Ya know, a Hazzard County winter ain't much fun. It gets too cold to enjoy any of the regular outdoor activities but stays too warm to experience the benefits of ice as the northerners do. But every now and then, a winter wind dips down far enough for the youngin's to get a taste of what they normally only see in televised Christmas cartoons. Of course, some of them youngin's enjoy it more than others...

"Hey Luke, did you see that?"

Luke Duke stopped nailing down the patch he was applying to the barn roof long enough to look toward his blond haired, younger cousin. Seeing which direction Bo was looking in, he glanced down toward the front of the house and saw……absolutely nothing at all.

"Guess not. What was it?"

"No, not down there, right here! There's another one!"

Confused, Luke looked back toward Bo who seemed to be peering intensely at the thin air in front of him. It took some eye strain of his own, but he finally managed to see what had captured the young man's interest as Bo held his hand out, catching what Luke assumed was the smallest snowflake that could be formed and still be considered as such. Immediately melting upon contact with Bo's hand, it didn't even leave any visible moisture behind.

"Snow, Luke! Snow in Hazzard County!" Bo exclaimed, his eyes gleaming in excitement.

"Well I hope you enjoyed it, because that's probably all you're gonna get." Luke replied, smiling and shaking his head as he turned his attention back to the patch job.

"That ain't so, Luke! I's listenin' to the weather man this evenin' and he said we might get two maybe even three inches before tomorrow mornin'!"

"And since when have weathermen ever been right?" Luke asked. "Besides, even if he was, it ain't no big deal. It's not like it ain't never snowed here before."

"Aw Luke, them little dustin's we usually get once a winter barely even covers the grass and is usually gone in an hour or so. We're talkin' real snow, even enough to make a snowball man."

Luke chucked at the thought that Bo could still take delight in making a 'snowball man'. Since Georgia didn't get much snow in the winter, the Dukes had compensated for the lack thereof as children. If one of the dustings did come along, they would scrape enough snow into their fists to form three snowballs. Stacking them one on the other, they would set their new friend on the porch step, where he would be adored with rock buttons, holly bush berry eyes and twig arms. A scrap of fabric from Aunt Lavinia's quilting bag was always cut strategically to form a miniature shawl that would be wrapped around the snowman's neck while one of Daisy's dolls lost her hat during his short stay.

He started to reply when an unfamiliar brown station wagon pulled up to the back door. "Wonder who that is?" He asked.

Neither of the boys needed perfect vision from where they sat to see that whoever it was had shoulder length blond hair. While that's all they could really see, it was enough of a start to get them in a contest to see who could climb down the ladder first.

"Looks like I won, cuz." Bo announced with a grin, placing his feet on solid ground first as Luke stepped off the ladder behind him.

"Ya ain't to the car yet." Luke replied, stepping around Bo and making a beeline for the station wagon. Bo found himself having to take a short jog to catch up to his cousin.

"Hi!" They both exclaimed in greeting, having reached the startled lady at the same time.

"Oh, hi boys." She said after rolling down the window, a bit taken aback by the forward albeit friendly greeting. "Is this the Duke residence?"

"I told ya it was, Aunt Emily!" A youthful voice replied from inside the car. Recognizing that voice, Bo peered inside and spied one of the charges from the local Frothy Camp inside…….Tommy Vineyard.

"Hey Tommy." Bo grinned at the eight year old, a wheelchair bound youth who was one of his camp favorites. "You never told me you had such a pretty aunt!"

"Well you never asked." Tommy replied in youthful innocence as his Aunt Emily blushed.

"Hi ma'am. I'm Luke Duke and this is my cousin Bo." Luke jumped in, addressing Emily's question. "Why don't you come on into the house? It's a lot warmer in there."

"Thank you, I think I will." Emily replied.

"Actually, it looks like you lost, cuz." Luke then whispered, smiling at Bo as he rushed forward to open Emily's door for her. Bo smirked as he walked around the car to extract Tommy from his seat.

The grin that Luke offered to Bo was then offered to Emily as she got out of the car. But once she did, it faded substantially as Luke's gaze settled on her bulging stomach.

"Too bad." Bo grinned right back at his cousin at seeing Emily's delicate condition. This time it was Luke's turn to smirk as the young woman looked at the pair quizzically.

"Want your chair Tommy?" Bo asked.

"No, carry me!" Tommy demanded with a boyish grin.

