Here you go, everyone. The final chapter. It's short, but juiceh. xD

Review and tell me what you think.

Once reaching their bedroom, and yelling at Takeshi to leave, the boys immediately raced to the bed, groping and stripping each other. Satoshi gently pushed Daisuke onto the bed, seizing his mouth, ravaging his clothes.

Niwa whimpered slightly as he noticed the pale teen on top of him didn't need help getting rid of his clothes, as they were already on the ground. "Daisuke… Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Hiwatari asked between nips at sensitive flesh.

The boy below him only moaned and writhed. Accepting this as an invitation, Satoshi's fingers lambently crawled up his thigh, seeking to please. The fingers found the rewarding spot, massaged for a few moments, then plundered inside.

Daisuke gave a loud scream, the unexpected pain drowning all previous ecstasy. "S-Satoshi… I-I think it needs to be wet… It hurts…"

Feeling awkward from eagerness, Satoshi slid his finger out, scouring the room for something "wet". Thinking of nothing else. Hiwatari scuttled into the bathroom and returned with a bottle of conditioner. "The only thing I could think of."

Satoshi settled back onto the bed, coddling Daisuke with deft hands, and regained the interrupted process with proper lubrication. This time, Niwa groaned. It felt better than last time but it was still uncomfortable.

"Would you like to be on top? It would probably hurt less." Hiwatari asked, tracing his lover's curves.

"N-no." he murmured, embarrassed. His boyfriend smirked.

Instantly the smirk turned sour. Daisuke's eyebrows pinched together confused. Satoshi tensed, grabbing the boy harshly, a sad and hurt expression donning his face. "K-Krad's …Once we're connected, he'll be gone… He doesn't like that…"

"Then we should hurry." Niwa blushed at his suggestion, realizing after he said it what it meant, "I-I mean-"

"You're right. Before he comes out." Satoshi gasped and fought for control. Another finger joined the first. Daisuke clenched his eyes together and gripped the bed sheets.

"If it's too much… I suppose… you could… enter me?" Hiwatari looked elsewhere, pink brightening his face.

The Niwa was taken aback, "No! I wouldn't- … Er, it's not that bad. I can handle it for a little longer."

Relief spread on the teen's face, enthralled that his dominance was not going to be threatened. He inserted the third finger, twisting his hand, attempting to loosen the cramped confinements.

Another jolt of pain strained Hiwatari's body into conflict. Dominating his partner and his own body were two completely different things, as he found.

"Get inside me." Niwa nearly shouted and was shocked once again from his own words.

He could feel Dark being ripped away from his mind, leaving a gaping chasm. Satoshi poised himself in front of his lover's entrance, preparing to consummate their love and life.

"You ready?"

A nod.

Tears cascaded the Niwa's face as his other self was wrenched from him and the pain devastating his body worsened. Saying one last farewell, he returned to the present, and noticed the pain had dulled.

When he opened his eyes to peer at how Satoshi was faring, he stared into gold eyes.


The boy shrieked in agony as Krad violently thrust into him, shredding his insides. But within that same instant, Satoshi was back, shaking and sweating from exertion. "S-sorry."

Hiwatari's personalities continued to flicker and waver as he slowly began pumping into his lover. The combined pressure of Daisuke's muscles and struggling with his own curse made him convulse in pleasure. Perhaps he was a masochist.

His lips sought warmth, decanting his own pleasure onto Daisuke's tender flesh. The teen moaned graciously, and wound his arms around Hiwatari's neck. The pain seemed nonexistent now. And Niwa reveled in the gained satisfaction.

Demonstrating his enjoyment by bucking his hips slightly into Satoshi's, he was rewarded with a swift thrust. "S-Satoshi…"

"Yes?" The boy groaned, clutching onto his lover's shoulders and forcing himself deeper. Niwa screamed in bliss, cleaving into anything he could touch, as an avid gasp of burning passion emitted from Satoshi.

