
Gasp! It's chapter four!

Well, five... but the first chapter is a prologue (of the sort).

Behold!! (smile)

NOTE: This chapter contains some Yuki cuteness and OOC.

"S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-Shhh-Shhhh-Shhhhh-S-S-S-S-S-Shhhh-Sugar R-R-R-R-R-RUSH!?" Tohru stuttered, taking up half the page with her stutterings.

"It seems like it," Shigure swung around on his chair, watching the room pass by him over and over again. "We'd do best to contact Hatori."

"Why Hatori?" There was a short silence as the Sohma's allowed Tohru the time to gather her thoughts and think for a moment. "Oh! Right! He's rational, isn't he?"

"That, our dear Hatori is." Shigure replied, his trademark grin ever-present across his features. "And so, I shall make my gallant way towards the phone! If I do not make it, Kyo can have my stash, Yuki can have my other stash and Tohru can have the third stash." and with those fighting words, Shigure made his way down the hall and back to the futuuuuure!

"Darling, what did you expect?" Yuki, who finally decided to show his face, shook some sense into the brunette.

"W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-What's a stash?" She rambled back at him, her eyes spinning in that comic way that they do.

'Oh mom, what is happening to us?' Tohru rubbed her stomach, realising the only thing sane about this situation was her (and the others, most likely) thoughts. 'I don't understand any of this...'

Meanwhile, while Shigure was in the future, he managed to find a phone. It was a hard task, considering he tripped over his feet and toppled down the stairs (cue flashback of Shigure bouncing down the stairs, with the tune of "She's Fat, She's Round, She's Your Mom" playing in the background), but he was soon to regain composure and grope his way to the phone.

"Ha'ri!" he shouted into it, "Ha'ri! Please!" but little did Shigure know, he was yet to dial the number. "Why are you speaking in beeps? WHY, I ASK YOU?!" receiving no reply, Shigure 'hung up' and made his way slowly back to the preseeeeent!

"Hey, Tohru," it seemed today was International Talk Like a Pirate Day. But that naughty Kyo-kun forgot! "This is all because of that story, isn't it? I personally lay the blame on you!"

Tohru was so hurt by Kyo's comments, that she cried. For about... twenty seconds. In her mind.

"Stupid Cat," Yuki deadpanned like he usually does. "You can't blame Tohru for being curious. Did I blame you for being curious (like the stupid cat you are) when you peeked in on me going to the bathroom?"

"I told you a thousand times, you damned rodent!" Kyo retorted, doing a full-on 360 Matrix Move in the process, "I didn't realise you were in there!"

"Irrelevant!" Yuki shouted, raising his arms above his head in victory that he was yet to earn. "We do it in the dark with smiles on our faces!"

"Now, now, Yuki," Shigure had finally made his gallant trek back to the preseeeeent! when he over-heard the lovers arguing. "This is not a time for quoting Fall Out Boy lyrics! Hatori didn't answer his phone!"

"Gasp!" Gasped Tohru. 'Why can't we stop doing these weird things?'

"Horror!" Horrored Yuki. 'This truly is going to soil my reputation...'

"Shock!" Shocked Kyo. 'What the Hell is wrong with us?'

"Indeed!" Indeed-ed Shigure. 'Indeed! Indeed!'


The sun gleamed in through the windows, granting the Earth and its people another morning. It shone brightly straight into the face of a certain young boy, whose hair was attempting to shield his eyes from the light, but appeared to be failing miserably, considering the boy was woken up by the sun in his eyes.

"Ugh..." Yuki rolled over, brushing his locks away from his eyes. What color is his hair, anyway? Can someone honestly tell me? "Wh-What happened here...?"

As the Rat sat up, he drank in his surroundings. Slowly but surely, he was greeted with a hilarious yet horrible sight. A pair of... pink panties were hanging from the door handle and Tohru was collapsed on a heat under them.

