Beauty of the Beast

Author Note: Do not own FF VII or Advent Children.


That Reno's bed was soft was the only coherent thought within Yazoo's mind as Reno's hands caressed him like a musical instrument causing soft mewls and groans to emit from him. His own hands returned in kind, slipping up Reno's loose shirt to feel smooth skin covering a strong, wiry body. His thoughts were too jumbled, too pleasure filled, to understand how they got here from the shops but it didn't matter because Reno hardly gave him time to think as his hands tugged at his hair, forcing his face up and vulnerable for the smouldering kiss which descended on him. Arching up to return it Yazoo did nothing to stop Reno's free hand from pushing his shirt up (his coat having been thoughtlessly discarded at the door) and over his head, locking his arms above him as Reno moved his head down to Yazoo's chest, licking a tingling trail from his collar bone to a nipple which he took into his mouth ravenously. Yazoo mewled, cheeks blushing pink as he trembled under the stimulation his hair sticking to his face and body like wisps of cobweb. Reno's short nails trailed noticeably down Yazoo's sides, not enough to hurt but enough to earn a reaction, as his mouth moved to the other side of Yazoo's chest with gusto a satisfied, pleasure filled grin brightening his face. Frustrated with the lack of touch Yazoo pulled against the restraining bonds of his shirt, ripping it apart to fall lustily onto Reno, pulling his ponytail so that his face was forced level with his own, taking in with glee the look of surprise on the flaming Turks face before he kissed him, passion filling both mouths. Pulling the elastic band out of Reno's hair so that it fell sleekly around his thin frame Yazoo luxuriated in touching the surprisingly smooth strands before lowering his hands to caress Reno's stomach, brick like from working out, then moving them upwards, exploring his hairless chest while also removing his shirt. Reno's laboured breath was sending shivers to run amok within Yazoo as Reno delicately licked the shell of his ear before taking a testing bite, licking his lips at Yazoo pleasing reaction as Yazoo's legs tightened around his waist, drawing him in closer.

Trousers and pants were taken off feverishly, Reno removing Yazoo's by drawing down the zip with his teeth causing the silver haired man to buck impatiently under him. They now lay, Reno above Yazoo, on the bed breaths quick and unthought-of as they filled their eyes with the over. A small part of Yazoo's brain registered how he appeared, his venerability (ha had always been the most modest of his brothers) and a blush kissed his rosy cheeks as he turned his face away, lifting hands to cover Reno's sparkling eyes.

"Why?" Reno questioned behind Yazoos hands, his own taking a gentle hold of Yazoo's slim wrists.

"You're beautiful' a soft kiss was placed to Yazoo's palms 'and anyway' a tongue joined the trailing lips, tracing the cresses on his hands ' it's a bit unfair if you can see me and I cant see you ain't it?" Chuckling at the tongue tickling his palm Yazoo cautiously removed his hands, his face resolutely turned away as he felt Reno's eyes take in his form, his slim waist and hips, flat stomach…hands turned his face so that blue eyes stared into his green.

"If I had your body I so would not wear that coat!" Yazoo smiled unguarded at the so very Reno comment before accepting Reno's lips.

A cover was pulled over his chilling form, anticipation a spark igniting a trail through him as Reno snugly fitted himself against him and then…

"Well?" Reno looked up drowsily from where he had been making patterns out of Yazoo's hair, humming a questioning response.

"What do you think?" His words were clipped and Yazoo felt his body beginning to shiver, not from the cold but from indignation, anger and betrayal. Confused azure eyes stared up at him.

"Yazoo…its past eleven…we've been walking and buying clothes all day…don't ya think its time to, y'know, sleep." The slap rang thunderously in the room.

"You bastered." It was stated simply, the ice Yazoo had shed was already freezing back into place. Leaning over, exposing the arch of his back to Reno, Yazoo sorted through the pile of clothes on the floor.

Trembling in self loathing Yazoo attempted to put on his ripped shirt when Reno's arm sneaked around his waist pulling him back to land securely in Reno's lap.

"I'm an idiot." The self loathing in that whispered statement nearly matched Yazoo's as Reno pulled the resisting body closer to his own.

"Yazoo." Yazoo twisted in Reno's grasp, wanting to get away, needing to get away from the source which he had opened himself to.

"Yazoo listen to me!" The arm pulled him tight against the wiry chest and Yazoo gasped when he felt a stiffness against his back. Reno leaned down, hiding his face in the fall of Yazoo's hair.

"Damn it! You think I don't want you? Fuck Yazoo I want you soo much it fucking hurts! When you're watching the tv I want you, when you're getting something from the bloody fridge I want you, when you just turn your head to say something to me I wanna grab you!" Reno rambled into the shuddering mass of Yazoo his hands tightening of Yazoo's skin which he at last could feel.

"Then why didn't you take me…I wanted you to take me." The stiffness below thrust slightly against him and Reno clasped Yazoo pliant body to his own at the admission.

"Because' he whispered, his voice hoarse ' I wanted you to want me. Really want me as much as I fucking want you. I don't want you to do it with me just to drown out what happened today." A shuddering breathe left Yazoo. Yazoo hadn't cried in years, he didn't think he had ever cried, but he wanted to cry now. He wanted to cry because Reno had seen everything, everything he himself hadn't seen. Seeing Cloud and contemplating the betrayl at the hands of Reno had spooked him and to feel Reno in such an intimate way would have reassured him of his present life. A soothing hand whispered through his hair.

"I'm sorry for leading you on or anything…I just…I'm still human y'know, I couldn't resist…you tasted so good…but, when you you're ready, I'll be here, I'll always be here." They sat in silence for a while Yazoo's shuddering breath subsiding as Reno soothed his hand through his silvery locks causing Yazoo's eyes to become heavy.

"Reno…" The whisper came out as Reno lay Yazoo on the bed, his head tucked against Reno' chest, his mako eyes glowing as they stared at the TURK. Seeing the appreciation and thanks in them he leaned down, brushing a butterfly kiss against his forehead.

"Its okay yo…its okay."


Was originally going to have them go all the way…but I didn't think Yazoo was ready for it.