"I-I'm already…" Daisuke panted. His white-knuckled hands snaked around his lover's neck, dragging him down for a quick, sloppy kiss. Hiwatari immersed himself in the kiss, the thrust of his tongue corresponding with his hips, delving into two holes at once- filling Niwa as much as possible.

Uh, Dai, not to interrupt or anything… Dark's audacious voice broke all intimacy. Krad, stop! L-lea-

Dark… We had a deal.

No! I am not flexible! The Phantom pleaded.

Get. Naked.

Daisuke almost laughed. Almost. For as the same time that Dark and Krad were bonding, Satoshi had clasped the boy's raging arousal with one hand, the other remaining on his shoulder- forcing himself through a circle of contracting muscles.

Instead of laughing, the Niwa gave another deafening scream, doused in desire opposed to pain. He felt Dark and Krad coiling inside him, expelling and spewing out, leaving a trail of thoughts and memories as they spiraled into Satoshi, nearing wholeness.

"Daisuke… Dark says… Good bye." Hiwatari groaned each word, beseeching his lungs for mercy. However, the only condolence he received was a sharp yank at his head forcing him closer to Daisuke.

The boy looked feral, though regret shown clearly over Krad's possessing disposition, "Master. You betrayed me."

Satoshi laughed in Krad's face and continued thrusting.

"S-sor-" Daisuke began, only to have his words swallowed and played with by Hiwatari's skillful mouth.

Niwa nearly choked on the teen's tongue when his soliciting member was clutched and stroked vigorously. Resisting a pealing moan, Daisuke's white fluid covered his partner's chest.

Satoshi groaned- muscles tensed in a different overpowering feeling, pushing into the constricting boy until spilling his own release.

A ravine opened in their chaotic minds, consigning the curse back into the Black Wings and filling the fissure with each other. The connection laced and intertwined around their bodies, their minds. Far deeper than matrimony or fidelity.

An unbreakable bond of consecrated love and passion.

… …

"Guys, it's time to leave!" A raucous voice shouted from outside their door.

Hiwatari stirred, annoyed by the interruption. Though what is the reporter interrupting? He thought to himself.

Recalling the recent events, he remembered that Daisuke and he had… consummated their relationship…

But after that?

He didn't remember falling asleep. Didn't even remember pulling out of his lover.

Opening his eyes just a peek, Hiwatari saw Daisuke slumbering peacefully in his arms. We must have passed out.

Suddenly the door slammed open, revealing two flustered girls and one grinning reporter. They stared at their two male friends in bed, stark naked, ruffled and searing with lewdness.

Satoshi stared back; when Daisuke shuffled around in his sleep, then sat up rubbing his eyes, he joined this staring contest. Confused, Niwa attempted to figure out why his three friends were gaping-

And then he noticed he was naked. There were no covers or blankets to shield him, only Satoshi's bare body.

Satoshi, realizing his lover was awake, found the missing blanket and effectively covered himself and the boy.

"A courtesy wake up call?" Hiwatari scoffed, "I do not believe we ordered one."

"That's why it's called a 'courtesy' wake up call. You don't need to bother yourself with asking." Takeshi replied, grinning even wider, "You have five minutes to get ready…"

Great. Hiwatari thought.

I know. This is going to be tough. A tired tone answered.

Startled, Satoshi looked to Daisuke.

The boy stared back bemused.

Definitely an indelible bond.

I orginally wanted the ending to be Emiko hugging Satoshi, accepting him into the family... But all I could picture was a knife behind her back, urging the boy forward. oo'' I just couldn't do it.

Thank you for sticking with me! I want to thank Avven, for she provided a lot of insight. Tankies.

Also, Ihni, Killah-sama, DarkInuangel and Alphonseelric22 for well... you people were the first ones to review and have continued to do so. Thank you!!

And... SatoDai was a really good critic, though where he/she has gone, I do not know.