Chapter 7 (finally)

James groaned. She was going to kill him.

His tiny, virgin girlfriend was going to kill him.

"You're sure?" he asked her, voice ragged. He was giving her yet another chance to change her mind. He would make himself stop if that was what she wanted. It might very well kill him, but he would do it. If they went much further though, he didn't know if he would be able to. He'd never wanted anything or anyone as badly as he wanted the red head he was pinning to the wall, and it was driving him mad.

"Positive." Her voice was breathless, and the sound tugged right at James' groin. Slowly, gently, he peeled her arms away from her chest and held them against the wall on either side of her head. Lily closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She was terrified, and he knew it.

'Slowly,' he told himself. 'Go slowly. Start with what she's comfortable with.'

"Lily," he murmured, his voice a silky caress. "Open your eyes Baby. Look at me."

Hesitantly, she did as he asked.

"I love you." He said a moment before his lips touched hers. He felt relief as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close. He did want this, and badly, but he refused to do this if she wasn't comfortable.

His lips trailed from hers to her chin, and down to her neck. "I want you," he whispered hotly. He placed hot wet kisses on the skin of her throat, grinning and sucking lightly when Lily moaned.

"I love it when you make those sounds." His words, muffled against her flesh. Lily was breathing harder now, panting as his touch rendered her pliant in his strong arms. He suckled harder and she felt her knees give way, but he supported her weight easily; barely shifting to lift her up off of the floor.

"It's my goal," James said, as he switched to the other side of her neck, "to make you make them as often as possible."

"James!" she gasped when he suddenly hoisted her up higher, wrapping her legs loosely around his waist. He pulled back, grinning cheekily at her. He simply stared at her for a moment and his smile softened.

"You okay?" he asked. Lily nodded once, shyly, and James thought it was so cute. She lifted one small hand and delicately brushed a stray lock of hair away from his forehead. His eyes drifted closed and he leaned into her touch. She smiled again and brought her free hand up to lightly caress his cheek.

It was bloody poetic, what he felt just then. He opened his eyes and stared at her again. She was gorgeous there in the darkness, looking at him with such love and trust in her eyes, alongside the shy nervousness.

He couldn't help feeling that she deserved better.

"Do you mind," he began slowly "if we do this another time?" Her eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she nodded. He watched then, as an uncertain and hurt expression overtook her features. She'd thought she'd done something wrong.

Couldn't have that.

She grunted, half in surprise, and half due to the force in which her back was shoved back, and James began kissing her with everything he had.

Her body was pinned between his and the wall, and his freed hands burrowed deep into her thick red hair as he kissed her with so much passion that she couldn't fight the moan that ripped itself ruggedly from her throat.

James didn't want to scare her, but at this point, he couldn't much help himself. Besides, she didn't much seem afraid to him at the moment. Lily couldn't describe the feeling she got from James' hand tugging on her hair as his other reached down to grab the flesh of her behind, pulling her to him as closely as possible.

He pulled away finally when he heard her let out a long, slow, mewl, as she arched her body into his. He laid his head in the crook of her neck and simply held her, one hand still under her bum, the other cupped lightly over her breast.

"Believe me." He ground out "It's not because I don't want you. But you deserve better than some random shag against a wall, or on a couch. You do see that that's where this is going, don't you? I don't want that for your first time. For our first time."

Lily said nothing. She merely wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and held him, awed. He was the loveliest, most considerate…. She gasped and squirmed, feeling a sudden shifting in the bulge pressed in between her legs.

"Sorry." James muttered. He kissed her in chastely in the hollow of her throat, but didn't move away from her.

"Hm." Lily sounded a little amazed, even as her fingers ran lightly through James's hair.

"Whas' matter?"

"It…uh…it moved."

James chuckled and she felt it in every place their bodies touched. "It does that sometimes when I'm….turned on." He explained. Lily looked at him curiously. He finally drew back from the wall and walked with her still in his arms, over to the couch, where he sat, with her straddling his lap. "What's wrong?" He asked as she continued to stare at him. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

She tilted her head a bit. "I was just wondering… Does…does it hurt when it's that way?"

James wanted badly to laugh at the way she kept calling his penis 'It', but he didn't want to hurt her feelings. Besides, it was starting to hurt a bit. "Not really," he answered "but it's starting to."

"Oh!" She moved to scramble off his lap. "Do you want me to move?"

