Title: Get Ready For The Real World

Summary: When Harry goes back to the Dursely's after his fifth year, he meet's some new people. They help him get over Sirius' death, and introduces him to the real world. Sex, drug's, secert allinece's, gang's, street fight's, and rock 'n' roll! It turn's out that the new people can do magic too! But they've never been invited to a school to learn their power's or spell's! This is going to be a long and fun summer!

My own character's: Shadow, Flame, Adel, Panther, Wolf, Charlie, Mikey, Crow, Flames Vurtue (to Shadow and the other's they call her Flame Eye's), Stag, Bear, Dove, and more!

A/N: Sorry for all grammer and spelling error's that might be here! Flames are allowed! I would love to know what you all think is wrong with my story! This is taking place in Harry's fifth year, BUT the abuse from the Dursely's will be worse, and everything else will be turned around too!





Last Chapter: Shadow rested her head on Severus' shoulder and looked at Harry. "So when do you think that we should complete it?" she asked curiously.

Severus chocked on his spit at that question. "Hmm... maybe next week?" Harry asked back. They all entered the bedroom and the fireplace lit up. Dove walked over to the dresser, but stopped when Charlie called his name. "We don't have to wear clothes tonight" Adel said smiling softly. Dove smiled and nodded and everyone went to the bed. Shadow was sandwiched between Harry and Severus. Veela was on top of Panther, and Adel was next to Voldemort. Lucius hugged Ron to him, as Draco drapped himself over Ron also. Stag was next to Remus, as Minerva was cuddled up with Dove and Bear. Charlie, Wolf and Crow were at the foot of the bed and streched out, snoring away.

This Chapter:

Everyone awoke the next morning to a loud banging. "What the hell is that?" Remus grummbled as he hugged Stag to his body tightly. "I dunno..." Fred slurred out on George's chest. "Shadow will you go check?" Ron muttered out into Lucius' chest. After a few moment's of silence everyone bolted up. "SHADOW?!" they all called looking in the bed and then all around the room. "Where is she?!" Harry cried out as everyone fled the room and toward's the banging sound. Everyone skidded to a stop and stood in shock.

They had ran into one of the training room's. Shadow had weapon's flying around her as she flipped over them, counter sparring and shoving her hand out causing balls of air to push the weapon back as another came toward's her. "When the hell did she learn that?" Voldemort asked shocked as Shadow continued to train. "She learned that last night" a deep male voice said to the left of the group. Everyone snapped their head's to the left and was even more shocked. The male looked about in his early twenties, he has elbow length purple hair, tanned skin, grey eyes, buff and is wearing a loose pair of grey jogging pant showing off his muscled chest.

"Who are you?" Severus asked hotly his eyes narrowing. Suddenly all the weapon's dropped to the floor and Shadow flipped over to the group. "What are you all doing up?" she asked fixing her black tank top and red short short's. "We heard all the banging, and when we found you gone we all came running" Harry explained calmly holding onto Severus' hand. "I woke you all up?" Shadow asked curiously as she handed her sword to the unknown male. "Yeah... sis who is that?" Charlie asked confused next to Wolf and Crow. Shadow blinked owlishly for a moment then shook her head. "This is Lucifer Charlie, I called him here last night while you were all asleep" she explained shocking the group even more.

"How about we all talk while over tea?" Lucifer suggested before anyone could speak. "That sound's nice" Minerva said warmly next to Dove and Bear. "How about you all get some clothes on first?" Shadow asked amused with an eyebrow raised. The group blushed as they ran out of the training room and to the bedroom. "You sure made them run fast" Lucifer said amused as he put the sword away on the wall. "Maybe so, but it was damn funny" Shadow admitted as they walked into the living room, causing the fire place to lite up. "It sure has been a while" Lucifer sighed out sinking into one of the couches.

"Yes it has" Shadow agreed sitting across from him as everyone else came into the room. Everyone sat somewhere and stayed quite. "You all want to know why Lucifer is here don't you?" Shadow asked inbetwwen Severus and Harry. "That would be nice" Voldemort said for everyone. Lucifer sighed while streching his leg's out. "Ever since I left hell Lucifer and I have had a connection" Shadow started off slowly. "But how can that be? You were only in hell for ten minutes" Dove spoke curiously from his spot on the end of the couch with Bear in his lap. "That may be true for here in your time, but in hell one minute equals to a hundred year's" Lucifer explained calmly.

"So why did you call Lucifer here last night?" George asked curiously from his spot on his twin's lap. "There has been... a lot of talk down in my place" Lucifer said slowly. "Talk? About what exactly?" Lucius asked seriously as he pulled Ron into his lap. "Dumbledore is a very known man in hell. Many people, wizards and muggle alike, have been sent there because of him. But I've heard that Dumbledore is going mad, he's even killing his own men. Why just last year I met a man by the name of Sirius Black. He told me eveything I needed to know" Lucifer explained boredly as Wolf poked his cheek, since she sat beside him.

"Sirius? He was sent to hell?" Remus asked his eyes shinning painfully. "Yes, but only because Dumbledore fed him a potion that turned him completely dark. Mind, body, soul, etc" Lucifer shurrged out uncaringly. Harry growled low in his throat causing Shadow to nuzzle his neck and Severus to pet his hair calming him down easily. "I have a few question's" Lucifer pooped off with confusing everyone. "Of course, go ahead and ask" Minerva said calmly as she held Bear's hand. "I met two boy's before I came here. Their name's were Flame and Mikey, you know them?" Lucifer asked curiously as he sat up straight.

Everyone was silent as they sat in shock. "Mikey followed him?" Veela asked quitely as Panther held him closely. "I'll take that as a yes you know them. The boy's asked me to give you a messege. They said to forget and live. I'm not sure what that means..." Lucifer admitted trailing off. Shadow, Stag and Charlie chuckled causing everyone to pay attention to the one they were close to. "Live and forget huh?" Charlie asked bitterly causing Crow to hold his hand. "I guess they did remember the old day's" Stag added slowly causing Remus to put his arm around the teen's shoulder. "Could you explain this to us?" Draco asked a bit annoyed as his leg was swung over his father's lap and across Ron's waist.


Shadow: I'm really sorry that this chapter is so short. But I forgot I didn't have chapter ten fully done so I need to save the rest until I do finish. I do promise that chapter ten will be longer and put up by the end of the day. I just have to update the rest of my stories and then write/type up the rest to chapter ten. Let me know what you think please? Flames are allowed as always.