'T-Tohru?!' Yuki's mind raced, but he quickly noted that Tohru was fully dressed and seemingly unharmed. He sighed deeply. 'Thank God.'

Kyo was curled up in a ball on the floor, a book over his head. His jaw was slightly slack and he was drooling everywhere... 'Stupid Cat...' not to mention, he wasn't wearing his shirt. It took Yuki yet another moment to realise it was torn up in the corner.

Shigure had passed out in his computer chair, head resting on the keyboard. The computer screen above him was flashing red, complaining about a 'warning', or something like that. 'At least Shigure's dressed... what the Hell happened last night?'

Yuki's stomach rumbled at the realisation that they hadn't had any dinner last night. He stepped over various books and potted plant that had been smashed, and made his way into the hallway. It appeared that the study was the only room in the house which had been trashed, which wasn't much of a surprise. He didn't recall even attempting to leave there. Coincidentally, he didn't remember much of the previous night.

'Food...' The Rat stumbled into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, despite his previous request for a feeding. 'What the...?'

"Ahhhh!" Yuki's shrill screech shook the walls of the house, scaring birds outside and frightening the life out of one Miss Tohru Honda. She flung herself up, hitting her head roughly against the door knob above her. She groaned inwardly and swung the door open, lurching forward and causing her hair the cascade across her shoulders and chest. Her legs were shaky as she attempted to move, but she ended up leaning dangerously on the door frame, head hung low.

'Uh-oh, I must have woken someone... how am I meant to go out and see who it is looking like this? If it's Kyo, he'll have a fit! Shigure too!' Taking his chances, Yuki made his way out of the bathroom, only to see a zombie-fied Tohru about to slump over and die.

"Miss Honda!" Yuki ran to her, grasping her thin arms in his hands and yanking her up, so she was standing straight. Still slightly shaking, Tohru looked up and cringed in horror at what she saw.

"Y-Yuki... what happened to you...?" She questioned slowly, her voice raspy from lack of saliva. "What happened... to me?"

"I'm not sure. I don't know what's going on!" Yuki began to frenzy, clutching his head in his hands and began jogging on the spot. The Rat had always found it easier to think while he was active. "Listen to me; wake Shigure and Kyo. Try not to startle them... they're probably as incoherent as ever... and considering their current state, I doubt they'll be impressed..."

Tohru scanned her mind for any memories she may have of the subject of the previous evening. It was like her, and Yuki's, minds had been wiped... their memories erased...

"Hatori!" she burst out, gripping Yuki's shoulders and bringing his face close to hers. "He must have been here!"

"What brings you to that conclusion...?" Yuki blinked as she let go of him and backed up. "Oh, you mean... because we've forgotten things?"

"That's right!" Tohru hit the palm of her hand with a bundled fist. "Unless we were all... very drunk... I've heard from Uo that has the same affect on you!" Her innocent smile after this sentence made Yuki blush... the same color as his hair.

"Miss Honda... I'm going to try to wash this out of my hair... make sure Shigure and Kyo are okay... okay?" and with that, he disappeared back into the bathroom, ignoring his stomach's desperate plea for a filling of cheese.


"K-Kyo...? Shigure...? Are you guys okay...?"

Tohru slowly pushed the door open and almost passed out from an unusual smell that filled the room. The brunette walked towards Kyo and knelt down in front of him, but of course, not without an,


As she stepped in his drool-puddle, which by this time had grown quite large. The Cat-Cursed was now flat on his back, tongue lolling out of his mouth slightly, orange hair stuck perversely on angles Tohru had never seen before.

'He must have gotten into the hair gel last night,' Tohru concluded, touching his hair only to discover it was rock solid. 'Hope it wasn't glue!'

She began to rub his shoulder, saying his name over and over again, but received no response. Tohru began to shake and yell his name, still with no results. After a moment of thought, she ran into the bathroom and collected some water in a small cup. 'This should get him up!'

And that it did.


Cliff-hanger of the sort?!



... Okay. Enough gasping!!