"No, no, no, no." He grabbed for her. "You don't have to." And so she scooted forward again, settling herself very carefully. "You're not going to hurt me." He told her, but she didn't look reassured. In an attempt to show her that it really was alright, he lifted her up and set her back down on his erection.

"Bloody hell." He groaned, head thrown back.

"I am hurting you!" Lily gasped. She tried to get up, but James held her in place. He didn't want her to be afraid to touch him. "You're not hurting me." He said again. "Far from it."

"You….you like it?" she questioned, shifting her hips a bit, curiously. "Like when you had your fingers-"

"Like when I fingered you in my bed until you came?" James asked, grinning roguishly as her face turned red, even in the dim light. "Don't know if feels quite the same, but close enough, I suppose." She shifted again. "And yes," he continued. "I like it. A lot. It feels good Lil."

"It felt good too," she whispered shyly. "what you did that day. I want to make you feel good too." She moved again, more of a deep grind this time, and James' head fell back against the couch once more.

"You do make me feel good." He half moaned. His hands slipped back over her bra without his permission and squeezed, his eyes closed. "But woman, I swear if you don't stop grinding on my dick, I'm going to fuck you stupid."

Her gasp was loud in the sudden silence as he realized what he had just said. She froze immediately, and he winced, knowing, just knowing, that he'd probably just said something horribly wrong and frightened her half to death, if not disgusted her.

He peeked, opening one eye slowly, and then the other. Then it was his turn to freeze. She was looking at him with the sexiest expression that he'd ever seen on her face; second of course to the expression he'd lovingly labeled her "cum face".

"Shit." He breathed in awe. Her chest heaved beneath his hands, as she stared, mouth slightly open, eyes wide and smoldering. Unless he was delusional, he swore he felt a rush of warmth where she sat on top him. He didn't know when she'd moved but he found her fingers clinched tightly in his hair, tugging as she ground roughly into him.

Suddenly he grinned wide. "I can't believe this! You like it when I talk dirty to you, don't you?"

"I- uh…" Lily ducked her head, embarrassed.

"Oh no you don't." He said when she tried to roll to the side, off of his lap, "Look at me damn it." thrusting his hips upward for good measure. She mewled again, and he grinned once more, an expression of utter male satisfaction. "Merlin, you're so fucking sexy." She met his gaze, a little shocked and more than a little turned on still. "Tell me Lily-" he undid the button to her trousers and slipped a hand down into her knickers, both of them hissing as his fingers found purchase in her hot weeping flesh. "-did you like hearing me tell you I'm going to fuck you stupid? Huh?"

Her legs quivered; a rush of more hot fluid coated his fingers. "Merlin, fuck Lil!" Her head snapped up at his violent curse. "You were already so fucking wet." His other hand tunneled into her hair when she apologized and started to back away. "No, no Baby. That's a good thing. Damn but that's a really good thing." He slipped a finger inside of her and immediately started to pump.

She whimpered, arching, aching to get some relief. "Please James." She pleaded. "Please."

"Please what?" He demanded, turning and pressing until he loomed over her on the couch. Lily wrapped her legs around James' back, squeezing, pressing closer. He'd done this to her, pushed her body until she couldn't take it anymore. "I need you." She whispered. "It's so much stronger than last time. I….I want you James."

"I'm going to help you baby." He assured her. "Just like last time."

"No." She stilled his hand and looked straight into his eyes, "I want you. She said again, slowly this time, hoping he would get the meaning she laced into her words so that she wouldn't have to repeat the sentiment. She found herself embarrassed enough as it is, like she was asking him to have sex with her when he already said that he wouldn't tonight. But she did want him, badly. "Please." She added again. Life was short, and who knew what would happen with hers next. She wanted him now, and if he wanted her, she would have him. Here and now.

"You're sure?" He asked, his hand stilling for a moment. She nodded, rather frantically, she thought. "I'm sure. Please James."

"Stop saying please. As sexy as it is, you don't have to beg me Lil. I just want to be sure you really want this. But don't beg. I will be more than happy to give you all the sex you want, anytime you want it." His voice was cocky now, amused. "But I just have to add that, you, woman, are a dream come true. A bloody dream."


"Get rid of her."

James dropped his keys on his dresser and groaned at the sight of his mother sitting on his bed, and glared at her. "No."

