Hey All!! Yes it is I... Libby ... i havnt written anything in quite some time ... but ... well you know with school and all it's been quite busy... anyways ... i've gotten this idea ... well its not quite a complete idea yet ... i have no idea where to take it from here ... but maybe some of you will know!!! Normally i'm an InuYasha writer (for all of you who dont know what InuYasha is ... shame on you!) ... but i thought i might try a Labyrinth Story! ... but like i said i dont know where to take it from here ... so read and reveiw ... and if anyone knows what i should do with it from here ... let me know will ya's!!! xoxo

DisClaimer - I, Libby, also known as AngelByMistake, solemly sware that i own none of the characters in this story, nor do i own the songs, nomatter how much i may dream! ... now that that's over with ... on with the story!!!!!

"You remind me of the babe
What babe? the babe with the power
What power? power of voodoo
Who do? you do
Do what? remind me of the babe"

"I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry
What could I do?
My baby's love had gone
And left my baby blue
Nobody knew"

"What kind of magic spell to use?
Slime and snails
Or puppy dogs' tails
Thunder or lightning
Then baby said
Dance magic, dance

Dance magic, dance

Put that baby spell on me
Jump magic, jump

Jump magic, jump

Put that magic jump on me
Slap that baby, make him free"

"I saw my baby, trying hard as babe could try
What could I do?
My baby's fun had gone
And left my baby blue
Nobody knew"

"What kind of magic spell to use?
Slime and snails
Or puppy dogs' tails
Thunder or lightning
Then baby said
Dance magic, dance

Dance magic, dance

Put that baby spell on me
Jump magic, jump

Jump magic, jump

Put that magic jump on me
Slap that baby, make him free"

"You remind me of the babe
What babe? the babe with the power
What power? power of voodoo
Who do? you do
Do what? remind me of the babe"

"And that was Sarah Williams, in the number 5 position on tonight's countdown, with 'Dance Magic Dance'. Can you believe this girl? Only 18 and already she has the top 5 spots on the count down and a number 1 album! And here she is in number 4 position with-"

The Radio announcer is cut off by Sarah unplugging her radio. "GOD! Why can't they just leave me alone?" She yells as she flops down onto her bed. "It's not as though I'm the only teen singing sensation to ever be heard"

"No, but you're the only teen singing sensation to suddenly have the top 5 singles and number one album for 15 weeks on end" Sarah's subconscious answers.

"OH Don't you start! I know all this already!"

"Oh well then if you now it all already then why does you keep asking? Because you want to be told!"

"Stop lecturing me! I get lectured from dad and Karen enough! I don't need my head doing it to!" Sarah screams into her pillow. She's been having subconscious arguments for the last few weeks now, ever since she's started thinking about what happened three years ago. Three years ago when she defeated the Labyrinth. Three years ago when she defeated the Goblin king, the night she turned down her dreams.

"RARF WOOF RARF WOOF!" Merlin barks at the window snapping her out of her train of thought.

"Merlin. MERLIN! What are you doing? Get down boy!" Sarah tells her fluffy white dog as he jumps at the window sill.

"WOOF ARF WOOF ARF!" Merlin continues to bark. Seeing that the dog isn't going to stop anytime soon Sarah gets up off her bed to look at what the dog is barking at. Looking out the window Sarah see's a beautiful snow white owl perched in the tree. "Merlin you silly dog, it's only an owl! It's not going to hurt you. Leave it alone, it's not going to do anything!" she tells the dog. As she turns to leave Sarah is left breathless and shocked as she see what looks like a wink come from the owl. Dismissing it as a figment of her imagination, Sarah walks into the bathroom.

"Owls do not wink. Owls do not wink. Owls do not wink!" Sarah tells herself as she begins to get ready to take a shower.

"No, owls don't, but certain Goblin Kings camouflaged as owls do." Her subconscious tells her.

"Not this again! The Labyrinth is not real. The goblins are not real. The Goblins did not take Toby away from me because I asked them to." Sarah says.

"Your getting good at this fake denial stuff! … but you still can't trick me … I'm you… your me … and besides you didn't mention that a certain king isn't real."

"I … of cause I did. What are you going on about? I said that Jar- I mean the Goblin King isn't real!"

"No you didn't! Because if you did we wouldn't be having this conversation!"

"I did!"




"DID … and you're my head … so do as I say and shut it!" Sarah screams as she turns the water off in the shower and walks back into her room with a towel around her body. As she walks back through the doorway she hears the radio playing.

'Strange.' Sarah thinks to herself, 'I thought I turned the radio off.'

"And finally in Number 1 position tonight, is none other than Sarah Williams with without you!" The radio announcer says.

'Oh well. At lease it's one of my better songs.' Sarah thinks. As the music begins to play she starts to sing the lyrics along with the song.

"How you turned my world, you precious thing
You starve and near exhaust me
Everything I've done, I've done for you
I move the stars for no one
You've run so long
You've run so far
Your eyes can be so cruel
Just as I can be so cruel
Though I do believe in you
Yes I do
Live without the sunlight
Love without your heartbeat
I, I can't live without you"

As the song comes to an end Sarah reaches over and turns the radio off, her eyes full of tears.

"Encore! Encore! Beautiful beautiful! But if I remember correctly isn't it 'I can't live within you? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am, I mean I did sing it!"

DUN DUN DUN ... CLIFFY!!!! ... well we all know who quite obviously said those words now dont we ... and if you dont ... then u really dont know anything about the Labyrinth ... but back to what i was saying ...
DUN DUN DUN ... CLIFFY!!!! ... and sorry all but it shall remain a cliffy untill one of you amazing awesome persons out there read and review and follow that review up with a personal message giving me a sugestion on where to take the story!!! ... untill then ... Caio!