It had been three weeks since Harry Potter disappeared becoming The Boy Who Betrayed Us All. Shortly after, Voldemort rose to power and the Order was forced to go into hiding.

"Any more news, Severus?" Albus asked over a cup of tea. Snape was still a spy for the Order and was now considered part of Voldemort's inner circle now that everyone thought that he was the murderer of Albus Dumbledore. Severus couldn't be more thankful for golems.

"Nothing new that I have been told. How about you… Any news on him?" Severus couldn't help the little bit of hurt that filtered through his voice. He knew Albus caught it when his eyes dimmed slightly.

"There has been an… update. We think we might know where he is." Severus' heart sped up a little.

"And?" He prompted impatiently.

"We think he is living in the States. Living as a Muggle." Snape nearly fell out of his chair and if it weren't for his death grip on the arms, he probably would have.

"A Muggle? But why? He is one of the most powerful wizards alive and he is living as a Muggle?"

"Maybe he is trying to live the life he was never allowed to have," Albus said in that calm, reasonable voice that made Snape want to choke him.

"And while doing so he condemned us all to the rule of the Dark Lord. He left us all Albus. He left." Me. That word hung between the two men. Snape was not strong enough to say it and Dumbledore was too wise to push it.

"I want you to go and get him back, Severus. We all know he would never listen to anyone else. I will send you the exact location later today."

"Albus we both know that if you wish me to continue spying that I cannot afford to be so far away," Snape said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I am quite aware of that, my boy, but I believe that it is time we moved on. There is nothing more we need to learn that couldn't be learned by the other spy we have." Dumbledore looked Snape in the eyes. "It is tiring you so. Go and find him, Severus and bring him back to us. To you." With that Dumbledore stood up and left a slightly upset Potions master sitting by himself.

The next day Severus found himself packed and heading to Massachusetts. He scoffed at the irony when Albus told him that Harry was residing in Salem. Snape tried to keep the humor about it when he arrived there in a Muggle suit and tie and attempted to check in at the hotel prearranged for his stay.

He decided that since the clerk's incompetence had caused him to have to wait several hours, he would explore.

Salem was a very beautiful, small town. It was mid-November and the streets were littered with orange, yellow, red and brown leaves. Severus walked along the sidewalks scuffing his feet as men, women and children scuttled by.

It wasn't long before he found himself in front of a bookstore called Pyramid Books. Even if it was a Muggle store, Severus couldn't resist. He opened the door and a small bell chimed above his head. The smell of incense and oils filled the quaint room.

"Oh! Hello dear! How may I help you?" A small plump woman asked coming around a corner.

"I'm just browsing, thank you." Severus started walking around and looking at the 'metaphysical' books supplied and was surprised to see that some of the books weren't too far off from the truth. Severus smirked.

"Maddy? I can't find that new shipment that came in earlier." Severus gasped at the sound of the voice. He turned to see a familiar green gaze staring worriedly at the squat woman.

"Harry." He didn't think he'd voiced it until that green gaze was turned his way.

"I'm sorry?" Harry asked, brow furrowed.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Severus asked walking up to him.

"I'm sorry, but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Taylor." Severus looked into the emerald eyes of his lover. There was absolutely no recognition there.

"Bloody hell." Severus pulled out his wand. "Obliviate."