Doors Lead Out

"Bloody hell!"

"Ron, you've said that already." Hermione tried to act normal as she pulled the covers over herself and Severus.


"Mr. Weasley, for every second you remain in here, I will deduct ten points from Gryffindor."

Ron finally found his voice, though his ears were still tomato red and his eyes were focused on the carpet. "Either he goes, or I go."

Severus snorted. "A truly terrible threat, Weasley."

Ron gathered his courage and looked up. "I mean forever."

Hermione gulped. He would have her choose between lover and friend?

In a whisper she answered, "Goodbye then Ron."


I have had this written ever since I wrote the first chapter but I didn't feel it was a good addition so I never posted it. However, I've decided to put it up and hope that you like it.

Personally, I think Ron may have just been overreacting at that point and I'm sure Hermione would run after him (once she's put some clothes on, of course) and convince him to deal with her love for Severus. But, by all means, think what you want to think! If you want Ron out of the picture, well then, he's gone now. Heh.

And no, there will be no more of this story. Sorry!

And for those of you who are curious, the titles refer to a line of Alan Rickman's from Closet Land. Very good movie but hard to find.