Bella's POV
"Why does it feel like night today? Something in here's not right today. Why am I so uptight today? Paranoia's all I got left"
My CD player sang I danced around like an idiot in my room, singing along to the song. Surprisingly, I had found myself to love Linkin Park. I'd already thanked Phil a thousand times for the CD he gave me last Christmas or so, but I felt like I needed to thank him again. I honestly couldn't imagine myself without the CD.
It was a Saturday, a rainy Saturday of course, but I didn't mind. The rain had become one of my best friends ever since I had met Edward, we got along pretty well really.
"Ack!" doing one of my twirls, I tripped over the corner of my bed and fell flat on my face. "Ow…" I groaned, "That's it, no more twirls." I realized that somehow when I tripped I managed to knock over the radio/CD player off my bedside table.
I stood up and checked my CD, broken. "NO!" I yelled blinking several times.
"Bells?" I heard Charlie call from the bottom of the stairs, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Ch-Dad! I just tripped and broke my CD…No broken bones, I'm good." Yeah, I just tripped and broke one of my only sources of entertainment until Edward got back. No big deal.
I frowned and sat on my bed after placing everything back. "Great," I muttered, "Edward won't be back for another hour or so and I have nothing to do. No books to read, the internet is down and also much to slow to use…And I'm talking to myself."
"Can't I leave you alone for a day without you breaking anything?"
I turned around to see Edward slipping through my window. I practically ran over to greet him.
He landed on the floor of my room with a soft thud and expected me for any cuts or bruises. "Well, at least you didn't hurt yourself…"
"Thanks." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
He ignored that, and looked out the window at the street, "Alice will be here soon…And Rosalie."
My eyes widened, "Why….?" Alice and Rosalie combined, coming over to my house was never good. "You aren't going to let them dress me up like a store mannequin are you?" I asked him slowly, my heart racing, my mind filling up with the horrible memories of being sat down and fooled with.
"Well…Not…Exactly…" Edward rubbed the back of his neck and looked at me worriedly.
"Bella, Bella, Bella, you'll have fun. They're here already anyway. I promise you'll be fine, alright?" He gave me a quick kiss that very nearly made me faint.
"I knew you would do that…just to calm me…" So Jasper wouldn't have to later. I frowned at him, "No dresses." I said simply.
"No dresses." He repeated, slipping out the window again. "See you in a bit."
I quietly went downstairs, and stood in front of the door. Stupid shopaholic vampire sisters.
The doorbell rang and I flung open the door, "No dresses." I said quickly.
Before me stood Alice and Rosalie, smiling happily.
"Oh Bella, we aren't going to dress you up. Is that what Edward told you?" the pixie-like vampire, Alice said.
"It might have slipped…" I snapped.
Charlie came up behind me, overjoyed that Alice was over, "Hello, Alice, Rosalie. How are you girls today?"
"Oh we're fine Charlie! Just a little bored, so we were wondering if we could borrow Bella for a bit?" Alice asked sweetly, her golden eyes locking with Charlie's, a guaranteed yes.
"Sure, Alice! Great idea." He turned to me, not noticing the horrified expression on my face, "Have fun, Bells!"
"Sure, Dad, sure." I grabbed my coat and walked outside. "Someday I'm going to get revenge on you two." I muttered to Rosalie and Alice.
"I'm sure you will." Rosalie said, not really caring. "Bye Charlie!" she said, waving back to Charlie.
I then noticed the car in the driveway. A black 'Mercedes S55 AMG' as Edward had informed me before. "No Volvo? No BMW?" I asked Alice.
"Nope, we borrowed Carlisle's car because a) Charlie would think you were going off with Edward if we brought the Volvo, b) Rosalie's car doesn't have enough room and c) the vanquish and wrangler were totally out of the question…as well as your truck." She paused and opened the back door, "Get in by Edward. You can sit up now, by the way, Charlie's not looking."
I looked inside and noticed Edward leaning against the window, "Told you I would see you in a bit."
"Oh, I see, you've got Edward in case I decide to be 'difficult' right. That's real nice guys." I frowned and slid inside.
"What? You're disappointed to see me?" Edward asked.
"No. I'm mad because now I have no way out of this, whatever this is." I snapped.
"Don't be difficult." Edward said, using his favorite word in the entire dictionary. Difficult.
"I am not being freaking difficult!" I protested.
"Edward, do your job." Alice commanded at the wheel. I hadn't noticed that we were already at the Cullen's house.
"Jasper's taking too long." Rosalie complained.
"YOU HAVE JASPER AGAINST ME TOO?" I yelled, but before I could continue, Edward planted his lips on mine.
That certainly did its job. He pulled away and I sighed in content.
"That shut her up. Good job Edward." Rosalie commented, turning around in her seat.
"Aha, see? I told you bringing Edward would work fine." Alice said as Jasper slipped in the car beside me.
"Hello, Bella." He said, smiling.
"Hi, Jasper…" I mumbled, feeling very tired suddenly.
"It's about time, you're really slow." Rosalie snapped at him.
"It's your husband's fault." Jasper said.
"They were having another fight." Edward said before Rosalie could ask.
"OoOo! Who won, Jazz?" Alice asked, looking at him from the rearview mirror.
"Me, of course." Jasper said with pride.
"Jasper! I said, calm her, not make her tired." Alice said, frowning at him.
"Sorry, love." He laughed nervously and jabbed my shoulder lightly with his finger.
"ARE WE AT THE MALL?" I yelled, staring out the window, suddenly hyperactive. "NO! NO, NO, AND NO! YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT SHOPPING!"
"EDWARD!" Rosalie yelled over my screaming.
Edward did his job again, "You'll be fine, Bella."
"You're so mean to me." I whined as Edward pulled me out of the car.
"Only because I love you." He muttered.
I folded my arms and followed Alice and Rosalie inside the mall, Jasper and Edward acting as guards on either side of me, so I wouldn't run away. Oh how I despised them at that moment.
Alice and Rosalie grabbed my wrists as we entered inside and the guys stayed behind. "Fun timmeee!!" Alice sang.
"Have fun, Bella! I love you!" Edward said, waving at me.
"Good luck with her, Alice, Rose!" Jasper said, waving as well.
I was being dragged away to my doom, with Edward and Jasper watching, as well as a bunch of other people who looked at my vampire 'family' with interest.
"IF YOU LOVED ME YOU WOULDN'T LET THEM TAKE ME!" I yelled at Edward, staring in horror at the dress shop they were shoving me in.
"Bye Bella!" He called back, "See you in a bit! Don't keep her too long!"
"We will!!" Alice called back to Edward, "Just for you!"
"You're in public, Bella, don't yell like that." Rosalie said to me, patting my head like I was a dog.
"I'm being kidnapped!!! Help! EDWARD!" I yelled as they finally managed to push me into the dress shop. I was doomed.
"Oh, just wait, after this we're going to have a tea party it'll be so much fun!!!" Alice said happily, shoving a dress in my arms.
I twitched. "Save me." I muttered.
Ah, torturing Bella, that's always some fun, don'tcha think? And for those of you who are like, "EDWARDMEAN" well, he still remembers the last time he handed Bella over to Alice and Rosalie…Yeah XD Poor Bella.