
By Zilver Wings


Summary: He wrote the best-selling romance novels. She was an innocent fan girl who went to work for him. He brought her into his world of richness and high social status, but also the dark undertone of human nature. But she was willing to pay the consequences. In her eyes, he was perfect even with his many flaws, because she loved him.


Chapter 1


She stood quietly at the front, not really listening to the soft murmurs of the person in front of her.

Her auburn bangs covered her large emerald eyes, once alive and spirited with innocence, now grew duller with age.

He was the one to bring her into his world. A world she never knew existed. On the outside, it was all glamour and colorful. But the ugly truth could not be hidden forever. Just like him, as he slowly shed in front of her. But she chose to overlook all of his imperfects back then.

Love is said to be a child, for in choice he is so oft beguiled.

She was a young innocent girl back then who wanted nothing more than to be near her idol. And he was so suave and romantic. He represented every girl's perfect soul mate.

But she didn't regret being with him. He taught her many things in life, and the most precious one was love.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, and you are mine, my cherry blossom."

She removed one hand from the bouquet she was holding to touch the small piece of jewelry on her ear.

It was the first present he gave her so many years ago.


"Tomoyo-chan, I can't believe that they actually hired me to work for him!"

The auburn gave a sigh as she lied back onto her comfortable bed. Today was truly a dream come true.

She had just graduated from Tokyo University, and was merely an inexperienced girl who majored in English Literature. She didn't even think she stood a chance when she went to an interview to one of the most well-established and popular publishing company, 'Soulers'.

She simply wrote the letter to stop the bugging of her best friend. Who would have guessed two months later, she would become an assistant to her favorite author?

Her best friend grinned at her.

"I'm glad Sakura-chan, Hiirigizawa is a very good suspense author. He also seems to be quite pleasant, I'm sure you'll have a good time working with him."

The auburn immediately bolted upright from her bed.

"Who said anything about Hirrigizawa Eriol? I was talking about Li Syaoran."

Her friend's smile disappeared and a frown replaced itself.

"You are not talking about the same Li Syaoran, the one who writes romance do you?"

When she saw her nod, she groaned.

"Haven't you heard, Sakura-chan? He has a reputation for being a playboy. In fact, he was just in all of the magazine covers yesterday for making out with a sixteen year old schoolgirl, and he is ten years older than her!"

The girl looked indifferent.

"Who cares about his love affair? I'm just being there to work for him. It's not as if he'll look at me as anything more than an assistant. He's so handsome and perfect, and I'm just a plain Jane."

The raven stared at her friend with a mixture of concern and shock.

"Sakura-chan, you, you don't really like him do you?"

The girl looked down.

"It doesn't matter. To see his face everyday is enough for me. I must sleep early tonight to prepare for tomorrow. After all, it's my first day. Good night, Tomoyo-chan."

"Good night."

Somehow, the raven had a bad feeling about this new job. Perhaps it was just a small crush, and would pass away. She sure hoped so.

Her friend was a great believer in love, and her fragile spirits would be broken if her first romance didn't work out.


"Breathe Sakura, calm down."

The birds were chirping as the sun slowly rose from its hiding place for another day.

An auburn girl stayed rooted on the doorstep as she stared at the house in front of her in awe.

She was wearing a simple white fitting blouse and a knee-length pink skirt with high heels.

If she was just visiting a friend, her attire was far too formal, but who would just go into someone's house and work? Apparently, that was what she was about to do.

The house was like those you usually see on television. Although not big enough to be considered as a mansion, it was still very impressive for a house that only lived one single person.

There were three stories, with study black tiles as the roof and creamy white walls. There were also a lot of large windows with certain carvings on them, which were all closed with royal red curtains. In the front, there was a fairly large garden on both sides of the path that led you to the front door.

It was the address the 'Soulers' had give to him. It was supposed to be the famous Li Syaoran's house. However, for someone as fashionable and rich as him, why would he choose to live in the countryside, and not some apartment in the busiest parts of Tokyo?

Her fingers had just touched the doorbell on the side, hesitating, when the door suddenly swung open to reveal a lean man.

The girl's breath stopped short. She couldn't believe that she was actually seeing her idol in real life, up close.

Fashionably disheveled chocolate hair, intense amber eyes, flawless handsome face, the crystal sword pendent on his neck, the tall and lean body, the casual but expensive clothing…

She gulped.

Li Syaoran. There was no doubt why he was a lady's man.

"Ohayo, I'm Li Syaoran, and I guess you must be Kinomoto Sakura."

His voice was deep and husky. She nodded slowly as her face reddened.

He smirked at her tenseness. His calculating eyes surveyed her body, and he nodded in satisfaction before he opened the door wider. He knew he had made the correct choice when he saw her picture in her profile.

"Why don't you come in?"


The memories she had once tried to throw away still stay imprinted in her mind, as clear as day, and she was glad.

She felt her head being lifted upward as the person planted a kiss on her lips.

She smiled.

To be continued…


I'm trying to adopt a new writing style, one different from my previous stories. Don't you dare laugh at my pitiful attempt!

I know this chapter is vague, but that's exactly what I'm trying to do. The chapters will be around 2000 words, unlike this one, since it is only a prologue.

Hope you liked it, and please R&R, I'm not really confident about this story.