Ok….I'm not finished with my other story yet, but this is just an idea I like…so I'm just gonna go with it…. I'll do two stories at the same time! Go me!

Chapter 1- What happened...

Mikan opened her the door and slipped into her room. She leaned against the wall and dropped her bag to the ground. Bruises covered her pale face and one of her pigtails had come undone. She dragged herself across the room and filled the tub with warm water. She hissed in pain as the water lapped her many cuts and scrapes. She leaned her head back and sighed. Bulling, torture, attacks. Common occurrences the last few months, ever since Ruka and Hotaru had been declared a real couple and gone on an "official" date. Sumire and the Natsume Hyuuga Fan Club had gone insane when they realized that Natsume and Mikan were hanging out more.

To make things worse, if it was possible, Mikan was bullied by Jin-Jin-sensei. She had stopped dreaming of home, her grandfather was dead…had been for over a year. Mikan was alone, and even her "sometimes best friend" was too busy for her now.

"Why cant Hotaru help me? I thought we were friends, but she just watches me get hurt and doesn't do a thing. She doesn't even step in when they do something to hurt and embarrass me. Is she really my friend? I haven't even told her about my alice problems yet. What should I do?"

"Ouch!" she cried when her towel touched the long scratch on her back. "Why aren't the teachers doing anything? Can't they see the bruises? Are they that scared of the girls? What should I do?"

Sliding into a pair of tight black paints and grabbing a small black-sequined shirt, Mikan stared at her reflection. Gone was the carefree girl she had been at ten, before her stood a girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders.

"What should I do?"

Mikan looked at the picture on her dresser. It was from Elementary, with the entire class, except Natsume, smiling. She remembered the way things were when that picture was taken. Natsume had still been cold and hated the world. Ruka had a crush on her, Hotaru was busy with her inventions and hitting Mikan with her Baka Gun. Now…now things were different. Natsume smiled; Hotaru invented just as much, but had exchanged her friendship with Mikan for something more with Ruka; Ruka, obviously, was over Mikan and didn't really care what happened to her at all anymore.

"SMASH!" Tinkle, Tinkle

Mikan sighed. "If anyone had been awake at this early hour, they probably wouldn't have cared if they heard the sound of breaking glass from my room anyway." She said to herself. She licked the blood off her hand and glanced at the blood and glass on the floor. The remains of her broken mirror looked like a gaping mouth in the dim light, a hole into which all her childish fantasies had fallen. Mikan grinned suddenly.

Mikan pulled out the small suitcase she had hidden under her bed and began to pile stuff inside it. She grabbed her long, black trench-coat and a picture of her with her grandfather and walked out the door. Before she left, she turned around to view the prison she was finally leaving. Her roving eyes stopped on the picture from Elementary Year. The picture was destroyed. The glass was among the pieces of the shattered mirror and much of the remaining glass had stabbed viciously into the faces of her EX-classmates. Mikan smiled when she saw the damage centered about a little ten-year-old girl with pigtails. The smile was still there, but this time, it had a new meaning…a new purpose.

"I know what to do."

Next Day

Search parties were sent out, each with specific instructions to apprehend Mikan Sakura and return her to the Academy. Some people, after seeing the blood on the floor, already assumed her dead. Hotaru was staring at the wall. Ruka sat beside her, his head in his hands.

"I thought she was happy I was with Ruka! I guess I hadn't really been paying attention to her lately, but that's cause I was trying to invent a device to help her with those out-of-control alice issues she was having. Did she think I had abandoned her? Why didn't I realize she was being bullied?" Hotaru thought. Her eyes grew more wild by the minute. Sumire and the rest of the Natsume Hyuuga Fan Club were restricted to the school building for four months and demoted at least one star.

Natsume walked in, burning Sumire's hair as he passed he. Ruka looked up at him tearfully.

"I was so busy helping Iami and planning for Mikan's big party next month, I didn't realize how badly she was being hurt." Ruka murmured to Natsume.

Natsume smirked, "Don't worry too much. That baka has nowhere else to go. Besides, she'll be back. Maybe not anytime soon…but she'll be back."

Hotaru glared at him and shot him with her Baka Gun. "Fine. But until she gets back, you and Ruka are gonna look for her."

"Why me!" Ruka gasped, "I can't leave the school grounds you know! That's not fair Iami!"

"What about these exclusive pictures of Ruka sleeping in the barn with a puppy, or…"

"OKAY! I'll do it. Now give me those pictures."

Natsume rose his eyebrows coolly as he watched the feuding couple. He knew Mikan would come back, but nobody was prepared for the changed girl who returned to the Academy three years later.