Summary: Sasuke is a spy specialist that is sent to guard the #1 hyperactive blond of Konoha High School. For what reason he doesn't know at first, but when he finds out, he'll realize there'll never be a dull moment with Naruto Uzumaki.

Parings: Naruto/Sasuke, Iruka/Kakashi, Neji/Ten-ten, Gaara/Neji

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto


Chapter 1: First day of School

"I sorry sir, but I refuse to participate on this mission!" The raven haired teenager said firmly. He never talked back to the Hokage in his life, but there was some thing that you just couldn't accept.

The elderly man in front of him gave a sigh. "Sasuke, please. Now is not the time to be difficult."

"Why wouldn't I be? I was right in the middle of a mission and you decide to pull me out to baby-sit some brat. I am part of the spying division. Why don't you ask someone from the protection unit to do it?"

"We cannot. We need someone who is around his age and you are the only one who meets that requirement." The Hokage nodded his head towards the white eyed teenager who was in the room; silently listen to Sasuke rant on about the mission. "You as well as Neji and Kakashi will be posing as students and a teacher."

As if on cue, Kakashi walked through the door sheepishly or as sheepishly as the silver haired man could possible be.

"You're late." The three other men in the room said in unison, Sasuke voice a little harsher than usual.

Kakashi grinned. "Gomen, gomen." He apologized. "It's just that I saw a cat stuck up in a tree, and I just had to help it."

The Hokage sighed once again and was about to explain that Kakashi was inside the entire day, but decided it would be a fruitless attempt on the young man. He ignored Kakashi's obvious lie and continued to explain the mission to the group. "The principal at the school knows who you are. She along with two others will know about your identities as well. I don't think I should have to tell you that mentioning Shinobi Inc. is absolutely prohibited. You will leave be leaving tomorrow at 3 in the morning. You'll find your things have already been pack. If that's all gentlemen-"

"No, that isn't all!" Sasuke nearly shouted. "I never agreed to this. I can't drop a mission right in the middle of it.! That's not how I do things!"

"I don't care had you do things!" The Hokage said hotly. He was starting to lose his patience. "Any other time, yes we would give you a choice whether or not you want to accept a mission, but as of the moment, there is no one else that can do this job, so I suggest you lose that ego of yours before I deflated permanently! And don't think I don't why you're so persistent on continuing that mission."

Sasuke visibly tensed. "I don't know what you're talking about." he said through gritted teeth. Damn him…

The elder man seemed to calm down. "You're all dismissed gentlemen. Good night."

Sasuke gave a glare before whipping around and stomping out the room. Neji said a quick good night before he too left. It wasn't long until only Kakashi and the Hokage remained in the room. "Is there something wrong Kakashi?"

"It's Itachi, isn't it?"

The Hokage was quiet before giving a slight nod. "Sasuke found out that Itachi was somehow entwined in everything on his last mission. I needed to get him away from him before he tried to do something extremely stupid."

Kakashi started fidgeting with his forehead protector which he wore over his left eye all the time while at headquarters. While on missions, he would wear an eye patch or put on colored eye contacts so he wouldn't be so noticeable. (How is Kakashi not noticeable?) He also wears a mask that covers up most of his face except his eyes. To be perfectly honest, Kakashi was absolutely gorgeous, he just rarely shows it.

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"I'll send a group out. Probably Haku and Zabuza once they return from their mission." The Hokage looked up at spy seriously. "Look after him, Kakashi."

Kakashi turned to head out the door. "Like you even had to ask."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Hey Sasuke-san, what's going on?"

Sasuke growled before walking right pass the young doctor. Kabuto raised an eyebrow confused at Sasuke's behavior. The raven haired teenager almost never gets upset and usually gives some type of gesture to say hello.

"We just got back from the Hokage's office. He's not too happy about his next mission." Kabuto turned around to see Neji standing behind him. "Good evening, Kabuto."

"I thought he was already placed on a mission?" he asked.

"He was, but the Hokage pulled him out in order to do this new one."

Something flashed across Kabuto's face, Neji noticed, but it disappeared as fast as it came. "Oh, that must be disappointing for Sasuke-san. He was never one to leave his work unfinished." Kabuto waved. "Well, I must be going. It's getting pretty late. Good night Neji-san."

Neji watched the back of the young doctor's back as he continued on his way. Once Kabuto disappeared, he turned around to start walking when he found his arm full of a young woman with brown hair. "Ten-ten. What's wrong?" He stared down at her and saw that her eyes were full of tears.

"I just heard that you were leaving tomorrow." She said quite pathetically.

Neji smiled at her. "Yeah. It's a protection mission. I'll be gone for quite a while." He told her.

She held on tighter. "But our anniversary is coming up…"

Neji stiffened slightly. He had completely forgotten their two year anniversary as a couple. "Uh, maybe I can ask the Hokage if I can come back that day. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"Promise?" ten-ten asked, giving him the saddest puppy dog eyes she could make.

