Welcome to Something New in His Eyes - Neji x Hinata. This is my second NejiHina story, and I think it's better than the last one, this is gonna be really sad, and it's told from Neji's point of view for most of the time. I might tell part of it from Hinata's POV, but mostly Neji.

Summary: Neji wants Hinata, Hinata wants Naruto, and Naruto doesn't know what he wants! When Neji offers to help Hinata train to obtain Naruto's affection, he's really trying to get her to fall in love with me! Will he meet his goal? Or will Hinata's heart be broken? NejiHina, HinaNaru, SasuHina, SakuNaru/NaruSaku


This fanfiction is dedicated to Clara H. Thanks for giving me the idea of Neji's training to Hinata. You're a great drawer, I wish you the best of luck! Thanks for being my friend.

Chapter One

I've never hated Hinata-sama. Never in my life have I hated her. I only ever hated the main branch, and once I found out about my father's sacrifice for his brother, I knew that I could no longer hate them, now understanding that my father's fate had been sealed by myself. I was no longer a caged bird.

The first time I saw her, Hinata was three. The moment I saw her, her gentle eyes and cute way of hiding behind her father, I couldn't help but smile. She was cute. There aren't many words for it, but cute matched her best. Back then, I had no idea about the cadet branches fate, however. I didn't mind. Even after the seal was placed on my forehead, I had no idea of the main branches power and their 'horrid' lifestyle.

After my father died, life was difficult to live. I was alone. I had hatred boiling inside of me for my own uncle, but I decided to throw it all at the main branch, so that it could be widespread, perhaps effect more people. If I had chosen to hate merely her father, would I have shown so much cruelness to Hinata? Sometimes I worry that I might have shown more. At other times, I think I would've shown less. But it's too late to turn back now, and I know I've scarred her, physically and emotionally, and in all the worst ways.

Which is why I'm walking down this dirt road through the forest in the first place. I know this is where Hinata-sama trains, where it is safe and quiet, where she does not have to worry about anyone intruding on her or ridiculing her, like they do at her home. I want to help her, and I can already hear her voice as she trains alone as usual.

When I enter the clearing Hinata is in, she's got herself curled into a ball, her back to a tree. I can hear her soft sobbing, and my heart feelings like it is about to crumble. She's crying, and that worries me. But I can't let her know that I'm going to go easy on her. This training I want to help her with will be difficult.

"Hinata!" I snap. She jerks up at once.

"Oh...Neji-niisan, I didn't see — I didn't see you th-there..." Hinata says, swallowing and wiping her eyes, before blinking tears away. I try to scowl and look annoyed, but I fail. She is too gentle and sad for me to feel very mad at her.

"Get up." I order her. She stares at me in disbelief and I know that she's confused, maybe a bit frightened that I'm ordering her around. "Get up. I'm going to help you train so that Naruto will notice you." I snap again, keeping my voice strict. Of course, this is not my plan at all. I want to help her, I don't want Naruto noticing my cousin, though. I won't allow it. I start trying to devise a plan to make Hinata hate Naruto in my head.

"N-Neji-niisan..." stammers Hinata, still in slight shock by my sudden offer to help her. When I reach my hand out to her to help her up, Hinata takes it gently and pulls her self to her feet. It takes all of my willpower to stop from grinning, because she's smiling at me now.

"Now, come on. Show me all you've got." I say, my voice still a bit more harsh than I need it to be. I realize this, and soften it. "I won't go easy on you, got that?" I warn, the smallest of smiles on my lips.

"Hai, Neji-kun!" she says, and I blink with surprise at her willingness. She's in her stance, Byakugan already activated. I smirk, this, I think I might enjoy this. I can tell she's gotten stronger, even if she doesn't know it.

Two Hours Later

"Get up, Hinata! Come on!" I yell, having a hard time staying strict with her as she pants on the ground, trying her hardest to stand. When she forces herself to her feet, my eyes can only widen with amazement. Blood is dripping down her chin, yet her eyes show the same determination from our chunin exam fight. The same need to change.

