Kendra hugged me goodbye at my doorstep. It was just like a girl date. She was still hyperventilating and I wondered just what she would think of everything in the morning. Maybe pass it off as a very bizarre dream in which she had played the bad role. Not quite the villain, just the villain's pawn or lackey or whatever they were called.

As for myself, I just couldn't believe my beloved instructor was actually an evil fairy who had once had the hots for my boss who was really under a curse she had put on him. Life sure was fascinating.

So I figured Kendra and I had both been through enough and that we might as well call it even, though I wasn't sure what I had done to her that required an idea of evening out things. But at least I forgave her. My poor, deluded, incredibly artistic best friend.

I truly had a lot to think about. Lots and lots and I didn't know how I was ever going to process it all. Life sure was a ridiculous mess. Was I supposed to feel bad for Rowe or Rowan or whatever I was supposed to call him? Yes, I was still incredibly attracted to Rowe.


I entered the apartment and threw myself down on the newly slip-covered couch. How could I hate Kendra for stealing my magic wand for an evil fairy when she was such a fantastic decorator? Here was to truly hoping this would all come off as a dream for her. I stared at my bookshelf, right at the Complete Works of the Brother's Grimm. Fairy tales. Always fairy tales. Chock full of transformation. It was supposed to be romantic. But why did Rowan have to be so weird? Nevertheless, I got up, pulled the book from the shelf, and flipped to a random tale. I fell asleep that way.

Thankfully, my alarm clock was loud enough to rouse me up just in time. I looked awful. My hair was a mess, I had not removed my make-up, and it was wonderfully because it made for me the perfect excuse to hop into the shower. I used sudsy shampoo that smelled like apples, I used a sugar scrub, and I straightened my hair flat.

I didn't usually where my hair down. I had always thought wearing one's hair down was boring. But as I studied my reflection in the mirror I decided I liked it. It was… normal. Pretty. I matched it with bright yellow eye shadow, realized how incredibly gorgeous I was, and decided it was the perfect day to take on evil fairies and enchanted men and all those princesses.

I marched into the salon with my head held high and a smile on my pink-lipsticked lips. Mary also smiled when she spotted me. "You look happy."

"My best friend stole my magic wand last night."

"What?" Her face looked good with surprise. She had managed some eyeliner. Made her surprised eyes really pop. "Who?"

"Kendra. You should meet. I imagine you would instantly hit it off."

"She took your wand? Tansy, you know you're not supposed to go waving that thing around and announcing to the world what it is! For one thing they'll all think you're absolutely crazy and for another bad things like getting it stolen happen."

"Don't worry, I got it back." I pulled it from my purse as an example. "She gave it to an evil fairy. Your evil fairy."


"That's such an awful name."

"I know." Mary sighed and leaned back in her chair. "I can't believe this. I hate fairies. I hate my own kind. Well, my mom's kind, anyway. Why couldn't I have been a mere full mortal? At least less fairy kind."

"Did you talk to…" I nodded at the boss' door, unsure of how to anymore refer to the man. "Him?"

She nodded. "He seemed surprised, but he said he didn't see why we probably couldn't attend. All of us. He thought it would be fun for everyone, actually. He's going to talk to people, see if he can't make it a big cross-story to-do. Does that sound like he's plotting something to you? He must be involved with Fiardiltia."

"I don't think he is. When I went to get my wand back last night, well, she seemed really pissed off at him."

"It could have been just an act."

"I don't think it was."

"You sound so sure." She pursed her lips and leaned forward. "She put the spell on him. Is this important to you?"

I shrugged. Last night's fairy tale indulgence had been absolutely no help. Was I really such a silly hopeless romantic? "I guess I say I believe it wasn't him when he said he didn't attack us."

"Then who attacked us?"

"That's what I would like to know. I should get to the salon. See who is coming in."

All the girls stared at me as I entered. All those eyes, staring at me in fascination and worry.

"Are you all right?" Brittany asked.

"About what?" They hadn't heard about the attack, had they?

"You were attacked in the Snow White door. You and Mary."

Veronica nodded emphatically.

"We all heard about it," Linda said. "Fairy tale disaster stories don't stay secret here."

"Oh, yeah. It was… well, it was absolutely terrifying." I told the story briefly, leaving out the part about Rowe. Probably made the story make no sense, but if they had heard everything, they already knew. "Does that happen often?"

"Sometimes things happen, but nothing like that!" Alexis said. "Maybe you're bad luck. Don't worry, I still adore you."

"Bad luck. Of course." I settled at my station and picked up my appointment book. Oh, no. My first one was Snow White. Would she show this time?

And she did. She strutted through the door in a pale pink dress, looking moodier than ever.

"Hello, Tansy," she snapped as she sat in the chair.

"Hello, Snow White," I said tentatively. "Are you all right?

"No. As you perfectly well know."

"Last night?"

"What else? Stupid comb. Some woman comes by, tries to sell me a comb, then proceeds to stab me with it. Luckily the dwarves came by soon." She smiled warmly at that.

Oh, dear. She had just shown a sign of a heart. "Um, that was me."

"That was you!" She jerked so much the hairbrush I was lowering fell from my hands. "The little creeps told me they saved me! You pulled the comb out?"

I didn't dare answer.

"Of course you would. Because you're nice. Thank-you, Tansy. No other beautician would have ever done that for me."

"You're welcome." Basic response, but it was the first thing out of my mouth. And it worked. Appropriate. I had just never expected to be thanked by Snow White before.

I wondered if I should warn her about the corset.

It was my lunch break. I was getting my sandwich out of the fridge when Mr. Maser/Rowe appeared. He stepped into our little staff area, looking sheepish to be there.

We were the only two.

Incredibly awkward.

I stared at him. My pop was freezing my hand. "You."

He nodded. "Me."

I continued to stare. I had always thought staring was rude, but in this situation I simply couldn't help it. Who was this?

"Did you think about what I said?"

I nodded. "I don't think you're evil."

"You don't?" He exhaled. Apparently he had been holding his breath awhile. "That's a relief."

"Is that all you're going to say? I'm hungry."

"Did you believe me about the curse?"

At that moment I really did. I just couldn't say it. Instead I marched from the room. "I don't date older men."