Yay for a new story!! I think I'll ask for reviews every now and than, MAYBE, MAYBE, MAYBE, beg a little, but I'll try to lay off a little bit too. I don't know if this idea has been used yet, but I'll give it a try.

Lilys P O V

"Hi Hannah!" Traci calls to me. I'm at a party for Emily Osmet. It's her birthday, and even though I'm friends with both her and Traci, Traci had to invite me for her.

"Oh hi Traci," I said back. Lately she and Emily have been leaving me out.

"So Emily and I are going to the hot tub with her co-star Mitchell Musso. You want to go? Emily had another swimsuit for you," she said. I was surprised because number one, I've been so left out and it was good to see a turn around. Two, because Mitchell Musso is really cute! But I already called my manager to pick me up.

"I'll have to pass. I'm going home," I said.

"Oh, okay bye than, call me," she said with a quick hug. I gave a fake smile, and than rolled my eyes when she left and got into my limo since it had just pulled up.

"Hey thanks Bartie," I said thanking my driver.

His name is really Barth, but I call him Barty. He waved, and I shut the backseat window. Sometimes, it's hard being Hannah, but I get by. I love it too much to quit. See it all started back when I lived in Nebraska. I won my elementary school talent show by singing some '80's song. Than I kept getting more and more publicity until I moved when I was 11. Now that I'm here, I chose a stage name, that way I can be a normal kid. Sometimes.

The next morning I had just one more Hannah thing to do before the weekend was over. Shopping!! Yeah thats right, I had to shop to keep my job. I was out of outfits for my next concert. I also hated though that I had to constantly lie to Oliver and Miley. I'll tell them pretty soon here though. When I say pretty soon, I mean within a year. Or five.

I grabbed my money and called my manager.

"Dad!" I called. Did I forget to mention that dad is my manager?

"You ready Lils?" he asked.

"Yeah let's go!" I said opening up the front door.

"Okay, hold on," dad said. I liked shopping for Hannah's clothes because it was part of my job where I didn't have to wear the strawberry blonde Hannah wig with the electric red streaks, and I could but thousands of dollars of clothes. When I got there I went straight to Jaylies, my favorite store, and right away found a blue shirt with a gold and pink cover, and a pair of jeans. I also ended up getting an orange and pink swimsuit, and blue, pink, and gold tanks, a few pairs of jeans/shorts, and three new pairs of shoes. It only cost 2850 dollars instead of the 4000 that I had. I love having Hannah money to spend. After getting my dads approval, my cell rang. Caller ID said it was Miley.

"Talk to me Miles," I answered.

"Hey Lilypad. You wanna go to the mall?" she asked. I looked to my dad for help.

"Uh...dad can I go to the mall with Miley?" I asked, shaking my head no. I can't go otherwise it would blow my cover from the cash registers or something. I'm not sure what the whole of it is, but my record company said never to go shopping with Hannah money, and than my money in two different trips on the same day. I'm not exactly sure how it goes, but whatever.

"Sorry Lils, you've gotta few chores to do, but I'll take you to a movie after that," he said loud enough for Miley to hear on the other end.

"Miley-" I said acting like I knew she couldn't hear me.

"I heard Lily. That sounds good. Call me when you're ready."

"Okay bye Miles," I said.

"Bye Lilypad!" I hung up and took a breath of relief.

"You know one of these times Lils, you're just gonna have to tell her the truth," dad said.

I sighed.

"Not now. Noone will wanna be Lilys friend anymore. They'll just wanna be Hannahs."

"You don't know that until you try," he offered.

"Yeah but I'll never know what could've been if I'd only shut up. I'll tell the world later," I said getting into our convertable. Dad shrugged.

"If that's how you look at it," he said. I decided to end the conversation.

When we got home I went to the computer for an hour, and called Miley, to make it seem like I was really doing chores.

"Hey Lilypad, Miles landing in five," Miley said when I called her. She caught me by surprise since I called her.

"Open the door!" I called. I heard the door open and Miles skateboard wheels come in. I taught her how to skateboard over Spring Break and she's hardly been seen without it ever since.

"Hey Lily. Ready for the movie?" Miley asked.

"Yeah let me go get my purse," I said going upstairs to grab it, fighting the urge to show Miley my new clothes.

"You comin' Lils?" dad asked heading out the door.

"Yeah," I answered running out to the car.

"So Lilly, Tuesday I've got the house to myself, so you wanna come over?" she asked.

I thought about my plans this week.

"Yeah sure," I agreed. Tuesdays fine, but I have a Hannah thing coming up, so please don't say-

"And Wednesday," she added.

Great. Hannah thing.

"Um... we're going out of town," I lied.

"Oh okay. Where're you goin?" she asked.

"Uh...to a small town about an hour East of here," I lied again. I must be related to Pinoccio.

"Oh cool. What for?" she asked.

"Hey look we're here," I said to change the subject. Dad dropped us off and gave me a that-was-way-to-close look. I nodded my head in agreement, and followed Miley to see the movie. We chose a chick flick since Ollie wasn't there. It was sorta bad. I might've slept through a little bit of it.

