Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter... I barely own the plot, since something like this is problably already done.

A/N: Okay, short introduction: Dumbledore is still alive, Draco is not a Death Eater (yet, he might be later in the story), Harry and Ron are out hunting horcruxes Hermione stayed at Hogwarts, Hermione and Draco are Headstudents... I think that's it. Oh yeah, and I can't spell, I'm danish and I talk very good english, but I spell it very bad. Hope you'll enjoy and review.

Right Kind Of Wrong

Am I Not Sweet ?

Hermione Granger turned a page, and licked her lips. She didn't move her eyes over the next page, as the boy in front of her did. Instead she stared at his lips. Yes, Hermione found that Draco Malfoy had the most beautifull lips, she had ever seen.

"Granger, could you please stop fantasizing about me and concentrate on all these things we have to do?" Draco asked her annoyed. It was their first day back at Hogwarts, and they were reading about their responsebillities as Headstudents, in their dorm.

Hermione blushed and shook her head "Obviously I wasn't fantasizing about you Malfoy."

"Who were you fantasizing about then, Granger?" Draco smirked at the bushyhaired girl, who rolled her eyes at him.

He thought he heard he mumble something like "Ferret-boy." But he wasn't sure. He rested his head in his hands, and continued the reading.

He was disturbed 10 minutes later, when Hermione began to collect all of her papers, said "Goodnight." And walked up to her room.

Draco leaned back in his chair and sighed, what fun she was going to be to live with. "Goodnight." He said after her as an attempt to be civil.

Yes, Draco Malfoy actually wanted to be civil with Hermione Granger.


Hermione furrowed her brows, when she heard Malfoy saying a civil goodnight to her. She thought it through as she walked into the bathroom she shared with Malfoy. Distant she turned on the hot water in the shower, and undressed pacing around the room throwing pieces of clothes everywhere.


After a long first day, Draco decided that he needed a long, hot shower. He walked straight into the room, pulling his t-shirt of, and then he noticed the stema, the sound of running water and Granger's clothes spread all over the room. He could see Granger's curves through the door that lead to the shower, and he was certain a low humming was coming from her.

"Mind if I use the tub, Granger?" He asked teasingly, sure he wanted to be civil with her, but it was just to much fun pissing her of.

"GET OUT MALFOY!" She screamed embarrased, and angry.

He chuckled, and let the water in the tub run "Come on Granger, we're sharing a bathroom this had to happen sooner or later." He threw a towel over the showerdoor.

"I would've preffered later, you little brat!" She stepped out of the shower with the soaked towel around her, her normally bushy hair hang straight down her back.

Hermione was schoked to see Draco in only his trousers and, well nothing more.

Draco looked at her slim body, behind the towel that clung to her body, and Hermione stared at his lips.

"Could you at least get out while I get dressed?" She asked him, cearly still angry.

"Of course." He grinned at her "How kind." She replied sarcastic "I know, am I not sweet?" Hermione ignored him, and dressed quickly when he closed the door.

Back in their rooms, both of them was sighing defeated at the thought of living an entire year with the other person.

Even though Hermione had to admit it was nice not having to share a room with Lavender and Parvati any longer, and now she would have plenty of time to stare at Malfoy's lips.

And Draco had to admit he was happy that he didn't have to share a room with the remaining Slytherins, it would be easier for him to avoid Pansy now, and Crabbe and Goyle weren't even there any longer they had joined the Death Eaters that summer.

Draco had managed to get his branding moved to next year, many of his fellow Slytherins found that suspicious, living with Granger meant he could avoid them to. And he would have plenty of time to piss her of.

A/N: Really short I know, but I have to finish a danish paper, and write a chapter for my other fic "A Marauder Love Story". Please review and tell me if you think I should continue, or not. Oh and the "Am I not sweet?" is from a song called Am I Not Sweet by Natural Born Hippies. And the title Right Kind Of Wrong is the title of a song sung by Leann Rimes. Oh yeah, and I reply to all who review.

X X X LolaCherryColaGirl