For the love of Merlin, he'd only just walked through the bloody door. He'd spent the entire night with Lily, and now here was his mother, ruining his morning.

"James." She stepped away from his bed. "She's not good enough for you. She's muggle born, she's poor, and for Merlin's sake, she's not even ladylike! She plays with cars! How would I introduce her? Here, darling, come meet my daughter-in-law, she's a mechanic."

"She works two jobs to take care of her family." James defended, angrily wishing he hadn't asked permission from the headmaster to visit his parents for the weekend. "It's admirable."

"So she's using you."

"She is not!" James began pacing, agitated. "I know what you're thinking, and she's not like that. How can she be using me if she won't even accept my help? She gets angry every time I suggest it."

"She's not good for you."

"You don't even know her!"

"What's all this yelling about?" Andrew poked his head into James' bedroom. "Annie, stop giving him such a hard time about Lily. I like her, she's a nice girl."

"She's using him!" Annalyse protested again. "She is not!" James argued, just as vehement. "You're just determined not to like her."

"James, she's horrible."

"Hey now," Andrew interrupted, hands up in a signal for peace. "There's nothing wrong with her Annie. She's smart, polite, independent, doesn't accept his money, and she's responsible and caring and takes care of her younger brothers and sisters. Where's the bad in that?"

Annalyse glared at him. "I don't like her." She said simply, and then she left the room.

"Don't worry about your mother, James." He sat where Annalyse had been sitting moments before. "She's probably just afraid that every girl you bring home is going to take you away from her. Most girls don't like their men's mothers being involved in their lives."

"I don't think there's going to be another girl, Dad." James said softly. "I really like Lily. A lot... I love her." Andrew's eyebrows shot up and his son wouldn't meet his gaze, red faced as he left his room.

His dad rose and stretched, arms high as he followed his son downstairs. "Honestly son, if you really like her, then it shouldn't matter what everyone else thinks. You hold on to her."


"How'd it go Evans?" George leant casually against the side of the luxury car Lily was under the hood of. The redhead shot her boss a tortured look as she wiped her greasy hands on her coveralls.

"His mother's the real socialite, you know? Gorgeous, elegant, rich."

George nodded.

"Uh huh, and?"

"She hates me."

George looked doubtful. "Not possible. Everyone loves you."

"Hates me passionately." Lily amended, and ducked back under the car's hood. "His dad's really nice though. He has this Shelby. Oh, George, it's beautiful. It's a '66. He let me take a peek at it before James took me home. The engine needs to be practically rebuilt, but other than that...oh man. He's going to let me work on it though."

Her boss gaped at her. "You're kidding." Lily grinned. "Nope, not at all. He said he would love to see what I can do with it, and to be honest, nothing I can do at this point could make it worse. James is supposed to bring it by at some point today."

"Not late are we?" Employer and employee looked up to find two dark haired men standing a few meters away from them. Immediately Lily turned bright red, thoughts of the night she and James shared rushing through her mind. James smirked at her, knowing what she was remembering.

"Hello James, Mr. Potter." She greeted. "This is my boss George. George, this is my boyfriend James and his father Mr. Potter"

"Andrew." Mr. Potter corrected, reaching out for George's hand, to shake." George gaped at both Potters, and then at Lily, hastily wiping his hands on a rag before shaking Andrew's proffered one.

"Lily." He scolded. "You didn't tell me that your James is the James Potter, son of the Andrew and Annalyse Potter!" Lily rolled her eyes at the amazement and awe on her boss's face. "Don't be such a fangirl George."

Andrew chuckled; secretly amazed at how down to earth this girl was about their family. It was refreshing, especially from a girl of that age. "I am not a fangirl, Evans." George huffed. "Don't you read magazines? Watch the news?"

"George." Lily rolled her eyes again. "How could I possibly have time to read a magazine or watch television when I spend nearly every waking moment fixing the cars that come through this place?"

"Ha, ha." he retorted dryly. "You know, if you have a problem with the work load, you don't have to be head mechanic. I'm sure somebody else would love the pay raise."

Lily grinned cheekily. "But nobody else does such a good job in such a short time." Now it was George's turn to roll his eyes. "Yeah, yeah." He turned to Mr. Potter. "So I hear you have a '66 that needs quite a bit of TLC?"

James nodded. "It's a right hunk of garbage at present." Andrew glared at him, making Lily giggle. "Yes, well, the last mechanic we took it to was rather.....incompetent."

