Disclaimer: You're kidding, right?


Chapter 6: Midgar.

Working in Shinra means you live in Midgar. No exceptions. Therefore, you should probably know a bit about the city.

Just kidding. You don't care. Even so, I'm getting paid to do this.

Midgar! Ah, the glorious city. Just kidding again. This is the worst city on the face of Gaia, truly a disgrace. I love it here.

There are 8 sections. They're named: Sector 1, Sector 2, Sector 3, Sector 4, Sector 5, Sector 6, Sector 7, and Sector 8. The first president of Shinra wasn't famous for his creativity, and the "Mayor" Domino doesn't give a shit either way. Section 1 is the nicest, section 8 is the worst. The executives live in Sector 1. I live in Sector 3. You, the Shinra Grunt, live in Sector 7.

The more affluent residents live up in the higher sections. Middle class people might live in Sector 3 or 5. But the majority of residents of Midgar live in the slums.

Ah, the slums. I went down there once. I still have the scars on my forehead and anus. If you're lucky, you'll never have to go down there. However, if you do something to upset the president, you might be assigned to guard duty down there.

It's also a good way to reduce headcount. The human resources director, Heidegger, thought up that one. It's the least humane, but cheapest, way to trim unneeded employees. It works.

The best part of the slums is wall market. The best part of wall market is the brothel. Since Don Corneo found a loophole in the anti-prostitution law (not that it had ever done anything anyway), he opened up his brothel, and no law officers have done anything to try to stop him. That's mostly because the law officers are some of Corneo's best customers.

A noticeable part of Midgar is the Mako reactors in each sector. Leave them alone. Never touch them. Never go inside them. Never allow anyone you know to go inside them.

Midgar is also the most polluted city on Gaia, out-polluting even Rocket Town. I think the pollution gives the place a nice touch, just like home. The fact that I'm an illegitimate child of Don Corneo and was actually raised in a terrible part of the Sector 8 slums has no bearing on that.

So Midgar is the city of pollution, government-sanctioned slums, prostitution, Mako reactors, and illegitimate children who grow up to write user manuals. Aren't you glad you work for Shinra?


FAQ Section: Frequently asked questions about Midgar!

Q: Can I move?

A: Yes, provided you send me three thousand gil and a hair off of Sephiroth's head.

Q: What's Sephiroth?

A: Oh good, you don't know.

Q: Is it possible to clean this place up?

A: Sure, here's a mop and bucket.

Q: I'm getting lung cancer from all the smoke! What can I do?

A: You can die, suck it up and go back to work, or take your chances with Hojo. I wouldn't suggest the third one.

Q: Is there a documented history of Midgar?

A: Sure, in the brains of Rufus Shinra's dead father's brain. It's possible to get the info out of there, but again; I wouldn't suggest it, as only Hojo has that technology.

Q: Is this place protected against an outside attack?

A: Uhh...err…is it time for the next chapter yet?