"Ask Mr. Duke, Tommy, don't TELL him!" Emily reprimanded her nephew.

"No problem. If he wants carried, I'll carry him." Bo confirmed. He then commenced to picking Tommy up and, before he knew it, Tommy found himself being carried into the house by the ankles, dangling behind Bo.

"Well howdy ma'am." Uncle Jesse said once the boys had escorted Emily into the house. He then frowned in confusion as he heard a flurry of childish laughter and peered behind the lady to search for the source.

"Is that Tommy I'm hearin'?"

"Right here Uncle Jesse." Tommy replied amongst giggles as Bo turned to show Jesse Tommy's current predicament.

"Put that youngin' down! Ain't you got the sense God gave a buzzard?" Jesse sneered at Bo's action.

Bo simply laughed himself as Luke assisted Tommy into an upright position and they placed him in a chair at the kitchen table.

"I hope we're not disturbing you, Mr. Duke." Emily said, bringing Jesse's attention away from the boys.

"Oh no, not at all. What can I do fer ya?'

"Well perhaps I should begin by introducing myself. I'm Emily McGee, Travis Martin's niece."

"Well how about that?" Jesse smiled. "I ain't seen Travis since he moved over near Jasper. How's he doing?"

"Oh fine, just fine. He wishes he could get to Hazzard more often but those new chicken houses of his keeps him going full time."

"I see." Jesse nods.

"Well, the reason I'm here is because Uncle Travis said I could use his cabin while I'm visiting Tommy for the weekend. I don't have a key and it's my understanding that you were given a spare."

Jesse thought a minute before he nodded. "That I was, almost forgot about it." He replied, getting on a chair to fetch the key from a tin he kept hidden on top of the cupboard. "But uh, you sure you wanna stay up there? Them woods ain't too wheelchair friendly and…." He trailed off as he looked at her stomach. "…..If I ain't bein' too forward you look like you're gonna be ready most any time."

"Oh I'm fine, Mr. Duke. Still have three weeks to go." Emily replied as she took the key. "And as far as the wheelchair, don't worry. Ole' Tommy here can get around better than me most of the time."

"I can get around better than most people, 'specially Bo here." Tommy giggled from his seat at the table before he and Bo exchanged friendly jabs.

"Well okay." Jesse replied. "But if ya need to I wouldn't mind you stayin' with us. Tommy here could bunk with the boys and Daisy's got a nice sized bed in her room."

"No, I couldn't impose, Mr. Duke." Emily replied. Besides, I don't get to see Tommy very much, I'd really like to have some one on one time with him this weekend."

Jesse simply nodded. "Well you two be careful up there. They're callin' for a chance of snow tonight. Ya got enough food ta see ya thru a couple of days?"

"We do. Thank you." Emily replied, turning toward Bo. "If you don't mind taking Tommy back to the car, I'd really appreciate it. I'd like to make it to the cabin before dark."

"Yes ma'am." Bo replied, starting to pick Tommy up by his ankles again. Both his and Tommy's faces fell as Jesse gave Bo a stern look. Reluctantly, he snaked one arm under Tommy's arms and the other under his knees as he carried him out of the house.

Once Bo had secured Tommy in the car, he, Luke and Jesse waved goodbye to the pair as they set off in the direction of the cabin. Looking at the darkening evening sky and spying a few more microscopic flakes, Jesse turned to the boys. "Ya best finish that patch job 'fore the roof gits wet."

"Yes sir." They replied, heading toward the ladder that was on the side of the barn once again as Jesse retreated back inside the house.

"Well I hope you wasn't too disappointed there, cuz." Bo announced in laughter, remembering the look on Luke's face as Emily emerged from the car.

"You didn't exactly sit still when she pulled up, Bo." Luke replied as he took the ladder rungs two at a time. "Now c'mon. We gotta finish this patch job 'fore it gets dark out."

"You mean before the roof gets wet." Bo replied, staring at the flakes that had gotten a little fatter on his way up the ladder.

"There ain't no chance of that." Luke announced as he left the ladder and began walking toward the patch. "Like I said it ain't gonna sn…."

Luke was abruptly cut off as he hit a wet spot on the roof. As Bo watched helplessly, his cousin fell and slid off the side!

Ya know, when Luke first saw Emily, I kinda suspected he might end up head over heels, but this ain't what I had in mind.