Disclaimer: I don't own Furuba or any of its characters.

Shouldn't Love you anymore

By emichii

Yeah! It's the sequel to Someone Unexpected! Woohoo! Let's all clap and cheer! Woohoo!! Yaayyy! Yipeee! Read and review!

Chapter 1: Beginnings

Tohru was hanging up the washing.

Gee, it's a nice day today… she smiled as she secured another sheet onto the line with a peg.


"Eh?" She looked up. A blush spread across her face. She shook her head hard. Crap, she'd been living with Shigure and the others for a bit over a year now; did she still have to blush whenever she saw Kyo around?

"Hi Kyo," she smiled.

Kyo stared at her blankly. "Hi."

Yeah, he knew he'd have to bring it up sooner or later. Maybe he had managed to confess how he felt earlier and maybe everything seemed to be going fine so far but surely, soon enough, Akito would find out and things would turn out horribly.

Yes Akito, Kyo knew, didn't appreciate relationships of any sort. If he found out, that he and Tohru had feelings for each other, he had no idea what could happen.

But then again, he and Tohru weren't going out or anything. Basically, nothing really changed between them, just the same 'hi and bye' conversations, but it was still so nice to know that their feelings were mutual.

And speaking of Tohru, Kyo still couldn't stop blushing whenever around her.

"Kyo-kun? What is it?" Tohru asked. "Were you… gonna say something?"

"Huh? Oh… no. It's nothing." He smiled, turned and walked away.

Not now. He couldn't tell her now.

It had only happened recently, when he realised what a big threat to Tohru this would be.


Kyo crashed into Shigure while they were passing each other in the hallway.

Shigure smiled. "Wow, Kyo-kun, you're getting tall! And you're growing up really fast!"

"Yeah, yeah. What about it?"

He didn't need any fatherly comments. Especially not from Shigure.

Shigure grinned, mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Be careful about it. You know that at this age you're gonna start thinking about girls a lot more!"

Kyo turned around slowly, mouth twitching. "SHI-GU-RE!!"

Shigure just went on, his voice now almost inaudible. "What I mean is that you have to be careful. If Akito finds out anything about you and Tohru, then who knows what he'll do? You know how unstable he is? If anything were to slip out from our mouths then we'll all suffer."

Kyo's eyes widened. Why? Why hadn't he thought about this earlier?

"And poor Tohru… if anything happens, it will all come out on her. You know everything that goes on whenever someone even talks about love in Akito's presence… You know what happened to poor Hari- he'll never be able to see out of that eye again… and Kana- her memory was erased… You know all about what happened to Rin when Akito learned about her and Haru, how Akito hit her and then how she fell out the window…"

"What… are you trying to say to me?" Kyo murmured slowly, fully aware of what Shigure was trying to tell him.

"It's simple," said Shigure, "You and Tohru are treading on dangerous ground right now. One false move and everything you were ever able to tell her- it all goes down the drain."

Shigure walked right past Kyo.

Don't tell me that. SO what am I supposed to do right now?


One of the things he knew he would have to hide was his feelings for her. But Akito had a bad habit of guessing and the problem was he always guessed right.

That was chapter 1. Yeah, I know, short, huh? But that was just the first chapter, next chappie out next week! Read and review!