Summary: set after the Mallorean. It's mostly about everybody's children, and their lives. Probably just very long fluff, as I don't actually have a plot in mind. I think I'll just make it up as I go along.

Rating: Probably T. It might change as the story goes on. If you think it should be different just review.

A/N: I haven't read the books in quite a while, so forgive any mistakes.

Beldaran slipped out of her bedroom, and padded silently through the empty corridors. Her bare feet made no sound on the thick Mallorean carpets. She did not have far to go, but it took her longer than she expected. Turing a corner she jumped back and almost gasped, catching herself at the last minute when she saw a figure walking down the corridor in front of her. She shook herself. Don't be stupid, she thought, it's a palace. Why wouldn't there be servants? She crept cautiously past a room which still had candles lit, just in case whoever was in there came out. Just a few more paces, and she would be outside his door. Putting a hand on the door handle, she took a deep breath. You want this, she said silently to herself, you want this to happen, and you're not going to be a silly nervous girl about it. Even whilst she thought this, another part of her brain said, but I am just a silly little girl. I'm 16 years old. How can I possibly know what I want?

Mother knew what she wanted at 15, she argued with herself. Taking a deep breath she started to twist the door handle. Just then a quiet voice said, "I know you're there. You might as well come in." She almost yelped. Almost, and then caught herself at the last second. Pushing the door open all the way, she stepped into the pool of candlelight and smiled.


Kheva looked up immediately when he heard someone step outside his door. He tensed, and then forced himself to relax. Whoever it was was stood outside his door. He thought it was a woman, by the footsteps and breathing but he couldn't be certain. He was sat on his bed in just his underclothes, having taken off his heavy state clothes. Putting his book down, and reaching silently towards where his discarded clothing lay, he pulled his dagger out from his belt with his left hand, and leaned over to take a small throwing knife from his desk with his right.

"I know you're there." He called quietly, "You might as well come in."

The door opened slowly, and he readied himself to dive to the floor. Assassination was not an unrealistic worry for him. The political situation in Drasnia was unstable at best just now, with some areas bordering on outright rebellion. (A/N: Yay! It's a plot!)

There door opened completely and framed in the light stood Beldaran, her red-gold hair loose and tumbling down her shoulders, framing her delicate dryad features. She was wearing a plain white dress which fell to her ankles, leaving her bare feet showing. Standing there like that she looked delicate, demure, and framed in the light, almost angelic. He smiled up at her, putting his knives down and rising. She was smiling at him.

"I don't know who I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't you." He said, shocked.

She smiled. "Well, it certainly wasn't good, looking at those." Her eyes flicked towards his knives before returning to his face. Her eyes were gentle, but held his with a grip like iron chains.

He just grinned. "Why are you here then? I'm sure you didn't come just to make me think I was being assassinated."

"No, but it was worth it to see the look on your face when I opened the door." He smile widened, and he thought she looked like she was trying not to giggle.


Don't giggle you foolish, foolish girl, she commanded herself. Forcing her face into at least a semblance of composure, and keeping her voice level she looked him in the eye. "Well then? May I come in?"

"Of course you may, My Lady." He matched her tone and composure perfectly. Damn him, why was he so good an actor?

She stepped lightly into the room, taking the seat he indicated, and crossing her hands in her lap. She smiled familiarly again, dropping the composed exterior. He would sense her nervousness anyway. "I need to talk to you, Kheva."

"Oh? Can't you talk in the daytime?"

She rolled her eyes. "I would if you were on your own for more than enough time to eat each day. Do you intend to spend the rest of your life in court?"

"Well, I am given to understand that's what happens to kings. Of course, the more unfortunate ones end up in front of a court, but I don't intend for that to happen." She grinned at him. He was making her completely at ease, without even seeming to say anything comforting.

"I need to talk to you." She said again.

"Yes, so you said. Was it about anything in particular, or did you just want to enjoy my fascinating conversations?"

"We need to talk about …" She hesitated, unsure how he would take her words, "… us" He merely raised an eyebrow. "Well, we've been … keeping company lately."

"I had noticed."

"Don't be sarcastic; I'm trying to be serious."

"I know. You do that far too often." She couldn't help it. She laughed. He really did take after Kheldar.

"We need to talk because… I need to know if you're serious about this or not."

"Serious in what way?"

"Do you think we have a future together? Is there any possible chance that anything except experiences will come out of this?"

"I would like to think so, but it is looking more and more possible that I will have to marry someone just to settle down politics." She sighed. She had been unsure lately, but…

"Please Kheva. Please just think about it. I love you."

"Beldaran, please. You're sixteen. How do you know what love is yet? How do you know it's real? Maybe we should leave it for a while?" She gasped. What gave him the right to act like he was superior to her? A few years meant nothing. She said so. It was only after she spoke she realised she had been sharper than she had meant to be. Instead of being offended, he just laughed. "You're so much like Ce'Nedra."

He leant forward and kissed her softly, pulling her body against his. Breaking of the kiss, he murmured in her ear. "I love you." He kissed her again, until she broke away.


"Now and forever."

"Yes, but do you really mean it? I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but only if you do too."

She let him kiss her again. "I do. I really do. I just wanted to be sure you did."


Was she serious? Was he serious? She sounded it, and yet she was so young. He really did love her. He found her beautiful and charming, but at the same time with a fiery temper, and he loved her. But he did know if there was any possibility of marriage. Kissing her, he ran his hands down her shoulders and onto her back. She had her arms around his shoulders. He loved her, and he never wanted to let her go, but it had to be done.

"Are you sure you want this 'Daran?"

She nodded, her head pressed against his chest.

"If I was to speak with Mother and Belgarion about us marrying, would you be happy spending the rest of your life with me?"

"There's no one else I'd rather spend it with."

"I'll talk to them in the morning. But you need to get to bed now, and so do I."

"You'll be in the council tomorrow. And the day after. And then Father's going back home to Riva." She had come to Drasnia two years ago, when she found life on Riva too secluded.

"I'll talk to them first thing in the morning. I promise."

He kissed her one last time and gave her a gentle push out of the door.


So? What do people think? I have a few more chapter ideas, but should I continue this? please review.