by Puppy Noelle

Disclaimer: you know the drill

Description: collection of FFXII character drabbles. Mostly Vaan/Ashe.
Genres: General
Pairings: Vaan/Ashe, possible Larsa/Penelo and/or Balthier/Fran in future chapters
Rating: PG/K+


Vaan's POV
Ashe's POV

In-Game Quote


"I'm through running. I'm ready to find my purpose. To find some real answers- some reasons. If I stick with you, I think I will"
"I wish I knew"
"I'll find 'em."

Answers. I do want to find them. But: "I wish I knew." does that mean more than just politeness? I mean, she's usually very...blunt. Why would she want to help me? I'm just some poor orphan who dreams big. Right? But there is more to me, can she see that? I know there's also more to her than she shows. I watch her as she turns toward the bright moon. It's hard to tell in the dark, but I can see a powerful determination growing behind her eyes. I hope I can help her. I want my home back too.

"I'll find 'em." He is so confident. This confidence he holds, it seems so blind. How can he hold so much trust in something he does not know? I wish I could help him. He has been through so much, as young as he is. But I must not forget... I am still young as well. We have... a fair amount in common. We have both lost that which we hold dearest to the war. My husband and his brother. We are so different yet so alike. Is it fate that we met? For his words have strengthened my previously dwindling resolve.


"My heart is not set. I still have questions. I hope to find answers along the way."

As I say these words, I want nothing more than to look back to him and... smile. He gave me strength. I want him to know. Or maybe my words are enough? They do appear to be enough. He comes to stand beside me.

"That Larsa likes his secrets."
"He does not mean ill by it."
"He's not bad. At least for an Imperial."

Clearly we both wanted to laugh. As I see the smile on his face, I can feel one begin to creep onto mine. It is strange how one conversation can change one's entire outlook on another person. I never thought much of him before, but now his silly jokes bring me some happiness. I believe that I am beginning to understand him now.

"I hope to find answers along the way." My heart leapt at those words. She really did take my words to heart. If she did, then I suppose it's the least I can do to help… my princess. I have to let her know somehow that I appreciated her remark. So, what do I do? I joke around a bit. "He's not bad. At least for an Imperial." In my peripheral vision I can see her nod her head in agreement, as well as the corner's of her lips tugging her mouth into a barely visible smile. That's all I need. This… unspoken understanding.


-end of first drabble!

I hope you enjoyed! These quotes really got me thinking deeply and randomly… SUPER cute scenes those… lol. review if you please! Much love!