Hello everyone. This is going to be a Sasuke x Sakura story, it will contain swearing, mature situations and violence(duh it's about ninjas).

Disclaimer- I don't own Naruto, if I did I wouldn't be writing fanfiction.

Obsessive Love




Eighteen year old Haruno Sakura stood by the window of the Konoha Main Hospital. She laughed as she saw her best friend Ino pull her lazy fiancé Shikamaru down the street and briefly wondered where they were going. 'Probably to some wedding planning appointment or something. I don't see how she does it, be devoted to chasing one man for so long then just switch like that, I could never do that.'

"Sakura-chan," a voice called be hind her. Sakura jumped out of her thoughts and spun around to see her fellow medic-nin.

"Oh hi Hinata-chan, has the last rookie squad arrived yet?" she asked hoping for a positive answer. They were in the middle of the bi-annual physical assessment of the village ninja, it was tedious but the sooner today's appointments were done the sooner they could go home.

"Hai, Sakura-chan they just arrived, we should get started before-"

Suddenly a voice examination room, "But I don't want to get a shot, I hate needles."

Then Naruto's voice joined his student's "Suck it up Konohamaru, be a man not a wimpy brat."

Both kunoichi started laughing knowing that Naruto would complain more than all his students put together when it was his turn. Even though they were all jounin now Sakura still thought it was a lack of judgement on the Hokage's part to make Naruto the sensei of a genin squad and wondered if the Hokage had been drunk when she approved it.

"Shut up Naruto-sensei."

Sakura walked to the door and opened it and glared at Naruto who was in the process of hitting Konohamaru over the head. "Just get in here."

"Hai Sakura-chan."

Yes her life was hectic but she wouldn't exchange it for anything, but as Hinata walked up to her baka husband and he kissed her on the cheek she somehow couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

That night in Sound Village Uchiha Sasuke shot up in bed panting. Looking around his empty dark room he groaned then dropped back down onto his bed.

'It was that dream again.' For weeks now he had been dreaming of her, ever since he had had a glimpse of a certain pink-haired kunoichi while out on a mission he hadn't been able to get her out of his head.

Realizing he wasn't getting any sleep any time soon he quickly got up to have a cold shower, a very cold shower. This was turning into a tradition, why in the world couldn't he get her out of his head.

He had spent years ignoring, shunning and rejecting her but when he had seen her having fun and joking around with the other men on her new squad he had felt a rush to run over and rip them all to shreds, 'She is my team-mate damn it, mine and no one else's.' Okay so that was stretching it, they hadn't been team-mates for years and even then Naruto and Kakashi had been there too but somehow always knowing she would be waiting at the meeting point in the mornings and that her obsession with him kept her out of other men's arms had comforted him.

What was he thinking if that was true then he had always loved her but it didn't matter what she had once felt for him, he was a missing-nin now and she had most likely moved on, 'Hell, she might even be married.' Somehow that thought made his blood boil, the very idea of another man touching her. 'Down boy.'

He quickly finished his shower and headed back to bed, fully knowing he would get any more sleep that night not plagued by her. All he could do was close his eyes and pray for the horrific nightmares that had plagued him since childhood to take him.

A silver haired man entered a dark room and knelt before the man in the chair at the far side of the room.

Then the man in the chair spoke "Well Kabuto who is this Sakura girl Sasuke has been calling for in his sleep?"

"As far as I can tell it's his old pink-haired team-mate from when he was a genin, Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto replied.

"That pathetic little creature, any one of the new recruits could take her out blindfolded, Sasuke certainly has strange taste."

"My research indicates that she has gotten more powerful since our last encounter with her, Orochimaru-sama. She is now a jounin and a renowned medic-nin, after all she has been studying under Tsunade directly for years but is still no where near her sensei's power or skill, let alone ours," Kabuto explained.

Orochimaru thought for a moment, "In any case Kabuto bring her here. Sasuke's thoughts of this girl are interfering with his training, at this rate he won't be ready for the change when the time comes or he could even die in a battle because he's distracted and we can't afford that. I haven't seen a boy with that much power, potential and such an amazing blood line trait, I need his body. If spending his free time with this girl will keep his mind on his training during training hours then we need her. Capture her tomorrow night, we can present her to him the next day, after training. In the meantime get some rest if Tsunade really trained her there is no telling what tricks she has up her pretty little sleeves."

"Hai Orochimaru-sama."


Well that was the prologue, don't worry the actual chapters will be a lot longer this is just an introduction.

This story will have three parts, in the same story people not seperate ones and it will have a happy ending, it will just take a while to get there. It will ahe approximately 25-30 chapters in cluding a prologue and epilogue.
