Hinata barely suppressed a whimper of disappointment as she found that her dessert bowl was empty. She had savored every bite of the decadent sweet, and was almost sad that there wasn't any left. But she also knew that if she ate another bite of food, she wouldn't be able to get out of her chair.

She set the dish down, and smiled at Chouji, who had finished eating shortly before her. Hinata was very impressed with his table manners. He had ordered almost twice as much food as she had, but he had managed to clear his plates quickly and cleanly.

After a few minutes of quiet conversation, to allow their bodies to digest the wonderful food they had just eaten, Chouji paid the bill and they left. At Hinata's questioning look Chouji explained.

"Yes, the owner is my Aunt, and I'm her favorite nephew. But she is also a business woman. If she had a 'family eats free policy,' she would have been out of business years ago," he chuckled and Hinata giggled.

"We have two hours before I have to get you home. Is there anything that you would like to do with that time?" Chouji asked. Hinata blushed and shook her head. 'I just like being with you Chouji kun,' she thought to herself, willing the words to go out of her mouth, but that wasn't going to happen. So instead she did the most gutsy thing she could think of. She reached over and grabbed his hand, twisting her fingers up in his.

She peeked over at Chouji from under her lashes, to see what his reaction was. The smile he wore made the bold move worth it. They walked the streets of Konoha in comfortable silence. Niether wanting to ruin the moment.

"I know a place we can go if you want," Chouji offered. Hinata thought for a while, then grinned up at him and nodded. Chouji's grip on her hand tightened, but not painfully so. His pace picked up and he started leading her through the streets. Eventually he lead her to the school, causing Hinata to look at him questioningly.

"Don't worry," he assured her, " You're going to love this." He lead her to the side of the building, where there was a ladder to the roof. Reluctantly he let go of her hand, and motioned her to climb the ladder. Hinata did so, blushing at the thought that Chouji might be checking out her butt.

Of course she realized that the lighting wasn't ideal for doing that, unless you were a Hyuuga, but he could be, and that's what mattered. Subconsciously she added a swing to her hips as she moved from one ladder step to the other. Finally she reached the top and she did a cute little hop onto the roof, spinning around to wait for Chouji.

First were his hands, which Hinata could see had many nicks and calasus that all ninja's had. Then were the tufts of his spiky hair. She surpressed a giggle as the ends of his spiky hair turned into his honest round face. He smiled at her, and Hinata couldn't help but smile back. 'He's right,' she thought, ' I do love this.'

He approached her slowly and cautiously, as though he thought that if he made a sudden move she would bolt or possibly shatter into a million pieces. She smiled reassuringly as he reached out for her hand.

Chouji lead her to a bench that was sitting conveniently on the roof, as if waiting for the couple. He gently urged her to sit.

"This is where I first met Shikamaru," he started, "It was one of those days where everything just turns out wrong. Then, he shows up, sits down and starts cloud watching. We've been together ever since."

"That's a nice story," Hinata said, staring at the stars. They were silent for a very long time.

"This is where we met Kurenai-sensei for the first time," Hinata volunteered. "She said that she chose the spot because there was something special here. She said that the people who meet here stay together forever, and that she wanted us to know that no matter what happened, we were a team and we were stuck together," she laughed a little to herself. "Kiba-kun immediately jumped up and tried to run away. He said that he didn't want to be stuck with a bug-freak for the rest of his life. Shino-kun just said 'sit', and Kiba-kun did."

"So do you want to be stuck with me forever?" Chouji teased.

"Well you're the one who braught me here, so I could ask you the same thing couldn't I?" Hinata teased back.

"True, but you knew about the legend before we got here. I just like the view," Chouji protested.

"It is a very nice view," Hinata agreed, and all was silent.