"That was...okay," Miley lied while we waited for dad. We both went into a fit of giggles.

"It was horrible!" we said. "I fell asleep," Miley admitted.

"Me too," I said.

"So come on over tomorrow at noon," Miley invited.


"Oh and before I forget! Guess what superstar was found at Emily Osmets birthday party!" Miley smiled.

"I dunno," I said sarcastically.

"Hannah Montana!! Hey you wanna go to her concert with me on Wednesday?" she asks.

"Can't. I'ss still be gone in, Rectro...grassi...villaburg," I lied.

"I've invited you like, seven times but you can never go," Miley said. It was true. And Miley is Hannah's biggest fan. I've got to tell her fast, and soon. But when?

Miley and I saw dad come around the corner, so we got in.

"Thanks dad," I said.

"Thanks T-dogg," Miley said. We renamed him that year or so ago.

"You're welcome girls," he said. Than he took us to our homes, after Miley and I chit chatted in the back.

The next morning I woke up and changed and grabbed my skateboard to go to Mileys. When I got past the right street light I called her and told her I'd be landing in five. When I got there the doors opened on perfect timing.

"Hey Lilypad," Miley said.

"Hey Miles. What do we do now?" I asked.

"Well Oliver and I were just talking about going to Hannahs concert tomorrow but we can do something else," she said.

"Okay." I ignored the fact that she was trying to make me feel guilty.

"Hey Lillempads," Ollie said.

"Hi Shmoliver," I said.

"So why don't you want to go to hannahs concert?" he asked.

"I do. I just can't," I lied.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because I'm going to Retrograssivillaburg," I lied.

"For what?" he asked.

"A family reunion."

"Okay, let's talk about something else," Miley suggested.

"Well what do we do?" Ollie asked.

"We can go to to the beach?" Miley suggested.

"Sounds good to me," I said jumping up. Miley and Oliver following. Figures, Miley has the house to herself, and what do we do? go to the beach.

We spent the afternoon talking to people from school, and than went to Mileys one more time before I had to leave at ten.

"I gotta go. I've got a ten fifteen curfew," I said.

"Why so early?" Oliver asked.

"So I can leave for Retro...whatever it is," I said. They nodded even though I could tell they really didn't believe my lie. "bye!"

The next morning I woke up, took a shower and than my phone rang, but I didn't bother checking caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Lillypad. I'm giving you one last chance to go see Hannah Montana with me tonight," Miley offered.

"Miley, I'm serious I can't we're leaving soon," I said, which wasn't a lie, because we really were i nabout half an hour.

"Come on Lilly you like her don't you?" she begged.

"Of course! I love Hannah! Just tonight isn't my night to go," I said. "I have to go now, bye." I hung up after hearing her sigh.

"Lilly are you almost ready?" dad asked from downstairs.

"No! Hold on!" I shouted. I got into my new pair of shorts and my pink tank with a yellow, blue, green, and silver belt and cute shoes. I'd get my wig on there. So I went downstairs and got into my limo to take me to pre-rehearsals. Tonight I had a few more cameras on me, so I needed to be extra good.

"Hello Hannah, come right back here," my co-manager directed me to a room. Some guy put my hair up in pins and slipped my wig on.

"thanks dude," I said.

"No prob," he said. I than left and went through five hours of voice therapy, dance, and song review, and song practice before hair and make-up.

"Hey Lilems, you're on in ten so start preparing yourself," dad directed. I drank the rest of my lemonade and got out of hair and make-up. When I looked at the security camera at the audience I was amazed at the floor and two balconies full of people.

"Hannie Mannie on in two," the intercom called. Bob, the intercom buy calls me Hannie Mannie, ever since I first started out.

"Hey Lilly, or should I say Hannie? I need you at your stage position," dad said.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going," I said. I went to the back of the curtains and waited for my song, You've got Nerve to play. My concert went just as good as expected and I happened to find Miley and Oliver sitting in row eight or so. Afterwards I went into my dressing room and dad told me how proud my brother would've been as always, and he left. I decided to change into my robe to take off my make-up. But when I was changed I noticed I forgot a bottle of make up remover out side of the bathroom in my dressing room. When I left to get out I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary until I heard a gasp.

"Hannah Montana!" someone shrieked. It couldn't be! It sounded just like Miley! I turned to see her standing there gawking at me, and for a second I forgot it was because I was Hannah Montana. Bad mistake.

"Miley you need to get out of here before securtiy comes in," I said.

"How'd you know that my name is Miley?" she asked. I thought about what I'd just said. Uh oh.

"Um..." I said turning around searching for words so she couldn't see my face.

"Hey you look as pretty as my friend Lilly. She couldn't come tonight but she's your second biggest fan. I'm your first," Miley babbled. I turned around (another mistake). Did she just call me pretty?

She eyeballed me for a second or two.

"Lilly?" she asked. I sighed and took off my wig, letting my blonde locks flow.
