by: Alexandra Cave
A Note: This is a retelling of the myth of Eris's Golden Apple. I am very proud of this little story, because it is the first (and only, so far) story I have been able to get published. So, in that light, I am asking you not to steal it and claim it as your own. It's special to me, dudes. So be nice. :D If anyone wants a link to the site where it was published, just ask me. What I thought was kinda funny about this story being published, is that I originally wrote this for a Latin project. XD Go figure, eh?

"How dare you."

Those single words, spoken from the mouth of a goddess, made the entire gathering come to an abrupt halt.

But, those words were not spoken by just any goddess - they were spoken by Eris, the goddess of anarchy and strife.

"How dare you," she repeated again as she slowly made her way into the hall. "You hold a party, and have the audacity to not invite me."

Eris came to a halt before the two who were to be wed: Peleus and Thetis. She smiled thinly as they quaked with fear. She knew they were now regretting their decision, how much more they would come to regret it in the coming days, months and even years.

"Are these the two who forgot me?" Her voice dripped venom as she stretched out a hand towards Thetis. Thetis flinched, but Eris only stroked her cheek softly, once, before dropping the hand and turning to face the hall.

"But I." She paused as she looked around at the pale faces watching her. "I am kind, and I am willing to forgive a mistake. So, in honor of this marriage, I have brought... a gift, yes, a gift."

Everyone shifted, and murmurs began: Eris, bringing a gift? Eris, forgiving?

Slowly, Eris brought out a shining, golden apple. She held it up, twisting and turning it around for all to see. All of the goddesses leaned forward, trying to read the writing inscribed upon it.

With a final smile, Eris shrieked a single word, "Kallisti!"

She threw the apple into the air, and vanished.

The apple landed in front of Peleus and Thetis, spinning. When it finally stopped, the writing was clear: "Kallisti -- For the Fairest."