So I was in the car, on our way to my madre's high school reunion, and listening to Tiny Tiny Melody by Rie Fu, and the inspiration bug smacked me upside the head with a brick.


WARNING: KradDaisuke and fluff.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own DNAngel OR Tiny Tiny Melody by Rie Fu… But I wish I did…

A/N: This is gong to take place after Dark and Daisuke, and Krad and Satoshi are separated.


"Daisuke, how much longer?" Krad asked impatiently, glaring at a passerby who just happened to look over at the two boys.

"Just two more stores, I swear," Daisuke replied as the pair walked into a music store.

They were in the mall, buying Christmas presents for their friends and family. Of course, Krad had already finished his shopping, considering he only had Daisuke and Satoshi to shop for (he still refused to buy Dark a present).

"That's what you said at the third store," Krad sighed, shoving a hand into the pocket of his black pants.

"Well, you'll just have to put up with me for a bit longer. Then we can leave, okay?" Daisuke grabbed the taller boy's sleeve and pulled him into the store.

Krad looked around the store. The radio was playing some of that peppy music Krad hated so badly. Daisuke immediately ran over to a rack of CDs and looked through them, sitting on his knees.

The peppy song Krad had come to hate so badly ended, and a quiet, calm song started playing. Daisuke apparently knew it, because he started singing along, "I know that everybody wants to be what they want to see…"

"Oh, the sweetest, sweetest melody. Oh, this tiny, tiny melody. Oh the sweetest, sweetest melody controls me," Daisuke sang quietly along with the song. Whenever the vocals switched over from Japanese in the middle of the song, Daisuke messed up a little bit, but he found a part he knew and got back on track.

Krad looked over at the redhead. His eyes were tightly shut, as if concentrating incredibly hard on what the next lyrics were. The blonde couldn't help but lean over and give Daisuke a kiss on the cheek.

"What?" That blonde asked when Daisuke gave him a surprised look.

Daisuke just blushed and shook his head with a smile, then went back to looking through the CDs.


When Krad recieved his gift from Daisuke on Christmas, he saw a card taped to the top of the box that read "track 6" in messy print. He then finished opening the gift, which turned out to be a CD. Deciding to humor the redhead, he put the CD into Satoshi's CD player and turned to track six.

"I know that everybody wants to be what they want to see…"

"Krad, what are you listening to?" Satoshi walked into the room from the kitchen.

"Mine and Daisuke's song," Krad replied with a smile.

"Oh, the sweetest, sweetest melody.

Oh, this tiny, tiny melody.

Oh, the sweetest, sweetest melody controls me.

You've gotta say it

'Til they can hear it

Anytime you ought to say it."

"It's pretty, I guess…" Satoshi shrugged.

"It's prettier when Daisuke sings it," Krad smiled and hummed along with the rest of the song.


Tiny Tiny Melody is sung by a girl but it's such a Dai-chan-ish song. I love songs like that. If you haven't heard it, I recommend it. The album is pricey (I downloaded it, shhh…) but it's beautiful. In case you want it, it's called Rose Album and the artist is Rie Fu. If not, then I recommend searching for it on YouTube or something