Hey! It's Lil-Neko! Yeah now as you can see I am starting another story! It has been bugging me so much to write it and I guess it'll have to be written along with my other stories.

I don't plan to have this one very long maybe 5 chapters at the most… unless people like it enough for it to continue.

Don't worry! I will continue writing A Lovely Mix Up regularly! I don't know when I will get back around to Save Me though, maybe after A Lovely Mix Up is over.

This is of course an Inu/Kag and Mir/San Romance and Drama fic. Those are the only couples I ever have and will ever have in my stories. Also everyone is there normal self except Miroku does not have his Kazanna. Also InuYasha doesn't exactly be in his hanyou form all the time. You'll find out the details later.

Here is the Full Summary:

Just like in every school there are two main crowds. The populars and well… the non-populars. Interaction between the populars and the non is forbidden. That is, until InuYasha Taisho, the king of the populars fell in love with one.

I hope everyone enjoys it because as I thought about it and it sounded like such a cute story that just had to write it. I'm sorry if it will interfere a little with A Lovely Mix Up, but if I don't get this story out of my system I won't be able to write.


P.S: This chapter will be entirely narrated by InuYasha.


Forbidden Attraction

Chapter 1: Introduction

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any character portrayed in this story!

Where should I start?

Well, my name is InuYasha Taisho. I am in the eighth grade and am currently attending Shikon No Tama Middle School in Hiroshima, Japan, but everyone around here calls it the Jewel School, or J.S for short. I have long silver hair, golden eyes, long nails, and dog ears on the top of my head.

My best friend's name is Miroku Kazanna. He is pretty much the school's number one dim-witted hentai. He hits on practically anything with a chest (I swear I saw him with a rabbit a few weeks ago). He is supposedly a monk in training, Keh. Obviously no one believes him, along with his "cursed hand". That is a load of bull. Miroku has short black hair tied in a rat's tail, and purple/brown eyes.

His um . . . "girlfriend" as he likes to call her is Sango Kurumi. She begs to differ when it comes to their "relationship". She says she would rather rip out his intestines and feed them to her cat, Kirara. Although everyone knows she is totally into him. Sango has been training as a taijyia for almost her whole life. She comes from a line of the greatest ones in all of Hiroshima. Sango has long brown hair, which she always wears in both a high or low ponytail, and she has chocolate brown eyes.

J.S is like any normal school, right? There is the popular crowd and the non-popular crowd. The groups separate the cool kids and the kinds of kids who sit up in the library crushing Smarties and snuffing them. Yeah I know I've seen them do it personally.

Me, Miroku, and Sango along with a bunch of people are part of the popular crowd.

I know, right? How the hell did a hanyou get into the populars? That is a long story and I'll explain it when I have more time. The bell just rang and I have got to hightail it to English if I don't want Mr. Oshiro to be pissed at me again.

I made it to class right as the bell rang and Oshiro-sensei looked at me skeptically before rushing me to my seat, so he could take attendance.

I sit in the very back of the class, like the rest of the populars. Miroku sits next to me and next to him is Kouga Ookami.

Kouga is a little taller than me and has black hair up in a high ponytail, and ice blue eyes, he is also a wolf youkai, hence the last name.

When I plopped down in my seat Kouga, as always, interrogates me.

"Yo. So Taisho, where the hell were you? Oshiro-sensei was just about to give you detention for being late again. You with Kikyo?"

Kikyo Omura and I are considered "school's hottest couple" according to the school paper. Even though technically I never agreed to go out with her. I guess it must be some rule that the King of the populars has to go out with the queen.

Honestly Kikyo Omura, in my opinion, is a frickin stuck-up slut. She has long black hair past thighs, and stone cold gray eyes. She always wears the skimpiest skirts, and shirts that practically, her huge D-cups practically jump right out of.

"Nah InuYasha hates Kinkyho, I've told you that like fricking 12 times already." Miroku placed a hand over his face, looking ashamed.

I ignored them both as I tried to concentrate on what he was saying. Hey I am not popular just for my looks, I have the smarts too. At least one of us has to be.

Oshiro-sensei was explaining how to say some stupid phrase that apparently all Americans have to use sometime in their life "May I please have a condom to give to my big brother?" At least that was what I got out of it; maybe it was "May I please have some butter to put on the lobster?" Keh, they almost mean the same thing right?

"So InuYasha," Miroku jabbed the hanyou with his elbow "Are you ever going, to come out with me and the guys? Seriously every time we ask you, you either have homework or you have some type of family thing going on."

I glared at him and growled "I can't tonight either, I am supposed to have dinner with the family tonight and if I bail Ma'll kill me." I lied evenly.

"Whatever, dude." Kouga gave me a questioningly look and leaned back in his chair and fell asleep.

You don't even know how many times I have got away with lying to my friends. It is pretty much second nature to me now.

I continued working on the assignment until the bell rang and we were excused.

"Hey Inu! Baby I'm over here!" called very familiar/snotty voice.

My "darling" Kikyo.

I tried to ignore her and I continued walking away. I heard heels clacking on the floor so loud it hurt my ears. And an annoying voice shouting behind me. "Inu-kun!"

Just keep walking she'll go way eventually.

"INU! GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" The halls became silent.

I sweat dropped and turned on my heel, well so much for that plan.

"Aha ha. Kikyo sorry I didn't hear you." I lied easily.

She gave a puppy dog pout and latched onto my arm. God I wish she wouldn't do that.

"Oh Inu-kun! Baby, you did the same thing yesterday!" Kikyo pouted as she twirled my black hair around her finger.

Yes that is what I said black hair. Did I mention that I am currently in human form? Yeah well I have black hair, bluish colored eyes, and normal ears.

"Yeah, maybe I should get my ears checked." I rubbed the back of my head to make it look like I was serious. Hell, I need to check my ears; I've got pretty 30/20 hearing. Though it may have dropped to 20 with Kikyo frickin screaming like that all the time.

Kikyo pouted some more until she, turned around and hugged me like the spoiled brat she was.

"J-Just promise me you'll never do it again." Kikyo sniffled pathetically, damn those acting classes worked, everyone believed her, except me of course.

"Never!" I said nonchalantly. I say this everyday it's nothing new.

Kikyo smiled evilly and grabbed my hand crushing it in hers.

"All right time for lunch!" she squealed pig-like.

I groaned and told her that I had forgotten my lunch in my locker.

She said she'd go with me, but I insisted that she go with Yura and her other slutty friends.

I sighed heavily and walked down the empty hall in the other direction of the lunchroom.

Honestly I didn't feel like eating, after Kikyo's glomping attack.

I strolled back towards my locker whistling and suddenly something crashed into me.

I fell back with the air knocked clear out of me and heard an "Oof!" followed by tons of papers scattering the halls.

I groaned and rubbed my head. This is just not my day.

I winced as I pressed a bruise on my scalp that was starting to form. I peered through one eye to see who the hell ran into me when I gasped.

A girl with jet-black hair and beautiful blue eyes was also rubbing the back of her head. She was in the girls' regular green sailor uniform. She was also wearing thick black-rimmed glasses.

Her name was Kagome Higurashi.

An unpopular.

Who I, InuYasha Taisho the king of the populars, just happened to be madly in love with.

Yes I know it was short! I am sorry, but it is the intro and I just had to get it out of the way.

Remember I am going to update A Lovely Mix Up this weekend so watch out for it!

Also, was it good? Let me know in a Review!

Love Ya Lots,