"Well no worries." George reassured. "Besides me, this girls the best mechanic we've got. Hell, she's already faster than me, and she's barely post pubescent."

"I think I take offense." Lily smirked and ducked down for a second to tinker with the car she was working on.

"Boo hoo." George replied. "So have you brought it in?" he redirected his attention to the Potters.

Andrew nodded. "It's on the trailer we have attached to James' truck."

While George directed a couple of the workers in carefully bringing in Andrew's car, Lily stood back with James. He casually draped an arm over her shoulder. "How are you feeling?" he whispered in her ear, delighting in the fact that she turned bright red. "I'm fine." she muttered, ducking back under the hood of the silver car. He moved next to her, bending so that he could see her face. "We never got a chance to really talk this morning. Are you sore?"

If anything, Lily's face turned an even brighter shade of red. "No… Yes... A little." He pulled her out from under the hood by her hips, and turned her to face him.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so rough."

"You didn't do anything I didn't like." She cleared her throat. "That is… it's alright." He leaned back, smiling at her, until she got a bit defensive. "What?"

"You're nervous." He said, in that wonderful baritone voice of his. She eyed him carefully.


"No, no." he caressed her arm briefly, wishing they were alone so that he could hold her, reassure her. "No regrets?"

She looked up at him, startled. "None. You either?" He kissed her cheek sweetly, and then backed away.


"Actually," Lily got a sly smile on her face that James had never seen before as she leaned forward to trace a caressing finger down his back. "I kind of want to do it again the next time you visit."

"Well, well, well. Who is this Lyle?" Lily groaned and stepped away from James, turning to face the newcomer. Amber, the tall, leggy brunette, was the secretary who worked at the luxury dealership that the shop was behind. Devastatingly gorgeous, she often wandered back into the shop on her breaks to flirt with the men and harass Lily.

"Amber, this is James. James, this is Amber. She works in the dealership."

"My father is the owner." The girl interceded, reaching to lay a perfectly manicured hand on James' arm. He smiled politely, and stepped slightly away. "Nice to meet you Amber."

"Pleasure's all mine." she insisted, and gave Lily a passing disapproving glance. "So… James, is it?" Amber eyed the young man standing before her in a way that made James grateful that she didn't seem to know exactly who he was. "Which car is yours?"

"That's my truck outside." He answered, taking another step towards Lily. "We used it to bring my father's car in." Amber turned her head slightly to regard the car before turning her full attention back to James. "That old one?" James nodded, hating the way that Amber was talking to him around Lily, but knowing that Lily wasn't necessarily going to butt in. "Yes, that's it. It won't even turn on."

She waved a hand dismissively. "I wouldn't worry too much about it. Lyle will get it running again. She can fix anything. So tell me...James. Are you seeing anyone? I'm free tonight."

He stared, a little shocked. "I'm seeing Lily actually." Amber turned catty eyes on Lily. "Lyle, Daddy wants you to come have a look at one of the cars they're about to put on the showroom floor."

Lily smiled apologetically in James' direction, her eyes downcast. Hating to leave him with Amber, but knowing that if there really was a problem with a car going on floor, it would need to be taken care of as soon as possible, she sighed. She hated it when Amber came into the shop. The girl was a painful reminder of just how feminine she was, compared to exactly how feminine Lily wasn't. The fact that she called her Lyle certainly didn't help matters much.

"I'll be right back." She muttered. James shot a quick glance towards his Dad, and then grabbed his girlfriend by the arm. "Hold on. I think Dad's ready to leave." He pulled her to him, wanting to tick off Amber because he knew just why she was calling Lily 'Lyle', and it pissed him off. He leaned close to whisper in her ear. "I go back to school in the morning. Can I come by tonight? Have that visit you just mentioned?"

Lily nodded, barely able to keep from flushing red. "Good." He leaned closer and nipped her ear. "Now be a good girl and give us a kiss goodbye." She tilted her head up to give him a quick peck on the lips, but he buried his hand in her hair and kissed her completely senseless. Lily gasped as he slanted his mouth over hers, slipping his tongue past her teeth and robbing her of every single thought. He broke away after a second, and his thumb rubbed the back of her neck in sensual circles. "See you tonight love." And after a quick kiss on her brow, he left her.

Amber scoffed and glared, but Lily didn't even see her, as she dazedly hurried off to see if she was needed at the dealership.