"We are ready captain!" said Fozzie as he looked down to Kermit.

"Good!" shouted Smollett. "You, Beaker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew guard the ship while we're gone. We'll be back as soon as we rescue Jim."

"Aye aye captain!" shouted Trelawney.

"You can cast us off mister Beaker." said the captain.

As Beaker let go of the rope, Gonzo and Sora started rowing towards the island.

"Thanks for coming along guys." said Smollett.

"What!" said Sora. "And leave Jim on that island with those pirates, I don't think so!"

"Yeah." said Gonzo. "And besides, Jim is family to me and Rizzo. We'd never leave him behind."

As the minutes passed, they finally landed on the island. They took out everything they needed and headed off into the jungle in search for the pirates. They walked threw the jungle for what seemed hours, finally the captain stopped.

"We'll rest here for tonight." said Smollett. "And then we'll continue our search."

"What already?" said Gonzo. "But we're so close I can feel it!"

"But Gonzo." said Kairi. "If we're as close as you say, we need our strengths back to save Jim and beat the pirates."

"I guess you're right." said Gonzo. "Thanks Kairi."

"I have an idea." said the captain. "Riku, you and Kairi go on ahead and see if you find anything, then report back immediately."

"Aye aye captain." said Riku.

"Be careful guys." said Sora.

"Don't worry." said Kairi as she disappeared with Riku.

"All right then." said Smollett as he lied on the ground. "Goodnight."

Everyone lied on the ground and closed their eyes. But just when Rizzo reopened his eyes, everything was black and he noticed that he was surrounded by bunches of pairs of eyes.

"Hey guys." said Rizzo.

"What?" everybody asked as they opened their eyes.

"Could you guys just blink for a second?" asked Rizzo.

They all blinked.

"And you others guys blink twice." said Rizzo.

The pairs of eyes that surrounded them blinked twice.

"Uh Oh." said Donald as he lighted up a match.

As soon as the match was lightened up, they could see that they were surrounded by a group of Indian like pigs. The pigs grabbed them and took them away. After a few minutes, they found themselves tied to posts in front of a tribe of pigs. A tall pig, with a funny hat, walked towards them.

"How dare you person enter are house." he said in angry voice.

"What did he say?" asked Sora.

"He said how dare we person enter their house." said Goofy.

"Oh brother." said Donald.

"I hope Riku and Kairi are okay." said Sora.

"Well they're probably doing way better than us right now." said Rizzo.

"Let me handle this boys." said Smollett. "Hello there, we are friendly people who wish to make peace so that we can…"

"Quiet!" shouted the pig. "You say long funny words! And for that, you be punished by our queen Boom Shakalaka!"

"That can't be good." said Gonzo.

As the pigs hit the big drum, eastern island heads started singing "Boom Shakalaka". The wild pigs grabbed out banners and started to dance and sing. Sora turned his head and saw an elephant coming their way, carrying some sort of small tower on its back. Once the elephant stopped in front of a long staircase, the pigs stopped singing and bowed their heads. Out of the tower, along with her pet anteater, came out…

"Miss Piggy?!" said Sora, shocked.

"Uh actually, right now she's known as Benjamina Gunn." whispered Gonzo.

Miss Piggy was standing in front of them, wearing a long white dress. In one hand, she was holding a leash, and on that leash was attached an anteater.

"Bonsoir mes amis." she said, smiling. "Come Flaubert."

The anteater ran down the stairs, causing Benjamina to fall down the stairs.

"Oh that's gotta hurt." said Rizzo.

Sora and the others agreed. Benjamina got back up and started yelling at Flaubert.

"Flaubert, get away you stupid anteater!" she shouted. "You spoiled my entrance!"

Suddenly, the wild pigs restarted to sing "Boom Shakalaka".

"Oh knock it off!" shouted Benjamina.

All the pigs were quiet. She turned her head back and saw her prisoners.

"Greetings to all." she said. "I am Benjamina Gunn. I am the queen of this isla…"

She stopped in her phrase as she stared at Kermit. Kermit was looking at her the same way. Kermit was untied from the post and walked in front of Piggy.

"Smolley." said Piggy. "Can it be you?"

"Benjamina." said Smollett.

And with an Aya, Benjamina hit Smollett and made him fly all the way to the other side of the field, smashing him into the large drum. The pigs cheered for Benjamina. Smollett got back up, shaking, and looked at the pig close to him.

"Old girlfriend." said Smollett as he fell back to the ground.

"Keep the others tied up." said Benjamina. "I've got to talk to mister the captain."

She took Kermit with her and disappeared into the woods. As the hours passed, Sora and the others just waited there, hoping that the captain and the pig would show up and say to untie them.

"We're doomed." said Donald.

"Oh relax Donald." said Gonzo. "Any second now, the captain and the pig will be back and then, they'll release us."

"Actually for once I'm agreeing with the duck." said Rizzo. "We're dead meat that's what we are. Sora's a dead human, Donald's a dead duck, Goofy's a dead dog, Gonzo's a dead…a dead…what ever, and I'm a dead rat…who knows how to untie ropes."

"What?" asked Donald.

"I broke my ropes!?" said Rizzo, confused yet excited.

"Not quite." said a voice from behind.

They all turned their heads and saw Kairi behind Rizzo.

"Kairi!" they all whispered in excitement.

"It's not just her." said another voice.

They all turned their heads and saw Riku untying Sora and Jim untying Goofy.

"Are we glad to see you guys." said Gonzo as soon as everybody was freed.

"Let's get out of here." said Riku.

"What about the captain?" asked Gonzo.

"We'll come back for him when we get a ship." said Jim.

And so, they fled and ran threw the forest until they made it to the beach. As they were heading to the boats that Long John Silver had taken, they discovered that the pigs had broken each and every one of the boats.

"We have to find a way to get back to our ship." said Sora.

"Why don't I use my magic staff to get me there and then we'll go get you guys." suggested Donald.

"That's not a good idea." said Jim. "Long John kept some of his pirates on the ship and they took over. To think that Long John did that and then saved me from his own crew."

"Wait a minute." said Sora. "He saved you?"

"It's a long story." said Jim. "All I know is that after he saved me, he made peace with them again."

"That still doesn't answer how we're gonna get on that boat and save the others." said Goofy.

Suddenly, they heard a voice coming from afar. They saw a form on the ocean, heading to the island. As the form got closer, they could see that it was an life boat and inside the boat was…

"Mr. Arrow!" they all shouted.

"Oh hello there kids." said Mr. Arrow. "Come aboard this very safe life boat. Oh and by the way, that Long John Silver fellow isn't trust worthy."

"Now he tells us." said Rizzo.

"What happened to you?" asked Kairi. "We thought you were dead."

"Long John tricked me into going in the life boat to see if it was secure." said Mr. Arrow. "For two days I tried to find the ship and now I found you kids."

"Mr. Arrow we need your help." said Donald.

"And why's that?" asked Mr. Arrow.

"Let's just say I've got a plan." answered Donald with a sinister laugh.

--End of Chapter--

Sorry it took me so long. The exams were brutal. I've got a few more coming so I don't know when I'll do my next chapter. Review a lot or else no more writing story.