenly, cheering came from the corner of the large room. Everybody turned towards the petite, yellow monk. "Oooh, mine is the mask with the red nose! Look everybody, I am glowing!" Omi jumped around with excitement as he ran towards the woman. "I now claim my prize!"

The woman rolled her eyes, knowing that it wouldn't take much to satisfy Omi. "You get a brownie!" she granted Omi with a large fudge brownie she swiped off the snack table before he came up to her. Omi lifted up his mask briefly before gobbling up the chocolate.


Kimiko blinked. "Hey Keiko, it says 'Donner' in white letters on the back of your mask." Keiko peered at the back of her friends mask in return.

"It says 'Dasher' on the back of yours, Kimiko." Both girls stared at each other for a moment before silently deciding that the matter wasn't important.

"I'm going to get myself a snack from the kitchen. I'll bring some food back for you and Mark. Where is he anyway?"

Keiko stood on her toes and searched among the crowd. "There he is!" she pointed out. "Talking with another girl. Who's pretty attractive…" she gasped. "She is so not prettier than me!" Keiko screamed as she stomped over to her boyfriend. "Mark Benjamin Stowan, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Kimiko stared at Keiko, who shoved the other girl out of the way, and began to give what she called, "Giving Markey-Poo a very stern talking to!"

Kimiko shuddered at Keiko's voice and lingered over to the kitchen. Strolling along the rug, she bumped into something. "What the…?" Kimiko looked up and saw a fellow Reindeer. She giggled, "Sorry Blitzen." She apologized, catching a glance at the back of his mask.

Suddenly, Blitzen pointed upwards, suggesting Kimiko look up. Following his direction, Kimiko glanced at the ceiling, only to find mistletoe. Probably Keiko's doing… she sighed. Whatever… "Well, what do you know? Can't break tradition, now can we?" she smiled. Blitzen shrugged and looked up and the mistletoe again. Keiko grabbed his chin, repeating Keiko's actions.

Obviously not his first kiss, Blitzen didn't mind locking lips with an unidentified reindeer. Wrapping one arm gently around his shoulder, Kimiko's lips brushed up against his; heat encased her body, as the kiss became more than a peck on a cheap ski mask.

Kimiko wrapped her other arm around Blitzen while making the kiss more passionate. She never wanted to let go of him, no matter whoever he was. Electricity cackled through her veins, and it felt like… just magic.

As they parted, Blitzen just stared at Kimiko, she doing the exact same thing. He was just as mystified as her. "I better go!" Kimiko yelled before he got a chance to say anything.


Raimundo sprinted towards his best friend while ripping of his reindeer mask and shook his shoulders violently. "Yo, Rai, chill! What happened? Is everything all right?" he asked worriedly. Raimundo continued to catch his breath while he patiently waited for his friend to recover.

"Josh, listen to me." Raimundo took one of his hands of Josh's shoulders and took one last breath.


Kimiko didn't hesitate to interrupt Keiko's argument with Mark. "Keiko!" she panted, patting her chest so more air would escape to her lungs.

Keiko turned around. "What's that matter with you, Kimi? Why are you so tired?"

"Listen." Kimiko finally recovered and grabbed her friend's shoulders to stop from falling into her. She tore off her mask and let go of Keiko's shoulder.


"I just had the best kiss of my life and I don't even know who it is was with!"


It took me like forever to get the document uploaded. There was en "error" every time I tried!

Sara: Nobody's visiting my website! Nobody cares about your hair color!(Sniff)

Rane: I don't really care either... and you colored the picture in anyway. And that hair in twice... either way, I could care less.

Sara: (Attacks cage) How can you say that!?

Readers: (Still like Zombies) Yes Rane, how can you say that? (Suddenly picks up the pace and begin to sprint after Rane)

Rane: What the…? CRAP! (Runs away but bumps into bars of cage)

Cage: (Swings open just as the readers approach)

Readers: Raaanee…

Sara: (While Rane screams in the background) Review! And Merry Christmas!