Chapter three time! Sorry for the long update time last chapter, it wouldn't let me upload. Ah, well here we go! And also, just keep in mind that I'm not following the storyline of the book, really. PS, I think this will be really really short.

Chapter Three

"Oh no.." I muttered, as the car drove closer to us. The bright headlights shined on us, followed with laughter and someone saying, "Yep! Greasers alright!"

"Guys..let's go.." I mumbled, moving my foot to make a run for it, but Johnny grabbed my arm. I looked at him, kind of shocked. His face was pale and you could see the fear in his eyes, but his overall stance looked cool and collected.

"We can't, Soph. Not now," he said, staring right at the car. I looked at him wide-eyed then stood still as the doors of the blue Mustang opened and five Socs walked out. I heard Johnny take in a sharp breath as he stared at the hands of one of them.

"Well, well. What do we have here? A couple 'a dirty greasers, eh?" the dark haired Soc with the rings said. I was near tears because, to tell you the truth, I've never been jumped. You see, I'm not exactly a greaser..but I'm not a Soc either. I guess I'm one of the lucky middle class people. One minute I'm rooting for one side, and the next the other but the one thing that's for certain was that if Johnny, Pony, or any of the others boys were involved, I'd be on their side. Now was one of those rare moments I wish I didn't have that value.

"This ain't your turf, Soc," Ponyboy said, staring him straight in the eye.

"So what if it isn't?" the Soc said, stepping closer to Ponyboy, his friends following close to us. One of them, a tall, red head stepped close to me and Johnny, looking down at us.

"Man," he said, "I could take you two with my hands tied behind my back. Look at 'cha, tiny things." I could smell the alcohol from his breath and cringed at the smell. I wanted to leave so bad. They were dangerous when sober, so imagine what they'd do when drunk?

"I say," the dark haired Soc spoke again, "we teach 'em a thing or two about what happens to little greasers who stay out at night.." The rest of the group closed in on us and I was ready, right then, to just kill myself. I was trying my hardest to keep a calm look, but I don't know if it was working. I could feel the sweat trickling down my face. I looked at Pony and Johnny, who both looked as if they were watching a boring movie. Was it even possible to look that calm in this situation?

"Hey! If you Socs lookin' for a fight, why don't you bring it over here."

Johnny, Ponyboy and I turned around to see Dallas Winston standing there, cigarette in mouth and switch blade in hand. The socs got a terrified look on their faces.

"W-what are you gonna do about, Dally?" Dally smirked.

"You really wanna know?" he said as his switchblade shone in the moonlight. The Socs didn't answer, though. They just got back into their Mustang and drove off. I took in a deep breath as their car drove off, then collapsed to the floor. I don't know if I was shaking out of fear or coldness.

"Ya'll need to learn to fight for yourselves. What would you've done if I didn't come?"

Ponyboy shrugged, and looked at Johnny, who was still staring at the spot where the Mustang had been.

"I'd've killed 'em."

I blinked and looked at Johnny.

"Johnny, you wouldn't have killed them.." Johnny looked down at me and didn't answer me, but the look in his eyes told me that he would have. I'd never seen him like that before in his life. I guess that's why I was so scared of getting jumped, I didn't want to end up like Johnny.

"C'mon, kids. I think its time for you to leave before I need to do anymore saving business."


After Ponyboy went home, Johnny offered to walk me home. Normally, I would've said no but I really didn't want to be alone. I wished that Dally had stayed with us, but he left almost right after the Socs. When we got my house, Johnny took his time speaking. He obviously wasn't looking forward to going home alone.

" can stay here tonight, if you want. I don't think my folks will mind if we tell them the story.." But Johnny shook his head.

"No," he said, then said it again with more courage. "No. I..I can't be afriad to walk in the dark my whole life."

Johnny turned to leave and I stood there on my porch, fumbling with my fingers. Johnny turned around.

"Thanks know, not leaving me when you could've." I smiled at him.

"I wouldn't leave you for nothing, Johnny."


"I've got a queen, I win!"

Two-Bit and Sodapop were playing some made up card game of theirs the next day. It was Saturday, and things went on normally. Johnny, Ponyboy, and I were sitting on the couch just relaxing.

"Hey, Johnnycake. You and your girlfriend want to play?" Johnny's face turned a shade of red, and I bet mine did too.

"She ain't my girlfriend, Two-Bit." Two-Bit scoffed.

"Shoot, not officially. I bet it ya'll went to the movies, dress all cute, you'd hit it off right away."

"I bet we don't," I found myself saying.

"You're on. Five bucks says that you and Johnny'll be going out after a movie date."

"Fine." I said, shrugging. Sodapop laughed.

"Count me in, and make it ten." I looked at Johnny, who's eyes kind of got bigger.

"You in, Johnnycake?" I asked, and he nodded slowly.

"Sure," he choked out.

"Alright then. Tonight, eight-thirty. You two get yourselves over to the park and you can go watch the nightly double. Bets are all off and we win if you ain't dressed up."

Johnny and I nodded, and me and Two-Bit shoke on it. Sodapop stood up and headed outside.

"Get ready to lose ten bucks!" he yelled as he left.

Ponyboy blinked a bit, looking from me to Johnny.

"When they end up bein' right, and ya'll go out, I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself.." he mumbled before standing up and leaving. I looked at Johnny and shrugged.

"I'm gonna head home now. See you tonight, I guess." I said before walking out of the house, where Soda and Two-Bit teased me until I left their block.


Sorry this chapter was short. Hmm..when I first started writting this I felt waaayyy more inspired then I do now. By the way, you guys won't kill me if I start another fanfic as well? Haha. Well, I don't know if it really matters or not. I already have three chapters of the other one written. I am so determined to finish this though..urrghh..I don't know how that plan's gonna work out. Ah no. Okay. So next chapter is the Johny/Sophie date. Yay. D Hm..maybe I'll just make this a shortish story and add to it one day when I'm more inspired..anywayys, don't forget to review! Thankss.