Series: Just Hold On

Chapter one: Movie Night

Story by: AvitarGirl

Pairing: Daniel/Vala

Characters: Vala, Sam, Daniel

Disclaimer: Don't own Stargate, I'm just playin.

Popcorn was good. It was a comfort food; at least it was for Vala. She was sitting in the middle of the floor in Sam's living room watching Pirates of The Caribbean. She wasn't exactly sure what had made her pick this movie, besides her newly found crush on Johnny Depp, who she'd only seen in Sleepy Hollow and Finding Neverland, but it didn't really matter. It was a distraction, and that's just what she needed right now. A distraction. The last thing she wanted to thing about was what had happened earlier that day. She didn't want to remember the anger that had risen in his voice or the tears that had formed in her eyes that she just barely managed to shed in private. Thank God for Sam. She had found Vala curled up in a ball hidden in the corner of her lab. Crying. She'd gone over to her, asked her what was wrong. When Vala found that she could hardly talk, Sam had taken it upon her self to get her new friend away from the base, and away from the visual memory of whatever had happened. Vala wasn't sure exactly why she'd done this for her, but she was grateful.

Sam glanced over her shoulder into the living room. Vala was practically three feet in front of the television now. Sam smiled to herself. She remembered seeing Cassie do that the first time she'd seen a TV. She'd been so excited. It surprised her at just how childlike Vala was, in many different ways. She saw the world in a different light. Everything was new to her. It reminded her of the day that she and Daniel had come running to find Teal'c watching TV.

Daniel. Now there was a person that she'd like to have a talk with. Find out what it was that had happened, and why she'd found Vala curled up on the floor in HER lab, as if she were hiding. With a sigh, Sam attempted to put the thought out of her mind. She'd find out sooner or later. She finished with the hot chocolate and went to sit on the floor beside Vala.

"What'd I miss?" Sam asked handing a mug to Vala, glancing at the screen.

"They just captured Jack Sparrow" Vala said staring intently at the TV set. "By the way, what's a unic?"

Sam nearly choked on her hot chocolate from shock and laughter. "You've never heard of a unic?"

Vala shook her head with a curious look on her face. "Should I have?"

"Well" Sam said still trying to stifle a laugh. "A unic is a man who can't…you know."

A look of understanding came over Vala's face and she giggled. "OH! Okay!"

Now both Sam and Vala were giggling. It was definitely a much needed laugh too. Vala laughed so hard her face turned red, and Sam almost spilled her hot chocolate.

Just then the doorbell rang.

The two attempted to get their giggles under control. Sam managed to do so first, and went to answer the door. Vala just lied on the floor taking deep breaths, still a bit giggly.

"Hey Vala?" Sam called. "Chineese food is here."

"Oh yay!" Vala said getting up off the floor, nearly tripping her bunny slippers as she made her way to the kitchen.

Sam handed Vala her container of fried rice then grabbed her container of kung pao chicken. The two women went back into the living room and curled up onto the couch. Sam unpaused the movie, and for a while the two friends ate and watched in silence. The only sounds that were heard were the sounds of Johnny Depp arguing with Orlando Bloom.

"You know" Vala started, "I teased Daniel about that once." she said, the slightest sound of pain in her voice. "I'd asked him if he was even capable of…you know."

Sam nodded slightly.

Vala gave a slightly sarcastic laugh. "I suppose I won't be talking to him much anymore."

"Vala" Sam asked gently. "What happened? The way I found you, I thought maybe he might have even hit you, not that I've ever heard of Daniel doing something like that but…."

"No, he didn't hit me" Vala said, a far away look in her eyes. "If he'd have done that, things might have ended better." She looked back at the television. "How long did the General say we could have off?"

Sam turned her attention back to the television. "You avoided the question" she said glancing at her friend out of the corner of her eye.

"I'll tell you" Vala said gently looking down and picking at her food. "I will…just…just not now."

Sam gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Whenever you wanna tell me is fine."

Vala smiled. "Thanks."

"And General Landry gave us the weekend." Sam added.

"Good" Vala said, turning back to the TV. She shoved a spoonful of rice into her mouth. "Let's get back to Johnny!"

Sam laughed and agreed. For now that was the best thing to do.
