The Furyian and the escaped inmate quickly put distance between their ship and the fiery hellhole the necro's were attacking. Once out into the open space, Kyra leaned back copilot seat and sighed. It felt good to be able to sit down for a minute without having to watch her back constantly. The ship was dark, but not so much that she couldn't see. Looking over to the pilots seat, she watched as Riddick set the coordination's for their destination.
A lot of questions were swirling around her brain, but she filed them away, as well as the question of where they were headed. For the moment the only question she asked was, "Why'd you come back?"
Riddick turned his head towards her ever so slightly, his goggles reflecting the glow of the ship's controls. Not answering her question, he asked, "Why were you in a triple max slam?"
She looked at him strangely, then replied, "killing people doesn't exactly put you on the good citizens list."
He disregarded what she told him, questioning, "Why'd you let them capture you?"
The young women glared at him, angered by his assumption that her getting caught was her own fault. "Let them?! I didn't let them, I was on some shithole planet trying to shake a merc crew and some asshole got a lucky shot in! The bullet straight through my leg made it a little hard to fight off four attackers."
"It's always your fault." Riddick informed her, "If you get caught, you must have done something wrong."
Kyra's gaze traveled down the side of his face, trying to detect some hint of emotion. Not seeing any, she stood up and walked towards the back of the medium sized ship. Taking in her surroundings, she turned back to the front and questioned impatiently, "Where are we going?"
Riddick slowly stood up and turned to look at her. He let his eyes take in her long, dark hair and angry eyes. So cat-like. He moved his gaze down, past her full mouth onto her body. His hungry eyes took in her womanly form and he snorted. New animal, huh Jack? Would seem to me you're right. Even though his goggles hid them from her view, Kyra knew his eyes were on her. Under normal circumstances she wouldn't allow it, she would've been on full alert, waiting for an attack. But this was Riddick. There was nothing normal about him. She returned his stare, finally having a chance to refresh the picture of him she'd kept in the back of her head. This was the man that had saved her. This was the man that'd left her. How was she to know he wouldn't do it again?
"I asked a question." She reiterated, annoyed that he never answered her. The man finally pulled his gaze back up to her face and grinned slightly. When he still didn't answer, she frowned. They stood there for a moment-he knew what was coming. He knew she hated him for leaving her. Her anger had had five years to build, and she sure as hell wasn't gonna miss the chance for retribution. She hated him for it. Her mouth tensed-he saw it. When she launched herself at him he was ready. Blocking her, he quickly deflected the leg she kicked up to connect with his midsection. Grabbing her wrists, he pinned her up hands against the wall. She twisted in his grasp, yanking on her arms to free her wrists from his vice-like grasp. She brought her legs up to her stomach and kicked out, catching his chest and pushing him away.
Riddick, who had barely put any effort into the fight, warned, "Kyra, you don't know what you're doing." She threw herself at him, fists flying. He dodged her attacks easily, until she got a good hit in and caught his chin. It didn't hurt him so much as make him angry that he hadn't seen it coming. Growling, he once more grabbed her wrists and slammed her into the wall, hard. This time he used his body to pin her there, against her frantic struggling. She flicked her hair back from her face and looked up at him, breathing heavy. Her glare was set in a thin line.
He ground out, "That was a very stupid thing to do, Kyra. You could've just gotten yourself killed. You need to learn that there are better things to attack then me. Don't try it again. You might get yourself hurt." She frowned at him, then jerked against his hold, still trying to get loose. You need this. I understand that, but I can't hurt you, and you know it, Jack. Or Kyra. I guess a new animal deserves a new name.
She finally stopped struggling, and he slowly let go of her, but didn't back off any. She looked up into his face and slowly brought her hand up to take off his goggles. He didn't move, letting her. It was dark enough for him not to need them anyway. Dropping her hand, still holding his goggles, to her side, she looked into his eyes, fascinated. They had always fascinated her. Somehow seeing them made him really there for her. No one else had eyes like that. She asked again, quietly, "Why'd you come back?"
Riddick looked at her, and finally responded, "See if you're still alive."
Gaze hardening slightly, Kyra asked, "D'you care?"
"If I didn't would I be here?" With that he walked away, leaving her to consider what he'd told her.
The ship had served as a home to some merc at one time, so the set up was not like ones he generally traveled in. No kryo-sleep, just a bedroom and bathroom. They'd been traveling for a while before Kyra approached him at the control panel. He was sitting in the pilot's seat and she stood behind him, not saying anything for a time. She watched him silently, but eventually spoke up. "Riddick." When he didn't respond, she tried again, less forcefully, "Riddick." This time he looked up at her. "I'm glad that you came back."
A.N.- I know, it's short. And sorry if the spaces are wrong i was just trying to break it up better so it was more readable then my other stories. This is my first Riddick fic, so be honest