Disclaimer: NOONE CAN TOUCH SETH EXPECT MEEE! ( fan girls slowly walk off) but I don't own FF12, or copyright stuff.

Luna: Yay!!! Seems I have a bit of a following! I'm glad you liked it, I honestly thought it was going to be a flop…Here it is…I'm real sorry about the lateness, I got my other fic and my DAMN SOCIAL LIFE! ( shifty eyes)

Chapter 3

Vaan lead Seth past a 'Demented Merchant' who flaunted his weapons to customers then screamed they weren't for sale, and some other street people. The type of people his mom warned him not to get near, even if they offered him candy.

Finally, they got to the boring looking slum house.

" Well, I have to go," said Penelo, smiling, " And…Vaan?"
" yeah?"
" Don't leave, okay?"
Seth nearly gagged. This girl was dropping more hints than a 50/50 on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionare.'

How blind are you, for the love of all that's legally downloadable!

" Of course…why would you say that, Penelo?" asked Vaan, who looked a bit guilty.

" I just don't want to lose anyone anymore…" she said, sadly, and then to Seth, " Bye Seth!"
Seth waved, blinking.

" She has it bad for you," stated Seth.

" Ah, shutup," said Vaan, shaking his head, " I was here first so I'm going to go on ahead to Dalans. See ya."
What is with all this ditching…? Next time I see him, I'm going to run off and do some mysterious other things.

He killed some time with his Ipod, and hummed to himself. He was on his 3rd song when Vaan appeared.

" How'd it go in there?" he asked, casually.

" Uh…fun. I'll see you-"
"-later, right? Wow, the people here have such social lives…"
And Vaan walked off.

Shrugging, Seth walked into Old Dalan's place.

Old Dalan reminded him of an ancient Arab guy, and he stroked a weird looking cat just like that guy in Austin Powers. That one played by Mike Myers…

" Er…hi," said Seth, casually.

" I've known of your jounary here for some time," he said, all mysteriously.

" Really?…Are you psychic or something?"
" No, I'm just well-informed. Word on the street was that some weird boy was roaming Dalamsa asking stupid questions and looking confused."

" Oh…" and the mystic quality of the man had quickly faded, and now he just reminded Seth of some sick drug dealer that shot up what he was supposed to sell a bit too much.

" What is it, you seek?"

" I want to go home, to Pennsylvania," said Seth, simply, " Do you know where that is?"
He looked thoughtful for awhile, and then said, " if you go to the castle, you'll find what you seek."
" Really? Thanks," said Seth, and walked out.

" What's Pennsylvania?" asked one of Dalan's groupies, curious.

" I have not the slightest idea."
" Then why did you send him to the castle?"
" Because Vaan is going to be there. It'll be interesting."

"…So, you just set him up, didn't you?"
" Oh, if you want to look at it that way…then perhaps."

Our oblivious 'hero' decided to go on and look for this castle. Trouble was, Low Town was like a frickin maze, and he completely forgot that he got here via staircase. He was too busy looking for some large Exit sign or some big ass door or something.

Poor Seth.

Eventually, he began to panic a bit.

Much like a father who's driving a long car trip and not knowing where the hell he's going, he'll just keep going without asking for directions until he desperately needs it. Seth went past his ' I know what I'm doing' phase into a ' Where THE HELL AM I!? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-insert more H's…

So Seth asked one of the helpful potential muggers where 'UpTown' was, since he assumed that's where he was before this was called; and he got another odd look. Then, possible mugger pointed out the staircase; which was 5 inches away from his current position. Feeling like a retarded monkey, he nodded and went his way.

So Seth walked through the city, lost as ever.

He was lost for 2 hours.

He had the sense of direction of a dying pigeon on acid.

When he finally got to the castle, Penelo was there first, being held back by guards.

" No! Vaan!" she cried, as the guards restrained the petite girl, " He did it on impulse! He didn't mean it!"

Vaan, some random British looking dude…and a…

Holy Shit! Does that chick have bunny ears!?

Seth eyed the PlayBoy bunny, in fascination and terror.

She stared back, her ruby eyes boring into him.

" Sorry, Penelo," said Vaan, sheepishly, " I'll give you your share next time."
One of the soldiers sighed and bashed him in the head with his gun.

The shackled man who reminded Seth of Hugh Grant for some unexplainable reason; handed her a piece of shiny stone.

"Please hold on to this for a while. At least until I can return Vaan to you," he said.

" You idiot!" She cried, as they were taken away.

Seth blinked, clearing his mind off of the odd, Play Boy Bunny girl.

" Penelo…" he said.

" Seth! Thank the gods!" she screeched, and clung to him, " You have to help me get Vaan out of there! He won't last! That idiot! That jerk!"
"…You wanna bone him," he said, dryly.

" Seth!" she cried, looking about to cry.

Feeling slightly guilty, he said, "…How?"
" I-I don't know…" answered Penelo, dejected and honest.

" We're figure it out," lied Seth, and led her away from the scary guards who looked as if they were out for blood.

Seth, however was confused.

Nothing happened there other than Vaan getting arrested…Whats up with that!?

He stayed calm, however.

Maybe, he had to help Vaan.

"…I have an idea," said Seth, suddenly.

Penelo brightened.

"…I'll do something illegal. And they'll sent me to jail," he said, " Then I could break Vaan free."
Break him free?! What am I saying? I'm 16, I've never done any hard time or anything real illegal expect that one time I got piss drunk at that party and that girl hooked up with me…but she came on to me, anyway…Or that time I jaywalked.

" What? But…you don't even know me or Vaan that well…" said Penelo, surprised.

" Eh, just call it my good deed for today," he said, pasting on a false smile.

This is SO gonna suck.

Oh, yes it was, dear Sethy.

So, he decided he'd have himself a 5 finger discount.

On a bottle of potion.

This 'potion' was a pretty shade of blue, and he was honestly interested to find out what it tasted like. Blueberry? …Watermelon? Oh, the possibilities…

So he very deliberately took it and stuck it in his pants jeans.

" STOP THEIF!" cried someone.

And he was off.

Run Seth, run.

He gave quite a chase, too.

Before…well…they got him.

And that, kids, is how Seth got a jail time record.

They escorted him into the jail area. It was the oddest one he's ever seen…ever.

Seth walked around the area, clutching his ass a little; scared of what may happen if he were to bend down or turn his back around.

"…Vaan?" he asked, blinking.

The people there were nice.

If you considered anti-social, fearful, rapisty looking people nice.

A pig thing gave him the once over.

Seth wanted to die.

So…he played his Ipod.

But only in one ear…he had to be semi-aware.

That's when he saw a brawl, a bunch of pig things against…Vaan and that Hugh Grant dude.

So Seth jumped in.

" Seth?" asked Vaan, socking one in the mouth.

" Yeah…Penelo sent me."

" Oh…"

Seth ended up getting pushed down, and moaned as he hit the floor.

So he reflected the light from his Ipod and blinded one, giving British man the edge.

" Why thank you," he said, smirking, " The name's Baltheir-"

" Seth-"

Seth ducked as the pig's fist connected with what could've been his head.

Ahhh…Prison life.

Luna: Short, I know. I'll update faster, I promise…REVIEW!?