A/N Well, I'm back! If I don't write, I get withdrawl-signs, so here's the story I promised y'all. A short chapter to start off with, but don't worry, the next ones are already written. I just have to think of a plot yet... Kidding, I've already formed one in my head, now if I could just get it on paper. Anywaya, I'll stop boring ya with my jibber jabber, and get to the story. Enjoy!

Bulletproof Dukes


Folks, if y'all haven't noticed it, the General is standin at Cooters Garage, again… An' if ya look real well, there's a few holes in it that don't belong there. But we all know how those got there. Another day avoidin bullets for the Dukes.
This time, they was caught between Roscoe an' a low life criminal who had wanted to shove a robbery into their shoes. Luckily Roscoe saw who was doin the shootin, an' arrested the bad guy. An' no one was hurt, well accept for poor General Lee…

"Ya think ya can fix it Coot?" Bo Duke asked the jovial mechanic from where he was watching Cooter's progress, working on the car.

"Bo, that's like askin Miss Tizdale if she fancies yur uncle Jesse. I've got it fixed before ya can say Roscoee P. Coltrane," Cooter announced, imitating the local sheriff perfectly.

"Roscoe?" Bo's high pitched voice came from above the car Cooter was currently lying under.

"Well I was jus' figuratively speakin Bo," Cooter mumbled, sticking his head out from underneath the car, just in time to see the real sheriff walking into his garage.

"Yeah Cooter," Luke grinned, "Roscoe P. Coltrane… So, are ya finished fixin?"

The laughing ended however, when Roscoe's infamous giggle reached their ears, meaning he was about to be a pain in their behinds, and both boys stood there, muscles strung like gazelles ready to bolt.

"Kew, kew, you boys done it this time!"

Luke, always ready to jump in the defense started to protest, "We ain't done nothin wrong Roscoe, an' you know that!"

"Hush! I ain't here ta arrest ya, but maybe that would be best, cause we've got a little bit of a problem…" Roscoe mumbled.

"What are ya talkin about Roscoe?" Bo asked, fully confused right now. Roscoe not trying to arrest them? Something must be wrong.

"Well, remember that crook I arrested this morning?"

"The one tryin' ta shoot us an' almost wrecked the General? I think we remember im Roscoe, what about him? He escaped or somethin?" Luke asked, he was as confused as Bo now.

"Or somethin… Err, I mean, Enos checked him out, an' he appears ta be a real big crook." Roscoe trailed off. "He ehh… he works for Hardware Harry…" Roscoe ended, afraid to look up at the boys by now.

Bo and Luke both swallowed hard, while Cooter looked at them, not entirely grasping the situation.

"Maybe I ain't followin it, but who the heck is Hardware Harry?" he asked, seeing the nervous looks on the three faces in his garage.

Luke answered him, "Hardware Harry is the biggest gun provider in the county, heck in the entire south. An' he's also the meanest, most dangerous crime boss of the country."

This time it was Cooters time to swallow, "An' y'all kinda made him angry by bustin' one o his employers taday, right?"

Roscoe nodded, but he still wouldn't look at them. Luke noticed this, and a nasty feeling settled itself inside his stomach.

"Roscoe? Yur keepin somethin from us, what is it?" he asked slowly.

"The guy we caught, Bullet Benny, his real name is Ben Black. As in, the son of 'Hardware' Harry Black…"

Now three people in the tiny garage swallowed hard. Bo and Luke looked at each other, and both knew what was about to happen.

"He's gonna come after us, ain't he Luke? He'll want revenge, an' he'll want ta take his son back…"

Roscoe interrupted Bo, "That's big fat bad luck for im, cause we've already got plans ta transport Benny ta State Prison tamorrow." Roscoe giggled.

"I jus' came ta warn y'all, cause Enos thought that maybe Hardware Harry might come after ya. So, consider yurselves warned… I'm gone,"

And with that Roscoe turned around, leaving the garage, but not before walking headfirst into a pile of tires, and tumbling to the ground. As he clumsily climbed to his feet and dusted himself off they could hear him mumble again. 'Dang tires, I should cuff em an' stuff em for bein in the way…'

But even Roscoe's antics couldn't force a laugh out of the people who were still standing in the garage.

"What are we gonna do Luke?" Bo asked, his voice nervous as he thought about what had happened to the people who had ever interfered with Harry… Bo remembered the only time they had met the fella, an' that was during their undercover operation on the Nascar circuit. Harry was so big in the crime world, he was released hours after all the big crime bosses had been arrested. That's when he had heard the stories. Stories about people being found with an entire hardware store inside of their bodies, holes covering them. Bullet holes…

Shivering a bit, Bo watched Luke's thoughtful expression. He knew what that meant, a plan was formulating itself inside his cousins head.

After a few tense and completely silent seconds, Luke snapped his fingers, making Bo and Cooter duck, as they thought it to be gunfire.

"Bo, ya want ta be a sittin duck, waitin for them guys ta come an' get us?" Luke asked his younger cousin, knowing what his reaction would be.

"Heck no, I say we take action, cause I don't wanna end up with more holes in my body then the ones I already got. I'm mighty glad with my body like it is…" Bo replied, sparks lighting up his babyblue eyes, giving Luke the sign to go on.

"Well, here's what we're gonna do: Tamorrow they's gonna transport Benny to State Prison, so we know Harry's gonna be there. All we gotta do is make sure Harry don't get his son out, an' get the proof he's behind it, so they can arrest him for it."

Don't that boy make it sound soo simple? I wonder how all o this 'll work out in real life, cause that Harry fella is slicker then a snakes belly…

"That sure sounds good cuz, but how are we gonna make sure of that?" Bo asked, completely trusting his cousin, but needing to know more.

"We take Daisy's camera, an' we follow the State Police as they pick up Benny. Hopefully Harry and his goons ain't camera shy when we catch him springing out his son. Further more, we try ta stay out of sight, so we can jus' deliver the pictures to the FBI," Luke explained to Bo and Cooter, who were listening intently.

"An' if all goes well, Hardware Harry will be behind bars, an' we're home free. With no one tryin ta fill us up with bullets…" Luke trailed of, feeling like someone just walked over his grave. A slight shiver worked itself up his spine thinking about the things Harry had done to several men whom betrayed him. After their undercover operation on the Nascar circuit, one of the FBI agents had showed him some pictures of Harry's victims which made Luke feel sick to his stomach.

Clapping his cousin on the shoulder, Bo turned to Cooter, "I say let's do it. What can go wrong?" he said, his voice sounding optimistic as he looked from Cooter to Luke, who was also looking a little better now.

Cooter was the only one with a frown marring his face. Something didn't feel right, but he buried that feeling. Like always, things would work out for the Dukeboys, he was sure of it.

Friends an' neighbors, don't y'all think that sayin things like that is a bad thing, considering the Dukes? I don't know about y'all, but I'm holdin on ta my seat, cause this sure as heck is gonna be a rocky ride.