((Hey, everyone!! Well, I decided to start another fanfiction… hopefully this one is good enough for you guys (and girls)!! I don't own anything… sadly! Anyway – please read and review!! Thanks a lot!!))


"Spencer, get in the car!" As Ashley watched mindlessly at her blonde friend prance about in the rain, she had a sudden urge to go all "motherly" on her. "Why? I'm not hurting anyone or anything!" "Well, for one thing, it's like a freakin' hurricane out there. Second, I just got my interior detailed and I don't want a wet little Carlin butt on my clean seats," Ashley then took a deep inhaul, "… and third of all, you might catch a cold!" Spencer suddenly stops spinning and gives Ashley one of those "defeated child" looks and makes her way to Ashley's vehicle. She gets to the driver's side window and shyly looks at her friend through the cracked window. "Okay, Paula. You win!" Spencer proceeds to get in the car when she is abruptly stopped by Ashley. "No, no, no." She then waves a stern finger in Spencer's direction. "What do you think you're doing?" Spencer cocks one eyebrow and looks at Ashley with much confusion. "Umm… doing what you told me to do. I'm getting 'in the car'." "Not with wet clothes on, you're not! This is a nicely detailed Porsche, Spencer Carlin!" She shakes her head from side to side. "Nope – not going to happen today, Kiddo!" She then reaches her hand around to the floorboard of her backseat, retrieves a tank top and a jean mini-skirt and hands it to the blonde. "Here." "Eww, Ash! You wore this yesterday!" "So what? It's not like I ran a marathon in it. I just took it off so I could workout." Spencer looks at Ashley with a surprised look on her face. "You… workout… are you serious?" Ashley sighs of surrender and says, "Okay – I don't 'workout', but – I did swim a few laps in my pool yesterday. Anyway, change and let's go!" With a huff and a puff, Spencer quickly changes into Ashley's attire and gets in the car.

"Where are we even going?" "Well, if you must know, we're going back to your house." Spencer, a little confused, turns to her left and looks at the brunette. "Why?" "Because, you need some clean clothes and I need to talk to your dad real quick." "Why do you need to talk to my dad?" "Because… I just… (huffs) Why are you so nosey, huh?" Ashley gently lets out a slight laugh and Spencer raises her hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay! Fine – have it your way. But – eventually, I will find out." With a sharp head gesture in a sarcastic agreement, Ashley accelerates on down the highway toward the Carlin residence.


As Spencer is upstairs rummaging through her closet, trying to find something worth grabbing and stowing away in her night-bag, Ashley is downstairs discussing her "situation" with Arthur.


Okay, so – I've got all that I need, right? Toothbrush, hairbrush… brushes, in general…, contact solution crap, cute clothes – wait, why would I need cute clothes? Oh yeah – maybe because your best friend lives like a billion dollars south of here and her standards are seemed to be set a little higher than yours. Oh… that tank's cute! Hmm… I wonder why Ashley needed to talk to dad. (shrugs) Who knows?!

"Hey, Spence? You ready?"

Spencer, snapping back to reality, replies with, "Yeah! I'll be down in a minute!"

As Spencer waddles down the stairs with more than a one night's sleep-over bag, Ashley accidentally lets out a slight giggle. "What?" "Jeeze, Spence! Are you staying over for the night or the decade?" "Shut up! (laughs) I didn't know what we'd be doing and… I wasn't for sure on what the weather would be like." "Oh yeah – L.A.'s weather is so unpredictable! I mean, one minute… it could be hot and then the next minute… (eyes widen) it could be even hotter!" Ashley can't help but laugh at her own remark. "Whoa – big change, Spencer!" Spencer just rolls her eyes and heaves a bathroom bag at Ashley, before they head off.


Now at Ashley's house, Spencer is in the kitchen, getting herself a plate of nachos; with Ashley "eagle-eyeing" her as she's preparing herself. "Spencer Carlin, if you eat those… (narrows eyes) you'll be sorry!" Spencer wanted to tease Ashley a little bit, so she picks up a huge cheese covered chip and places it dangerously close to her mouth. "Why? What would happen if I did?" "Oh – you don't even want to know." "Oh -- I don't, do I? Well," She then arranges the chip to where it's just resting on her bottom lip. "… maybe," Spencer moves the chip farther in her mouth. "… I… do!!" Just then, she quickly shoves the whole chip in her mouth before Ashley could even stop her. Ashley tightly presses her firm lips together and gives Spencer "the evil eye". "Oh – now you've done it!" Spencer, talking through all the cheese and chips, asks, "Whaw hafe I done?" "You pretty much just ruined the night for us!" Ashley shakes her head in disappointment and then asks Spencer a simple question. "How do you feel about that?" Now having swallowed the massive cheese covered chip, Spencer takes a hold of the TV remote, places it up to her mouth, as if pretending it were a microphone and announces in a news anchor's voice, "Actually, Ashley – I feel a tad bit unsure about my actions. (shrugs shoulders) Maybe if I would've known about your pre-conceived plans beforehand, I wouldn't have taken advantage of the Lay's chips and Kraft cheese!" Ashley just can't help but be overwhelmed by the blonde's "comeback". "You're such a smart-ass, Carlin!" Spencer wrinkles her nose and widely smiles. "I know… don't you just love it?"


((Okay everyone – that was the first official post of this fanfic!! Now – I don't like things sugar-coated… please, please, please – tell me how it really is!! Compliments and complaints are more than welcome here!!! And repliers are my best-friends!! Thanks!))