Disclaimer!: This is a fan fic, based of the books Twilight and New Moon written by Stephenie Meyer. Most characters will belong to her, though I may add in my own for the benefit of the story/plot.

Warning!: Possible spoilers and graphic details later on in the story. Just a heads up for later.

Author's Note: Okay, was it wrong of me to sit here, half an hour after I posted the fourth chapter, giggling my butt off because I had a few people respond so quickly? Thank God no one else was home. I'm already a certified loon, don't need to take another trip back to the Institution before the Holidays. I have a story to write, dammit! Thanks to all that responded and I cherish your encouraging words. Even if most of them included chants of 'More, more, more!'. That's okay though, because it makes me feel good. And now, for a nice little announcement, I've had the ever so lovely xoxoBlackOwl become my beta. My excuse for if something is left out, misspelled, etc. You can blame her!!!!!!! Just kidding! ;; Yeah…I'll shut up while I'm ahead of myself. That's what I get for doing this at nearly two in the morning.


I was in a bed, I knew that much. The feather top mattress was overly plush and my aching body didn't want to move. The downy blanket cocooned my body, keeping my body in a parallel line, which was rather strange since I always slept curled in a ball. My head had somehow ended up buried under the pillow, the covering of which felt like satin against my cheek.

A hoarse groan creak out of my vocal chords and I cringed at the sound. Movement at the moment seemed almost impossible as heavy as my body felt, as if I had run miles on end with weights strapped to my feet and then slept it off. But I knew I had to move. As to why, I couldn't remember and that bugged me to no end. A thick mass of swirling fogged clouded my brain, muddling up the gears, preventing me from remembering why I was sinking into a panic.

Breaths came at quick, short gasps and my heart rate was picking up at an unreasonable rate for someone that was just lounging around in a very comfy bed. I fought against the quilt that held me to the sheets, my body straining, my fingers digging at the folds in an attempt to find a way out. I managed to fling the pillow away from my head and I was instantly sorry for this. Blinding shafts of light spilled through the slightly parted curtains. My head pounded out a painful beat as the darkness of the room and brightness of the light swirled sickly about before my eyes.

I could feel it before it happened, the way the mass traveled up my esophagus and made me feel as if I was being strangled. My mouth filled with an overly healthy helping of saliva and my forehead broke out a thin sheen of sweat. This was it, I was going to be sick in the bed!

My body lurched with the first heave, yet somehow, the bile flowed easily from me. I had been expecting to choke to death on it, seeing as I was unable to move to my side. Yet I heard the sound of the contents of my stomach slopping to the bottom of something tin. If I hadn't been so busy puking my guts up, suffering the raw sensation as it spewed from my mouth and nose in torrents, then I may have opened my eyes to find out why I was hearing this sound.

As it all finally slowed, even though my stomach still contracted painfully, I noticed that I had been moved to a sitting position at the side of the bed. A towel was pushed under my face and I gladly took it, grateful to remove the remaining bits of yesterday's lunch from my lips and nose. Slowly I opened my eyes to find Carlisle beside me, his arm wrapped about me to keep me upright. In his other hand, a little black metal waste basket that had to contain my regurgitated stomach contents.

"Thank you." I managed to croak at him, Carlisle offering me a warm smile that dazzled me for a moment. It was then that the full force of why I had been in a panic hit. It sent me hyperventilating as I clutched at my chest. My eyes were wide and unfocused, my body shaking uncontrollably. Edward was gone.

"Easy, Bella." The golden angel next to me murmured as he pulled me around so I was forced to look at him. He held my eyes, locking my face in place between two cold, iron hands. "Breathe." He instructed, nodding his head up and down in time with deep breaths. I followed along obediently. While the breathing was slowly placed under control, it did nothing for the fat tears that seared my eyes and lids, rolling down over my cheeks.

Sobs wracked my body as my own tears drowned me. "He-He-He's not co-coming b-b-back!" I wailed to Carlisle, throwing myself at the bed and burring my face in the first decent amount of fabric I could clutch. "Bella," Carlisle sighed, his hand rubbing small circles on my back. "He just needs some time. Give him a few days and he'll be back." I knew the words were supposed to comfort me, the knowledge that I would have Edward back soon. But still I carried on, the pain of the whole in my chest not allowing me to stop my bawling.

"Like hell he will be! We're going to him." The voice caught me off guard, causing my sobs to falter. Was that….Rosalie?! I lifted my head enough so that I could confirm this, as crazy as the notion was. And to my shock, it was Rosalie. And she looked pissed.

"Get up Bella." She commanded, her fists balled atop her voluptuous hips. "Hold on a minute Rose. I don't think-" Carlisle started, standing slowly as he attempted to calm his adoptive daughter. "No." She stated bluntly, her eyes burning with an intensity I hadn't seen since the first time I ever truly made eye contact with her. "What Edward did is inexcusable and I'll be damned if he's going to throw such a hissy fit like this. He's being a brat and needs the sense beat into him, Carlisle." A pale hand raised to pinch the bridge of Carlisle's nose, his eyes closing in frustration.

"Rose, Please. I think that this will just make it worse." His voice was pleading, something I had never heard. Usually the others obeyed whatever Carlisle said and I hadn't a clue that begging was even in the Doctor's vocabulary. "No it won't." Alice appeared behind Rosalie, her hands clasped behind her as she danced on the balls of her feet. "Edward's very sorry that his temper got the best of him. The only thing holding him back from coming home is that he doesn't know if he can dare face Bella again."

