Author's Note: This is what happens when I can't sleep! Happy reading:)
In case anyone is unfamiliar with sports terms the title Technical Foul refers to a foul called for unacceptable behavior (in its simplest definition).
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own any of these characters- damn!
Technical Foul: I
He caught up with Lindsay just as she stepped outside, "Hey just the lady I was looking for!" She smiled at him and he couldn't help but notice that her eyes sparkled.
"It's the NYPD annual football outing; everyone's going and I thought maybe you'd be interested too. It's Giants vs. Ravens so it should be a good game. What do you say?" Lindsay wanted to turn him down, but the hopeful expression on his face was irresistible, "Sure why not? Sounds fun!"
"Great! I'll pick you up around noon? It should give us plenty of time to park and meet up with everyone before kickoff." He placed a friendly hand on her shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze, "See ya then!"
Lindsay watched him leave with a puzzled expression on her face. She didn't know if the two of them going together was such a great idea. She didn't want to give him the wrong idea. Shrugging she headed towards her car, after all it was just a harmless football game.
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Danny came around the corner of the bullpen and almost ran Don Flack over, "Whoa. Sorry 'bout that I just got some good news and I guess I wasn't paying attention." He and Flack bumped knuckles and Flack leaned against the wall. "No problem I just got some good news myself."
Watching the gleam in his friends eyes Danny laughed, "Why do I have a feeling that your good news involves a member of the opposite sex?" Since he was always willing to share his adventures in dating Flack thought this time was no exception.
"It sure does have to do with a very pretty female, who you happen to be acquainted with," Flack said with a triumphant grin. Willing to play the game for a minute Danny raised his eyebrows and shot back, "Oh really? And just who might this girl be whose captured Don Juan's interest?"
Flack laughed at the reference to 'Don Juan'. "Since you're my friend I'll let you on in the 411." Danny leaned in to hear the announcement. "I just got our very own Lindsay Monroe to agree to go to the football game with me on Sunday!"
Blood rushed through his ears and his stomach dropped. Danny just stared at a man he had up until this particular moment considered a close friend. Lindsay? His Lindsay? There had to be a mistake.
He opened his mouth to question him, but Flack begged off, "Crap. I'd love to tell you all the details but I gotta go file this report before three and I only have about ten minutes left." Flack jogged towards his desk and called over his shoulder, "I'll see you Sunday at the game!" Danny simply nodded and wondered what sort of hellish dream he was having…