"I promise."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Students, please welcome Sasuke Uchiha. He just moved here so every make him feel welcomed."

A few girls squealed in the front row. Sasuke just rolled his eyes at their stupidity.

Today he was not happy. Usually he isn't happy, but today just pissed him off to no end. He's only been in school for about an hour and already he wished this mission was over. He took a look around the classroom to see if he could the person he was trying to protect.

His eye finally landed on the familiar blond who was currently sleeping the class away. A red hair boy next to him threw an eraser which bounce off his head and onto the floor. However, the blond didn't wake up and continued to sleep which now consisted of him snoring. The red head just shook his head and started doodling in his notebook.

'Oh yeah, watching this loser for the rest of the year is loads more thrilling than tracking down Itachi…' Sasuke thought sarcastically.

The teacher told him to take a seat behind Naruto; how ironic. He sat down and stared at the back of the blond head the entire time, unaware of a certain somebody who noticed the stares.

The bell rung, signaling everyone to go to their next period and the blond still wasn't awake. Sasuke just rolled his eyes before standing up and heading out the door. All he wanted was not to have to talk to anyone and finish his day in a quiet manner. Luck must have not been on his side because before he could take one step out of the classroom, a swarm of girls crowded him.

"Hi Sasuke!"

Sasuke cringed at the high pitch voice of one pink haired girl. "My name is Sakura. You want me to show you where your next class is?"

Sasuke mentally sighed and opened his mouth to say something along the lines of 'no way in hell', but was cut off by a girl with long blonde hair up in a ponytail. "No way, billboard brow! I was going to ask Sasuke to walk with me, so back off."

Sasuke wanted to say something again, but more girls started arguing. The next thing he knew the crowd of girls where into a screaming match. Figuring that was his cue to leave, a rushed out of the classroom, hoping none of the girls noticed him leaving.

Meanwhile, Naruto began to stir from his nap. "What's with all the noise?" He grumbled. Naruto picked up his head without opening his eyes. He yelped in pain when he felt Gaara flick him on the nose. "Wake up, you loser. The bell rung."

Naruto pouted and grabbed his stuff to leave. By then, the crowd of angry women realized that their beloved was gone and went to chase after him. Naruto raised an eyebrow. "What was that all about?"

"A new kid." The red head replied. "He's really hot."

Naruto gave his best friend a nervous grin. "Gaara, you have such a way with words…"

He ignored the comment and headed towards the door. "C'mon blondie, before we're late to class."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sasuke sat down in an empty seat and gave a scowl to anyone who looked at him. He knew that some of the girls in his last period would be in this class as well and he was mentally getting himself ready.


'Oh god! Not her!' For the hundredth time today, he cursed his bad luck. It was that same pink haired girl with the most annoying voice on the planet from last period.

He almost groaned when she took a seat next to him and started talking. Of what? He didn't know or care. He decided to tune her voice out as soon as she greeted him. 'How could this year possibly get any worse?'

"Oi! Who the hell are you?" He looked up to see a loud mouth blond standing in front of his desk, glaring at him.

Not sure what he did wrong, Sasuke glared back. "What's it to you?"

"You're in my seat, Could you move?"

"Naruto!" Sakura screeched. "You know there are no assigned seats! Stop being such a baby and find another one."

"But Sakura-chan," he whined in a pathetic way. "I've been seating here since the beginning of the school year, I don't want to sit anywhere else." He said more gently to the girl. He turned back to Sasuke. "So find another seat."

Sasuke smirked. "No thanks. I think I'll stay here if you don't mind."

The loud blond slammed his hands on the desk and glared even harder. "Yes I do mind! Don't get full of yourself, new kid!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes but didn't budge. In fact, he just ignored the angry boy in front of him.

"Hey, don't ignore me!" He shouted, pressing his face closer towards the raven haired teen.

Sasuke gave a frustrated sigh before. "Get out of my face, dobe."

"Teme! What did you call me?"

Sparks seemed to fly as the two had a glaring contest, neither noticing how close their faces were until someone knock into Naruto, sending him crashing his lips onto Sasuke's.

Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing when they when they heard Sakura give a shriek. They looked to see that Naruto kissing the new kid. There were many gasps and outraged screams (most from the fan girls or course) coming from the crowd of students in the classroom. Finally, for what seemed like eternity, the two boys separated, both wiping their mouths to get rid of the taste of the other.

"NA-RU-TO!" The blond slowly turned his head to find a crowd of very angry females staring at him with a look of bloodlust. Sakura, who was at front, cracked her knuckles in a scary way. Naruto gulped and in no time raced towards the door, the fan girls taking pursuit.

"Iruka-sensei! Help me. They're trying to kill me!" He ran past the teacher, the rabid fan girls quickly on his tail. The young teacher could only look at the scene before walking off in the other direction. Whatever Naruto did, he probably deserved what was coming to him.