Hello! So this chapter is the boys point of view, so don't get confused…. It starts where the last chapter started. So just keep that in mind….


I don't own Avatar. I own 2 Avatar shirts, 2 boxes of avatar band-aids, some Airheads wrappers with Aang on them, Avatar flipbook stickers (from the Airheads)… but not the actual series….

When they split up, Sokka took Toph's hand. He told her that they had to stick together, then gave it no further thought. He turned around as Toph said,

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Sokka tried to ignore her, he just wanted to focus on finding Suki. He remembered when they had reunited at Full Moon Bay, how he hadn't recognized her, and how she had kissed him on the cheek. He remembered his face growing hot, and the overwhelming tingly feeling that had passed through him. As he reminisced, he felt something, something that he hadn't felt since he held Yue's limp form in his arms.

Could it be… love? He thought, eyes searching for Suki.

Maybe it is, I mean, she makes me feel all… wait! Sokka, don't think that, it's not very manly… He sighed.

Well it doesn't matter. I don't care. I mean, I do care. I care a lot. I… I love her. I think… He thought, still slightly doubtful. His eyes scanned the crowd for the green of the guard's uniform. He saw a flash of color, standing out from the duller tones of the refugee's clothing.

"Suki?" He began to run, dragging Toph behind him. "Suki!" Sokka reached her, and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around, and gasped. He kissed her. At that moment, all doubts of his feelings for her disappeared. When they broke apart, Sokka spoke.


Noticing the crowd, Aang grabbed Katara's hand.

"It would stink if we got split up," he said. Turning around, he smiled. Her hand was in his, and he never wanted to let it go. He realized that what he wanted most was to have her safe. He would defeat the Fire Lord, it was his duty. He would restore balance to the world, but what he really wanted to do was protect Katara. he did care about his Avatar duties, but they were something he felt he had to do, more than something he really wanted to do. He did want the war to stop, but he also kind of wanted someone else to do it. He didn't really care about impressing her,

Although that would be alright... Aang smiled a little, picturing him, the hero, and Katara looking up at him, enamoured.

But that's not as important as keeping her safe, he resolved.

If anything ever happened to her, I... I don't know what I'd do. He

tightened his grip on her hand, at the same time she tightened her grip on

his. He shivered, feeling her holding his hand.

She is so beautiful, I'll never be good enough. She deserves a great

guy, and all I can give her is protection. Hopefully I can give her

protection. He heard Katara say something, and turned around.

"Did you say something Katara?" Katara looked at him, and Aang


Why is she staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?

Katara seemed to realize she was staring, and blushed as well.

"What? No..."

"Okay! I must be hearing things!" He joked, and grinned, scratching

the back of his head.

Oh, very witty remark, very smooth, that definitely impressed her... Aang

thought, mentally banging his head against a tree trunk. Katara took his

hands, smiling at the look that was on his face.

"Come on, let's go find Suki," she said, eyes gentle, but as Aang stared

into them, he thought he saw sadness. Wondering what was wrong, he


"Are you okay?" Katara shook her head, distracted.

"Hm? Oh, no, I'm fine." Aang smiled, but didn't completely believe her.

"Yeah, let's go."

Chapter 6! I'm depressed... dunno why... maybe it's because we all have to wait

so long for the Avatar season premiere... right, well, bye then!