The scream seemed to echo right through the ship. Panic was the Doctor's initial reaction, and he hit his head scrambling out from beneath the console. He didn't get very far, though, before a very scared, very ruffled and, much to his embarrassment, very half-dressed Rose hurtled into the control room.

"Rose, what the Hell happened? Calm down!" She hadn't quite managed to stop in time, and was consequently now draped all over the Doctor, half standing, half on the floor, and still screaming.

"Wardrobe-there's a-oh, come look!"

A short walk later they were tiptoeing towards the door of the wardrobe, and the Doctor didn't really know why he had his sonic screwdriver held out. There couldn't possibly be anything on here that he'd need it against, could there?

"In there," Rose whispered, pointing round the door before hiding behind him, clinging to his jacket.

It took a few minutes, but eventually the Doctor found what had made Rose scream. He walked over to it, sighing, and poked it roughly, knocking it to the ground with a dull thud. Rose screamed again.

"Rose, it's plastic." He pulled a limb off for emphasis. "It's just a mannequin."

"I'll walk round the damn ship naked if I have to, I'm not going in there until you get rid of it."