New, New, New!
(This chapter just talks about Kagome and her first time going to the new high school)
Kagome's mother drove the new van steadily toward East High, Kagome's new high school.
"Ma, I really don't want to do this." Kagome whined impatiently.
"Sweetie," Her mother replied, "You are going to love your new school. I have heard that it has sky-rocket ratings and the electives are fantastic!"
"I don't care! I don't want to go!" Kagome squealed like an unpleased child.
Kagome's mom gave her a comforting push, and drove off onto Main Street.
'Great, just what I need….' Kagome thought.
Kagome shyly entered the school. She scurried over to the front desk.
"Mrs. Banta, how may I help you?" an elderly women squeaked excitedly.
"My name is Kagome Higurashi. I am new here. I need a hall pass, agenda, and class schedule please." Kagome said in a polite manner.
"Oh, okay. I will get you your starter stuff," The lady turned around and shuffled over to a cabinet near her desk.
"Higurashi, Higurashi….." She muttered to herself. "Sweetie, we have no records of a student with the last name of Higurashi."
"Oh," Kagome frowned.
"Okay. Since you are not in our school data base, we need your name and address." The lady placed her hands on the computer letters, getting ready to type.
"Your name please," The lady asked Kagome.
"My name is Kagome Higurashi." Kagome said through her innocent smile.
"Address?" The lady asked.
"852 Beach Avenue, California." Kagome flipped her long, black hair out of her eyes and smiled sweetly.
The lady handed her the papers she needed, and she was on her way to first period.
'Where do I go? Where do I go?! I have 5 minutes to get to class and I have no clue where my classes are!' Kagome thought in horror.
She hurried around the school frantically, not even looking at her surroundings. A boy stopped her on the main hallway.
"What is a pretty lady like you doing in my hallway?" A guy with glossy black hair and a robe stood in front of her.
'Wow' she gasped
"Um….I am looking for my classes…..'cause……uh…………I am new…." She managed to blurt.
"What's your name, Girly?"
'Gosh this guy is smooth' she thought in dream.
"My name is Ka-Kagome." She stuttered nervously.
"My name is Miroku." He smiled at her through shy eyes.
"Well, Kagome, I will be seeing you around…" He said in an irresistible tone. With one flip of his hair, he strutted in the opposite direction.
Kagome ran forward.
'Mrs. Livana, my first class.'
She quietly opened the door, to see a crowd of around 60 eyes staring back at her. Kagome approached the front desk eagerly, where a young blonde lady sat perched on a comfy chair, typing on her laptop.
"May I help you in some way?" The lady asked, her curly lips forming into a smile.
"My name is Kagome and I am new. Where should I take a seat?" she asked, relieved that she found the right class.
"Right over there," The lady pointed to a chair in the right back corner of the classroom, next to a gorgeous guy with long, silver hair and yellowish-brown eyes.
"Thank you" Kagome squeaked, and tiptoed to her seat. She glanced at the boy next to her. He was more gorgeous than anyone she had ever seen. He turned and caught her eyes. She felt like she was looking in to the eyes of destiny. This was her moment, and she knew he could feel it too, until the teacher interrupted.
'Stupid teacher!'
Kagome wanted any chance she could get to replay that moment, but it washed away like a flooded city…..
"Kagome, Inuyasha, Get back to work!" she said, annoyed.
'2 minutes passed and Kagome, our new student, is already getting in trouble,' The teacher thought with a smirk.
'So, his name is Inuyasha, eh? Sounds totally hot!' Kagome thought in a dream.
'This is going to be the start of a new friendship'