A/N-I'm sorry that I haven't written anything in an extremely long time. At the moment I am depressed, and this helps me to clear my mind.

Disclaimer-I don't own Pete Ross, Chloe Sullivan, or any of the other characters related to Smallville. All I own is this poem.

One Wish

I only wish,

That you would give me a chance,

I've always been there for you,

My heart feels like its going to explode when I'm next to you.

I know,

That you love him,

He's my best friend,

And I can't help but feel a little guilty,

Even though I know that he's always had eyes for someone else.

I wish,

That I wasn't "just your best friend",

I'm sick of playing this charade,

Sick of hiding in the dark.

I love you,

I always have,

And I probably will,

I can't help it,

That you're all I see.

I wish,

That you'd see me in a different light,

That you'd stop loving him,

I know he's my best friend,

But he doesn't love you,

Can't you see that?

My one wish,

Is to be with you,

Although I know it won't come true,

He'll always be my best friend,

And the one you love in your heart,

And even though this may make things awkward between us,

I have to say what's on my mind,

And what's always in my heart,

I love you Chloe.