Okay, here's my latest fanfic! I was inspired for this by the song "Bloody Valentine" by Good Charlotte. I know a lot of people out there hate them, but please don't judge my book by them because it inspired me and nothing further. The song only gives tiny hints about the plot and nothing more. This was just an idea that popped into my head and I decided to post it; I'm not really sure where to go with it, or even to continue at all... I hope you like it!

xX Aya Marie-chan

Four-year-old Sakura spun in circles as she laughed so hard she was crying. Her short pink hair was flapping wildly in the wind, but it didn't bother her. The tears of joy spilled out of her eyes, she was truly having the time of her life. In that moment, Haruno Sakura felt entirely carefree.

She was in a field of flowers with one solitary sakura tree. She claimed the tree as her own. Her hair matched the petals that would fall occasionally perfectly. This place was her sanctuary, her oasis where she was untouchable.

"Hiya!" Sakura heard a voice say cheerfully. She immediately ceased her swirling and turned to face the intruder of her tranquility. Little Sakura never liked people, since whenever she tried to talk to them, they made fun of her "oversized" forehead and "freakish" pink hair. Those experiences always ended in crying- and the tears weren't of joy.

Sakura found the voice's owner; he was a boy that looked just about her age. He had midnight black hair and entrancing onyx eyes. He was really handsome. The boy was studying her face. When she noticed this, she immediately threw her tiny hands over her forehead, trying to hide it.

The boy noticed her actions and asked worriedly, "Are you alright? Do you have a fever or sumfin'? I'm sure if you didn't feel good that my okaasan would heal you all up!" Sakura just stood there and waited for the mocking to come, yet it never did.

She forced her eyes to peek open and prayed that the boy had gotten bored with her and left. No such luck, the boy was staring down at her with innocent concern. Sakura fell on her butt out of shock. Disobeying her reflexes to have her hands break her fall, she kept them stubbornly clamped over her forehead.

"I know what to do!" the child exclaimed, entirely exultant. He walked over to her and gently took her hands off of her forehead. He beamed down at her before leaning in and planting a soft kiss where her hands had been. This caused tiny Sakura to blush profusely; her face matched her deep, red dress. No body had every kissed her like that besides her parents…

The boy said smiling, "That's what my okaasan does when I have a boo-boo! It always makes me feel better!"

"Aren't you going to laugh at my ugly face, just like the rest of them?" Sakura whispered quietly. Her voice sounded expectant, like she had adjusted to being tortured by others. Her eyes were now brimming with unshed tears, all of her previous happiness forgotten.

The young child questioned, "Why in the world would I do that? You are the furthest thing from ugly! The reason I came over in the first place was to look at you! At first I thought you were an angel, but I didn't know there were angels my age… But you're too pretty to be human… I know, I'll call you Tenshi-chan!" If it were possible, Sakura's blush would have deepened, but her redness was already to the maximum.

Still a bit timid, Sakura said giggling a bit, "Hehe, no silly! I'm not an angel! My name is Haruno Sakura, what's yours?"

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke!" Sasuke replied proudly. Sakura had never felt this jovial in her entire fours years of life- she finally had a friend! This was the first person she met that was her age that didn't shun or insult her.

Sasuke paused before he asked doubtfully, "Are you sure that you aren't an angel, Tenshi-chan?" Sakura just laughed lightly and nodded. Sasuke stood there inspecting her, this time though, Sakura didn't become self-conscious; she felt comfortable around him.

"Nah, you definitely are an angel! You are trying to keep your under-cover identity! You won't fool me with you divine tactics!" Sasuke accused. Sakura just shook her head in a resigned manner.

Suddenly, in a puff of smoke, a teenager that looked strikingly similar to Sasuke appeared. He was gorgeous, older replica of little Sasuke. Sakura couldn't help but to wonder if that's what her new friend would look like when he was older…

"Hey otouto, who's your new friend?" the teenager asked he younger brother. The way he looked at Sasuke, you could tell that he absolutely adored him. Sasuke seemed to reciprocate these feelings.

He smiled proudly as he answered, "This is Tenshi-chan! She's an angel, isn't that so cool! Well… she says her name is Sakura-chan and that she isn't an angel, but I don't believe her! I think that she is just saying that to keep her, umm… angelness a secret! Have you ever met an angel before now, aniki?"

The older boy laughed, as he replied, "No, I can't say I have. And, otouto, 'angelness' isn't a word. Anyways, I came to get you because it's time for dinner. It was nice meeting you, Sakura, but now it's time for us to go." Then, Sasuke pulled up Sakura off of the ground, since she was still sitting there form her fall, and gave her a big hug.

"I hope I see you tomorrow, Tenshi-chan! If you come here again, I'll see you for sure! I'll remember because you look just like the tree here, Tenshi-chan, but I think that you're more beautiful… Now it's time for me to go have dinner!" Sasuke exclaimed excitedly. Sakura just beamed at him.

Sasuke walked over to his brother who proceeded to kneel on the ground so his brother could hoist himself onto his back. Sasuke did just this; it was a regular routine for them. Then, the older boy darted off, unfazed by the fact that Sasuke on his back.

Sakura just stared at the two brothers, completely amazed and entranced by how in sync they were. She was so happy that she made a friend; it had been a great day for her. Sakura decided to rush home and tell her parents about her new-found-friend. Little did she know, she had one all along- he watched her every day in that very field, as she danced and sang alone. She knew nothing about him, and yet he knew everything about her. As Sakura ran home, she didn't have a single clue that pale, aquamarine eyes watched her the entire way.


Tenshi- Angel

As you can see that this is at the beginning of the cast of Naruto's childhood. I hope you enjoyed it!