A New Life

By. Monica12

Chapter 5

"Serena!!" said an over joyed Lita.

"Mommy!!" yelled Rini.

Serena ran to them then and gave them the biggest hug anyone has ever seen. Tears were already falling down Serena pale skin. The last thing she thought was 'God, nothing could bring me down now.' Looks like she spoke too soon. Before she knew it three girls walked in with a man. Bet you know who.


"God, of course they'd come here! Why didn't I think that once Darien saw me he was going to call them! If they think they can just win me over then their wrong!!" thought Serena. She looked to her new friends. They treated her better then they ever did. And they actully love her. They promised to love and protect her. A promise the seem to forget. This will show them.

"If it isn't the so called princess?" Raye sneered."God why did she come back!!

That ingrate!! I'll teach her who the leader is... why did she come bcak when I was barely getting Darien to notice me again!!

"If it isn't the bitch or more like the Wicked witch of Japan." Repilied Serena. "She has the nerve to actully talk to me!! Well seems shes not sorry.Well if they think I'm going back to them they got another thing coming!'

"Serena, don't listen to Raye. She's a bitch. We we're sorry to have listened to her! It was a mistake! Please forgive us." said Amy.

"I don't care! You were the ones who agreed I was a lousy leader! You were the one to turn your backs on me! You abandened me in my time of need! MY PARENTS WERE KILLED!! MY BOYFRIEND CHEATED ON ME! AND YOU DID NOTHING BUT PUT ME DOWN! I NEEDED YOU ALL BUT NO YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO HEAR ME OUT! YOU ALL WERE SO QUICK TO JUGDE." Serena voice rose and she was pratically screaming by the time she was done. Her new friends didn't think she had it in her. They never saw this side of her. They never saw Serena mad. And boy, they didnt like it.

"Serena just hear us ou-" Darien was cut off by Sky.

"She said she doesn't want to talk to you all. I think it's best to leave her alone." He finished. Serena sending him a look that said 'thank you'. Darien saw the look that passed between the two. And he didn't like it.

"I'm sorry." Dariens voice dripped with venom. He was sending Sky a death glare that didn't go unnoticed." I don't think abyone asked your opinion, buddy, so if you'd so kindly as to BUTT OUT!! We'd appreciate it. Ok. Thanks.

"Don't you dare talk to him like that! He's a closer friend then you'll EVER be. And a way better kisser.But come on, did you actually think I wouldn't move on?

Well you're mistaken.I fell so much better with Sky then I ever did with you! Thank god I didn't give myself to you...that would stopped me from giving myelf to him. A real MAN!" snapped Serena, she knew she took this too far but god damn she wanted to spite HIM!! Bloom thanked god she suggested getting her ex-boyfriend jealous, the last part was brillant. It was the best way to get back at him. Yea she'd feel guilty but they deserved it. Considering they did much worse.

Darien was on the verge of tears. He couldn't believe she moved on. How could she move on after she said she can never love another? How could she have given herself up to someone else? How can she love another. He majorly screwed up.

He shot her a look, his beautiful sapphire eyes held so much pain after that statement. He shot another look at Sky an couldn't help but think she found better.

But he will not stop till he won HIS princess back. And with that he left without another word.

The girls were at a lose. They didn't know what to do! They knew it was no use. So they followed suit. Raye on the other hand was thanking god this happened. There was no way Darien will ever forgive Serena now. And as for the girls well it didn't matter they can go to hell for all she cared. All she needed was Darien.

Serena just look at them with a blank stare. She thanked the heavens they left she didn't know if she could hold back her tears any longer.

"So Serena how do you feel?" asked Musa. She could see something in Serena eyes. It was something she never saw before.

"Musa?'' whimpered Serena.

"Yea?" Musa repiled.

" Is revenge supposed to be sweet?"Serena asked. Serena couldn't help the sinking feeling she had in the pit of her stomach at the things she told Darien. Why couldn't she just forget him? You love him and no one can ever change that. No matter what he did to you.. you still love him. You will always love him. No one forgets their first and only love. Her heart replied. Why couldn't she just forget him and forget the pain he cause. Why couldn't she forget the way she felt when she was with him? He was the only one that she could ever really love. She knew it. But couldn't forgive just yet.

"Yea Serena why?" Musa asked. She sent a wary look to everyone in the group while Serena continued to look out the way they left.

"Then why do I feel so bad?" Serena asked. She looked towards Musa. She truly look like a fallen angel. They all knew how it felt to be heart broken.


Ok... yes I know i haven't wrote in a long time but, after my aunts acident I was needed more around the house. I needed to help with taking care of her. I'm so so so sorry about the wait I will try to update quickly. I've been really stressed this past year 2007 wasnt the best year because of the situation with my aunt and then my grandpa had a heart attack, he got a blood clot, they removed the blood clot and then he was in and out of the hospital because of infections. I was barely entering 8th grade and had all my placement exams for high school. So its been crazy! I will try to update faster. But no promises!Sorry again!! Please review!!

Please and thank you