She's fast, and she knows it. She jumps at me, thrusting her palms, chakra glowing, getting much too close for my taste. But I'm having such a hard time blocking her moves it's difficult for me to attack back.

Finally, I am able to hit her in the chest and send her flying. I feel guilty for doing this, as I see her hit the ground hard and try and stand. "ENOUGH!" I finally yell, worried that she will end up killing herself from the amount of effort she's putting into this.

"Neji—Neji-niisan..." she gasps through her heavy breathing. Her eyes are no longer activated and are half-closed, like she's about to fall asleep. Blood trickles down her chin as she forces herself to sit up. Then she coughs — up blood.

As she falls back onto the ground, all I can do is sigh and gently pick her up in my arms. She's been through hell lately, and I'm just making it worse. My stomach clenches with guilt as I remember I am not doing this for Hinata's sake, but for mine. I sighed as we begin to walk back to the estate, wondering how her father will react to see her in this condition.

Ten Minutes Later

He reacts badly. "Neji, what have you done to Hinata?!" he snarls at me, lifting his hand, warning me that the seal on my forehead might be activated. Fear clutches me, but I try and swallow it down, knowing that I have to keep my cool. If I tell him the truth and Hinata backs me up when she awakes, nothing bad will happen — I hope.

"I offered to help Hinata train, and she accepted. I believe she just pushed herself a bit much when she started coughing up blood, so I thought it best to bring her back here." I say, keeping my voice steady. This is no time to get stuttery, I have to keep my cool and pray that Hinata will back me up. Luckily, he lowers his hand.

"Alright. HANABI!" he yells, calling my younger cousin downstairs. I can hear her feet pounding on the stairs and watch as she nearly trips into the room. "Hanabi, help Neji take Hinata to her room, please." my uncle says with much more kindness than he has ever given Hinata or me. Hanabi nods and helps me carry Hinata to her room.

Once we're upstairs, Hanabi sits on the floor, crossing her legs and staring at me. I sit at the edge of Hinata's bed, staring at the floor, not wanting to make eye-contact with Hanabi. She's wondering why I'm here.

"Neji-niisan, why is oneechan injured?" Hanabi asks loudly, her voice filled with curiously. I sigh, cursing Hanabi for being of the main branch and having the ability to order me around.

"We were training." It's not a lie, but it's not the complete truth. I hope and hope she won't badger me anymore, and luck shines on me, as she quiets and sighs. I feel bad for being so strict, Hanabi is different from her father, she worries for her sister, and believes that Hinata's stronger than she seems to show.

"Hanabi-san, you don't have to stay here. I'll take care of Hinata-san." I say, trying to sound as polite as possible, even though I'm just hoping she'll leave for I'll have time with Hinata. I want to wake her up and see what she has to say. I want her to feel for me what I feel for her, but I'm frightened, she's probably just gotten closer to Naruto. I feel impatience burning inside of me as I await Hanabi's answer, and take a deep breath to keep from screaming.

"Okay, Neji-niisan. Tell me when she awakes." Hanabi says, and I'm even more shocked at my good fortune. She stands and waves, smiling and going to her own room. Then I realize that Hinata may not wake for a long time, and if she doesn't wake for a while, I'm going to have to say something or the main branch will become suspicious.

I lean back on the wooden stakes that keep Hinata's small bed up and watch her. Carefully, I whisper my finger across her bottom lip, first to get the blood away, and then I have the urge to touch her skin more. My fingers brush against her cheeks bone and then I gently lean down and kiss her pale forehead delicately, taking a great chance, and praying that she won't wake. I really am having a lucky day — she does not.

I can't help myself. Slowly, I reach out my hand and touch hers. It's so pale, I'm shocked, and I can't stop myself when I pick it up and squeeze it. I close my eyes, paying no attention, and press my lips to her beautiful fingers.

"Neji-kun, wha—what are you doing?"

Hope you enjoyed! I'm uploading GaarHina and the third chapter of SakuNaru soon. And the second chapter will be up on this too! I LOVE writing fanfics! Wewt!