Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, I wish I did but I don't

Ch1 Reason leads to decision


"Meatballhead, Meatballhead" Rei yelled "wake up; we have an announcement to make". "Huh, oh yeah, okay" Serena said distractedly, she already knew what it was though. She had heard them talking about her removal from the Scouts before she had come into the room. "You're out "Serena didn't even flinch "Hello did you here me? I said you're out". "Uh huh, yeah I heard you; I'll go pack" Serena said emotionlessly.

The inners stared at her in shock they had thought that they would have to drag her out kicking and screaming, but here she was doing it quite effortlessly, if even emotionlessly. "Meatballhead?" Rei inquired uncertainly. "No," Serena said quietly. She turned her head; the inners gasped in horror, her eyes had turned such a pale, colorless grey that they almost seemed white, "meatball head is dead."

(3 years later)

3 years since Serena had been evicted from the Scouts. 3 years since the day she had left Tokyo for New York. Now she was back home to save her "friends". And as 17 year old Serena Tsukino, or rather as she was known now Selena Taylor, left the baggage claim at Tokyo National Airport with her companions, she shivered with anticipation. She had changed a lot in the 3 years she'd been in America. She remembered the night she'd left…


'Mom, Dad I have an announcement to make" Serena squealed with excitement "you'll never guess what happened today" Kenji and Ilkuko looked up, there was never anything worth listening to at dinner time, this could be interesting. "Yes honey" Kenji asked. "I got a scholarship letter from Tachuban Art Academy in America asking me to attend school there." she relied. Her family looked at her in shock, Serena, connected to the word academy," but how" asked Serena's brother "you're failing all your classes and-" "WAS failing them, but now I have a perfect G.P.A. average." she explained "So can I go?" "Of coarse you can go honey!"

(End Flashback)

About a week after she went away her golden locks turned a shining silver, streaked with black. Later, in her 2nd year at collage (she had skipped her first year because of her entrance exam results) she had met Amara, Michelle, Trista, and Hotaru, and they had figured out that they were each Sailor Scouts (other girls are outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn). They had come to Japan with her (hence her "companions").

"Well, welcome to Tokyo girls" Serena said nervously "it hasn't changed a bit." "You know what's funny" she said" the girls will still be in high school, and I've got a Majors in both visual and dramatic arts from one of the most top ranked collages in the world." "Don't worry about it every thing will be fi-" BOOM! Sounds of screaming filled air.