Fai woke up early the next morning and snuck out of the room while Kurogane was still sleeping. He couldn't bare to face him after last night. He avoided him at breakfast and throughout most of the day. Unfortunately, when Soma finally managed to track Fai down, she immediately alerted Kurogane and he came after Fai.

"Have I done something wrong?" Kurogane asked as he stepped into earshot.

"No," Fai responded coldly. "Nothing like that."

"Why are you avoiding me, then?" Kurogane cocked an eyebrow.

"Who said I'm--?" Fai turned around, smiling felinely.

"I don't need to be told. It's clear enough," Kurogane growled. "Are you upset about something I did last night?"

"No," Fai laughed lightly. "I can't exactly be mad at you for doing what I asked you to do."

"We're going to have to sort this out at some point," Kurogane insisted, holding Fai from behind.

"I know," Fai nodded. "Just... not now..."

"Tomoyo and her damned mother are coming today," Kurogane noted. "I'd like it if you'd come with me."

"Why?" Fai blinked.

"So that I can introduce you to Tomoyo," Kurogane answered.

"Why is it so important that she meet the palace mage?" Fai asked.

"It's not," Kurogane admitted, "but it's important to me that Tomoyo meet my lover."

"You aren't ashamed of me? You don't want to keep me... hidden... secret?"

"No, especially not from Tomoyo," Kurogane shook his head. "She really was my best friend growing up."

"What you were saying yesterday... you weren't just saying that you don't love Tomoyo like that... because of me, were you?" Fai nervously questioned.

"I said it because I meant it," Kurogane argued. "Now come on. They'll be here soon and both of us could do with a change of clothes."

Fai smiled. It was best to just pretend everything was alright for now he'd decided. He took Kurogane's hand and followed him back into the palace, through winding halls, and back to the bedroom. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was dreadfully wrong and that it was all his fault.

"Here, this is for you," Kurogane handed him a box when they entered the room. "Your measurements still haven't been taken so they guessed."

"Looks a bit small," Fai took the clothing out of the box carefully, examining the beautiful blue and white silk. "I hope it fits. It's really beautiful."

"Kinda girly though," Kurogane shot a look over as he started to change. "You sure you like that?"

"Afraid Tomoyo-hime will think I'm a girl?" Fai smiled teasingly as he put the clothes on.

"Wouldn't be surprised if she did," Kurogane admitted. "Wow. They were right about your measurements."

"Hm?" Fai blinked.

"They figured you were Soma minus the breasts," Kurogane said. "I'm surprised by how true that is."
Fai blushed and turned away in an attempt to hide it.

"Kurogane-sama, Tomoyo-hime and Queen Yuko here," Soma called as she knocked on the door.

"Are you ready?" Kurogane asked, looking over to Fai.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Fai sighed.

"Let's go then," Kurogane opened the door and they headed out to meet Tomoyo and Yuko.

"Kurogane... how nice to see you again..." Yuko took a long drag on her pipe as Kurogane entered the room. "You don't mind if I smoke, do you?"

"I've told you a million times before and I'll tell you again - yes I do mind!" Kurogane snapped.

"My my... your father never would have spoken to me like that," Yuko scolded.

"Cram it," Kurogane growled in return. He had been warned on numerous occasions by his advisors that if he ever went too far, his attitude could launch a full-scale war between Suwa and Shirasaki but he seemed to have a natural need to yell at Yuko whenever he saw her. It was as if he hated her guts but, oddly, he had to admit there was no hate behind it; just annoyance.

"Good afternoon, Kurogane-san," Tomoyo smiled up at him pleasantly from her seat beside her mother.

"Hello Tomoyo," Kurogane responded, trying to sound neutral in tone.

"Kurogane, I understand you called us here about my offer..." Yuko glanced up at him. "I was just starting to think about taking it off the table. Tomoyo can't wait forever to get married. How will she ever bare your children for you if you don't accept my offer until she's old and shriveled?"

"M-mother..." Tomoyo studdered awkwardly, blushing a bit.

"I don't expect her to bare my children," Kurogane said flatly, "because I'm not going to marry her. I don't love Tomoyo."

A sudden wave of emotion washed over Tomoyo's face. She looked terribly upset. Kurogane had to wonder if perhaps he had judged her feelings toward him wrongly.

"Oh," Yuko didn't sound the slightest bit surprised, "is that so?"

"Yeah, it is. Now could you leave us alone? I want to talk to Tomoyo privately," Kurogane glared at Yuko.

"Alright then..." Yuko stood up and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

"You look upset," Kurogane noted, once Yuko had left. "Were you hoping that I would--?"

"No, of course not, Kurogane-san. You're far too much my big brother to be my husband," Tomoyo smiled. "It is just that... when you said you did not love me... even though I knew that you meant it strictly in the romantic sense... I was still upset to hear it."

"Sorry about that," Kurogane muttered. "I never was good at picking the right words to say."

"No, you most certainly were not," Tomoyo giggled slightly in return.

"Tomoyo, there's someone I want you to meet," Kurogane told her.

"Oh?" Tomoyo blinked. "Whoever could it be?"

"My lover," Kurogane gave a slight grin as he headed for the door from which he had entered. "Come on in, Fai."

Fai stepped into the room slowly, being careful not to trip on the hem of his robe. He smiled at Tomoyo awkwardly and bowed deeply, "Good afternoon, Tomoyo-hime."

"No need for formalities, Fai-san," Tomoyo smiled back at him. "We share a love of the same man; we might as well be friends."

"R-right, Tomoyo-san," Fai couldn't help bowing his head again slightly.

"He's sweet," Tomoyo declared, looking over at Kurogane, "and adorable. I hope you two will be very happy together."

"Thanks," Kurogane smirked. "That means a lot to me."

"Well, I should get going. It is rude to keep mother waiting. It was nice meeting you, Fai-san. I hope that next time we meet you will be comfortable enough to call me Tomoyo-chan," Tomoyo stood up. "Oh, Kurogane-san?"


"When you do get married, can I make the clothing for the wedding?" she asked.

"Sure. Whatever makes you happy," Kurogane consented.

"It shall make me happy," Tomoyo insisted as she walked out of the room to rejoin her mother.

"Are you sure… you don't love her?" Fai asked softly.

"What?" Kurogane turned to face him, blinking in shock.

"You'd be better off with her, anyway," Fai admitted, avoiding all eye contact. "In fact… I've been thinking… I should go."

"Why would you leave?"

"Because I'm not about to sacrifice your country for my selfish reasons," Fai explained. "If you and I continue this relationship, if anything happens to us, Suwa will suffer. Disharmony between us could mean problems with the keikkai which would lead to a demon invasion. I'm selfish… but I refuse to be that selfish." Fai bowed his head. "I'll stay until you find a mage to take over for me, Kuro-sama, but after that, I'll be leaving."

"Heh. You know, it sucks that you're a foreigner," Kurogane smirked. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have to explain this."

"Hm?" Fai raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know who my father was?" Kurogane asked.

"The former Lord of Suwa," Fai responded instinctively.

"And my mother?"

"The former Lady of Suwa," Fai answered.

"That's not all she was," Kurogane pointed out.

Fai blinked.

"She was the palace mage. From four years before she married my father to her last dying breath, she was the mage protecting the land of Suwa. If you can bring yourself to trust me, everything will work out just fine. You don't need to be selfish to stay here."

"She was… the palace mage?"

"That's right," Kurogane nodded. "Besides, what would your sister think of me if I let you go now? I made a promise to protect you, you know."

"And I made a promise… that I would stay with you."