Harry watched Ron and Hermione stroll on Hogwart's grounds out by the lake from his perch on the Astronomy tower. They were laughing, laughing the way he used to laugh; they acted as if the war had never affected them at all. And that hurt.
It hurt to know that they would never do that with him again.
It hurt to know that something as simple as a war could tear them apart, something as simple as a war could tear apart the Dream Team, as they used to be called. Why, after all he had been through, after all they had been through, had they abandoned him just because he killed the worst, most powerful wizard in a century.
The people who still believed in him, who didn't think he was a murderer like his own best friends did, said it was his fault. They said that he had had to do it, that he was a hero, but he didn't feel like one. He especially didn't feel like a hero now, when he was standing at the top of the Astronomy tower, preparing to cut himself to death, preparing to bleed to death. No, he didn't feel like someone worthy of the title of "Saviour of the Wizarding World", someone worthy of the title of hero, he felt like a coward.
Because that's what he was, a coward. He was especially a coward know, when he was drawing the razor blade across his arm to dull the pain in his chest, the pain in his heart.
It hurt to know that his boyfriend, the love of his life, had broken up with him for saving him and the rest of the world. Yes, he knew that he had had to use the Killing Curse, and he also knew that this was against the law, but the Ministry hadn't penalized him for it, so why had they, why had Ron? They should have known it had to happen eventually.
As he watched the blood drip from his arm onto the cold, hard stone floor of the Astronomy tower, he realized that he should have listened to the Sorting Hat after all, he should have let it put him in Slytherin. Maybe then he wouldn't be feeling this pain and betrayal. Maybe Malfoy wouldn't have betrayed him when he found out in the Daily Prophet that Harry had used the Killing Curse to destroy the most evil wizard who ever lived.
As he drew the blade across his other arm, he realized that he was a Slytherin. Regardless of his ancesters (A/N: Harry is Godric Gryffindor's heir. Kay? Kay!), he was just a cowardly Slytherin compared to some of the other Gryffindors in his house. Harry started to notice the world getting darker, if he could just cut himself one more time...
Just as he was about to cut himself a third time, he heard hurried footsteps behind him, but Draco Malfoy knew it was too late. Maybe if he could get him to Madam Pomfrey's in the next ten to twenty minutes, he could be saved, but Draco doubted he could run that fast, especially carrying the heavily muscled Potter boy. /Man./ Draco corrected himself. He knew that Harry had been through far too much to still be called a boy.
CRASH! Harry fell to the floor, and everyone below on the grounds heard him pass out from lack of blood.
Then he finally snapped out of the shocked trance he had achieved after realizing that the rock-hard-strong Boy Who Lived and Killed was just going to give up and quickly picked him up and started hauling the unconscious brunette to the Hospital Wing as fast as possible.
He only hoped it wasn't too late.
And that the hero's best friends came to visit him after they realized what they had done to him.
A/N : This is my second fic and I would really appreciate if you reviewed with constructive critisism. And yes, in this Harry is gay and Draco turned to the Light side. Harry was dating Ron but the Ron broke up with him because Harry killed Voldemort and he said "I don't want to date a murderer." Sorry, just a little back up story.
A/N 2: This will continue, it has at least one more chapter, but I will go on even farther if you want me to.