Now it was my turn to voice my opinion, and I was glad that the sobbing had stopped. "Sorry?" I questioned, flinching at my own voice. I sounded horrible; something along the lines of a chain smoker with strep throat. "I should be apologizing to him for making him that angry."

All stared at me, Alice and Carlisle both with similar razor-thin pressed lips while Rosalie frowned, her delicate brows raised. "Don't be ridiculous." Rosalie sneered at me, her top lip curling back over her teeth. "Edward was an asshole to even dare think those words, much less say them. Don't you dare be sorry. Now get up and go shower. We have to stop at your house and get some clothes for you before we leave."

I blinked, trying to keep up with this all. I had always thought that Rosalie carried a dislike for me, even with the recent civilities since I had helped save her brother. But never would I think that she would respond in such a manner like this. "What about Charlie? I have to-" "Alice already called him. She pretended to be you. You are going on an educational camping trip with the family to Denali National Park in Alaska for two weeks. He agreed as long as you catch up with your school work, which won't be a problem. Edward can do it all as punishment if you like." Rosalie explained all this in a brisk manner, once again leaving me with a foot in my mouth. "Now get to the shower. You're a mess."

Silently I sat up, trying to find my bearings. Thankfully, to avoid me from making even more a fool of myself, Alice was picking me up, cradling me in her arms as she lead me off to a spotless bathroom. I wondered for a moment how often any of the Cullens bothered to even use this room, as spick and span as everything was. Hadn't Edward once say that his kind didn't need to attended to such needs as much as humans?

Alice made sure I was okay before she left me to undress. I did so slowly, peeling away my clothing as I thought of the welcoming shower. Carefully I perched on the edge of the tub, twisting at the knobs as I adjusted the temperature of the water. Steam formed quickly, clouding the overly large room that left me feeling exposed, as if I was standing in the middle of a field buck naked. I much preferred the close confines of my small bathroom.

A small grasp followed by a relaxing sigh escaped me as I slipped in under the pellets of hot water. I turned. Letting the water beat against my back; loosening my shoulders dramatically. Knots gave way to the heat, loosening my limbs till my legs felt wobbly and weak. It was now that I reached for the shampoo, pouring a good portion of the amber goo into my palm before lathering it into my hair.

My eyes slid closed with relaxation, my fingers rubbing gentle circular patterns over my scalp. I so desperately wanted to drag this out, to stay under the unrelenting heat of the showerhead. But I could almost imagine the growl that would be building in Rosalie's chest. And I, for one, was not too fond of having that anger directed towards me because I was lulling about in the shower. Yet, I almost allowed myself to accept the excuse that I was doing this to prolong the time of when I would be confronting Edward.

My fingers brushed over the area between by breasts, feeling for the invisible wound that still throbbed in time with my heart. At least I could stand it at the moment. It wasn't as bad as before, or even last night. But the pain was still there, causing my breathing to hitch. I only knew that I was still somewhat with it because my heart pounded out a constant beat, as erratic as it was, as if it was on the verge of sputtering out.

Lazily I tossed my head back, allowing the water to wash away the suds. I followed quickly with conditioner, slathering the thick, pale pink cream into the ends of my hair. None too gently I pulled my fingers through the tangled mass, in hopes of taming it some. Abandoning that hope, I grabbed for the soap and started to lather my self up, scrubbing away the thin layer of dirt that had accumulated on my body.

A few minutes later I was reluctantly climbing out of my warm refuge. A towel and a fresh set of clothes awaited me, and I was sure by the style and the baby pink shirt that these clothes belonged to Alice. Or at least she had bought them. Quickly drying the remaining beads of water and wrapping my hair up into my used towel, I started the near impossible task of working my damp body into the clothes. It reminded me of dressing up a Barbie doll. My skin caught at the fabric like rubber, making the clothing catch and roll, if they would move at all.

I did manage to dress myself properly, the fitted baby pink tee having been my biggest trick next to the cargo khaki pants. I noted that the bra and panties belonged to me, yet had not been the same ones that I had removed before the shower. This made her wonder as she removed the towel from her head and let her sodden her slap against her back. Quickly she grappled with it, her fingers snaring in the mess as she pulled it back into a fairly neat bun.

A little knock sounded at the door, making my body jump from the sudden surprise. Wheeling about, I started towards the door, pulling it open to find Alice once more. "It's about time." She teased lightly, that angelic smile on her mouth. "I already stopped and packed your things for you, to save you from the wrath of Rosalie. Really, I've never seen her this worked up over a matter that didn't concern her." Alice mused, her brows arching dramatically. Reaching out, she pulled me into her arms and with the speed that I knew and had grown to expect, I found myself outside, being set down on the ground before a darkly tinted car, the black windows matching well with the outrageously bright yellow paint. The silver scrawl proved that my first thoughts had been correct. This was the 911 Turbo that Alice had coveted.

The entire family, excluding one of course, stood outside, in the shadows, between two cars. They were splitting into groups, the boys in one car and the girls in the other. With this confirmation, we broke for the cars. I slide easily into the back seat, Esme following behind me as Alice to the drivers seat and Rosalie rode shot gun. The engine purred to light effortlessly as soon as Alice's fingers touched the ignition. And with the most subtle amount of pressure applied to the gas, the car broke into an unbelievably fast speed, much faster then other cars that would need the warm up before even thinking about going that fast.

"Denali, here we come."